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There have been 14 items by Josh H (Search limited from 07-June 23)

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#21916 What else would you like to see for e-Sword?

Posted by Josh H on 26 August 2014 - 04:49 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Hey Josh,


These classic works would be awesome to have and as far as I know aren't available in e-Sword as of yet...


AT Robertson..."The Glory of the Ministry", "Jesus and the Pharisees". He also has commentaries on Matthew, Mark, Philippians, James, etc.

Andrew Murray's Commentary on Hebrews "The Holiest of All"

Charles Bridges "The Christian Ministry"

Memoir and Remains of the Rev. Robert Murray McCheyne by Andrew Bonar

Life and Diary of Andrew Bonar




#18463 JFB - Un abridged commentary down for review - Complete & Uploaded

Posted by Josh H on 03 September 2013 - 04:39 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

I saw this in John 15:2, 4th paragraph down...


Obser e no the proced re of the great H sbandman to ard each Eer fr itless branch He "taketh aa" Observe now the procedure of the great Husbandman toward each.

#18677 E.M.Bounds

Posted by Josh H on 17 September 2013 - 04:11 PM in Module Requests



This book was originally titled Satan: His personality, power and overthrow.


Good news, looks like David Cox turned this book into a module for theWord and I bet it wouldn't be that hard for someone on this site to convert it to e-Sword.


Here's the link...








Josh H

#18679 E.M.Bounds

Posted by Josh H on 17 September 2013 - 05:02 PM in Module Requests

Thanks Bill looking forward to it!

#19288 Books - Jowett, J.H. - The Whole Armour of God Droid MySword Version

Posted by Josh H on 05 November 2013 - 10:24 PM in New MySword Downloads

File Name: Jowett, J.H. - The Whole Armour of God Droid MySword Version

File Submitter: Josh H

File Submitted: 05 Nov 2013

File Category: Books

Author: Jowett, J.H.
Suggest New Tag:: The Armor of God, Spiritual Warfare

Here's a short bio from the CCEL website...

Posted Image
John Henry Jowett - English Congregational pastor

Jowett was born in Halifax, England in 1864. "I was blessed with the priceless privilege of a Christian home," he later remarked. His love for reading manifested itself early as he spent his evenings in the town's Mechanics' Institute, devouring volumes from their library.

Jowett's father had arranged for him to begin working as a clerk for a lawyer in Halifax, but the encouragement of his Sunday school teacher, Mr. Dewhirst, turned Jowett's heart toward the ministry.

After theological training at Edinburgh and Oxford, Jowett assumed the pastorate of the Saint James Congregational Church. His six effective years of ministry brought him to the attention of the Carr's Lane Church in Birmingham, England, on the death of their pastor. For the next fifteen years the church grew and prospered. Their pastor's vision led them to increase their efforts to bring people to Christ. In 1917, the mayor of Birmingham said the church had changed the town with "crime and drunkenness having decreased."

Jowett came to America for the first time in 1909 to address the Northfield Conference founded by D. L. Moody. While in America he preached twice at the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York. The church immediately asked him to come as its pastor. Jowett refused, having received a petition, signed by more than 1,400 members of his church in England, begging him to stay. The Fifth Avenue Church called him again, and then a third time. Finally Jowett concluded that this was God's leading for his life. He assumed the pastorate in 1911.

Although his preaching style was not dynamic (he read all of his sermons), the depth of his knowledge, the clarity of his language, and the power of his life commanded respect. Attendance at the church which had dropped to 600 on Sunday morning rose to 1,500. Lines up to half a block long formed, waiting for unclaimed seats. Jowett began preparing his Sunday sermons on Tuesday, following a meticulously detailed schedule.

When G. Campbell Morgan resigned the Westminster Chapel in London in 1917, Dr. Jowett once again crossed the ocean to take a new church. This would be his final pastorate. Declining health forced him to give up preaching in 1922, and his death in 1923 took from the world one of its most gifted and dedicated preachers.

I. The Invisible Antagonisms
II. The Girdle of Truth
III. The Breastplate of Righteousness
IV. Ready!
V. The Shield of Faith
VI. The Helmet of Hope
VII. The Sword of the Spirit
VIII. The Soldier's Use of Prayer
IX. Watch Ye!
X. Enduring Hardness
XI. The Invisible Commander on the Field
XII. The Soldier's Fire
XIII. The Victory Over the Beast
XIV. The Coming Golden Age
XV. More Than Conquerors

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#19291 Commentaries - Meyer, F.B. - A Devotional Commentary on Philippians Droid MyS...

Posted by Josh H on 06 November 2013 - 11:53 AM in New MySword Downloads

File Name: Meyer, F.B. - A Devotional Commentary on Philippians Droid MySword Version

File Submitter: Josh H

File Submitted: 06 Nov 2013

File Category: Commentaries

Author: Meyer, F.B.

IN this Devotional Commentary on the Epistle to the Philippians, I have not attempted anything of the merely critical or exegetical; but have endeavoured honestly to ascertain the meaning of the Apostle, and to beat out his pure and unalloyed gold.

The most amazing thing which meets one perpetually in the prolonged and deep study of such a treatise as this, is that those early believers should have been able to appreciate and digest such compressed and profound teaching. When we bear in mind all the explanation, expansion, application, and enforcement which these apostolic paragraphs have received in the course of the centuries, and when, after we have done our best, we are still conscious that we have by no means plumbed the depths, or scaled the heights, or explored all the treasures, we are compelled to feel that the Divine Fire is burning here, and to take off the shoes from our feet in acknowledgment that in a pre-eminent manner, God is here. Every blue crevasse, every far horizon, every glimpse into a perfect human love, and every word of God has the same characteristic of Infinity.

To Dr. Moule, the Bishop of Durham, to Dr. Noble of Chicago, and to Dr. Campbell Morgan, for suggestions, which I have wrought into the seventh chapter (Phil. 1:27-30), I desire to express my deep obligations.

It seems to me, if I may be allowed to say so, that this Book, more completely than any single one besides, contains the essence of the messages with which I have been entrusted.

That the Infinite Spirit who inspired may, by manifesting the Truth, unfold the deep things of God to all who peruse these pages is the sincere desire and prayer of the author.


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#19287 Reference Books (topx) - Jowett, J.H. - The Whole Armour of God

Posted by Josh H on 05 November 2013 - 10:05 PM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Jowett, J.H. - The Whole Armour of God

File Submitter: Josh H

File Submitted: 05 Nov 2013

File Category: Reference Books (topx)

Author: Jowett, J.H.
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
Suggest New Tag:: The Armor of God, Spiritual Warfare

Here's a short bio from the CCEL website...

Posted Image
John Henry Jowett - English Congregational pastor

Jowett was born in Halifax, England in 1864. "I was blessed with the priceless privilege of a Christian home," he later remarked. His love for reading manifested itself early as he spent his evenings in the town's Mechanics' Institute, devouring volumes from their library.

Jowett's father had arranged for him to begin working as a clerk for a lawyer in Halifax, but the encouragement of his Sunday school teacher, Mr. Dewhirst, turned Jowett's heart toward the ministry.

After theological training at Edinburgh and Oxford, Jowett assumed the pastorate of the Saint James Congregational Church. His six effective years of ministry brought him to the attention of the Carr's Lane Church in Birmingham, England, on the death of their pastor. For the next fifteen years the church grew and prospered. Their pastor's vision led them to increase their efforts to bring people to Christ. In 1917, the mayor of Birmingham said the church had changed the town with "crime and drunkenness having decreased."

Jowett came to America for the first time in 1909 to address the Northfield Conference founded by D. L. Moody. While in America he preached twice at the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York. The church immediately asked him to come as its pastor. Jowett refused, having received a petition, signed by more than 1,400 members of his church in England, begging him to stay. The Fifth Avenue Church called him again, and then a third time. Finally Jowett concluded that this was God's leading for his life. He assumed the pastorate in 1911.

Although his preaching style was not dynamic (he read all of his sermons), the depth of his knowledge, the clarity of his language, and the power of his life commanded respect. Attendance at the church which had dropped to 600 on Sunday morning rose to 1,500. Lines up to half a block long formed, waiting for unclaimed seats. Jowett began preparing his Sunday sermons on Tuesday, following a meticulously detailed schedule.

When G. Campbell Morgan resigned the Westminster Chapel in London in 1917, Dr. Jowett once again crossed the ocean to take a new church. This would be his final pastorate. Declining health forced him to give up preaching in 1922, and his death in 1923 took from the world one of its most gifted and dedicated preachers.

I. The Invisible Antagonisms
II. The Girdle of Truth
III. The Breastplate of Righteousness
IV. Ready!
V. The Shield of Faith
VI. The Helmet of Hope
VII. The Sword of the Spirit
VIII. The Soldier's Use of Prayer
IX. Watch Ye!
X. Enduring Hardness
XI. The Invisible Commander on the Field
XII. The Soldier's Fire
XIII. The Victory Over the Beast
XIV. The Coming Golden Age
XV. More Than Conquerors

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#19290 Books - Meyer, F. B. - Light on Life's Duties Droid MySword Version

Posted by Josh H on 06 November 2013 - 11:51 AM in New MySword Downloads

File Name: Meyer, F. B. - Light on Life's Duties Droid MySword Version

File Submitter: Josh H

File Submitted: 06 Nov 2013

File Category: Books

Author: Meyer, F. B.

From CCEL's Website...

F. B. Meyer - Baptist pastor and evangelist in England

Frederick Brotherton Meyer was born in London. He attended Brighton College and graduated from the University of London in 1869. He studied theology at Regent's Park College, Oxford and began pastoring churches in 1870. His first pastorate was at Pembroke Baptist Chapel in Liverpool. In 1872 he pastored Priory Street Baptist Church in York. While he was there he met the American evangelist Dwight L. Moody, whom he introduced to other churches in England. The two preachers became lifelong friends.

Other churches he pastored were Victoria Road Church in Leicester (1874-1878), Melbourne Hall in Leicester (1878- 1888) and Regent's Park Chapel in London (1888-1892). In 1895 Meyer went to Christ Church in Lambeth. At the time only 100 people attended the church, but within two years over 2,000 were regularly attending. He stayed there for fifteen years, and then began traveling to preach at conferences and evangelistic services. His evangelistic tours included South Africa and Asia. He also visited the United States and Canada several times.He spent the last few years of his life working as a pastor in England's churches, but still made trips to North America, including one he made at age 80.

Meyer was part of the Higher Life Movement and was known as a crusader against immorality. He preached against drunkenness and prostitution. He is said to have brought about the closing of hundreds of saloons and brothels.

Meyer wrote over 40 books, including Christian biographies and devotional commentaries on the Bible. He, along with seven other clergymen, was also a signatory to the London Manifesto asserting that the Second Coming was imminent in 1918. His works include The Way Into the Holiest:, Expositions on the Epistle to the Hebrews (1893) ,The Secret of Guidance, Our Daily Homily and Christian Living.

In the Introduction, read what J. Wilbur Chapman has to say about the impact Meyer's teaching had on his life and ministry...


After a ministry of twelve years, and a ministry which God had been pleased in many ways to bless, I was sitting one day doing what a merchant would call " taking an account of stock." I could not but praise the Lord for His goodness to me, but I found that I was without that which many others in whom I had most perfect confidence claimed to have received. There was a feeling of unrest and a longing for God which never can be put in words. The darkness seemed to increase as the days passed on. I felt that there must come some help to me from a source higher than man.

When I was ready to hear and obey, God spoke to me. It was in a singular way. I was reading in a secular paper an extended account of the Northfield Conference, when my eye lighted on the name of the Rev. F. B. Meyer. One sentence of his I shall never forget: "If you are not willing to forsake all far Christ, then are you simply willing to say, 'I am willing to be made willing'?"

That was God's own message to my very soul, and Mr. Meyer brought it to me from Him. It was the crisis of my life. From that day on I have read all that I could find coming from his pen.

I do not believe that there is a more intensely spiritual, and, at the same time, so helpful and practical a writer in the world to-day as this man, whom I rejoice to call my friend.

These meditations are sweet as honey in the honeycomb. They open up the deep things of God, but in such a helpful way that any one may understand if he is only willing.

I could wish my friends no greater blessing than that Mr. Meyer's message might be to them all that it has been to me.



  • The Chambers of the King
  • The Lost Chord Found
  • The Secret of Victory Over Sin
  • The First Step Into the Blessed Life
  • With Christ in Separation
  • How to Read Your Bible
  • The Common Task
  • Young Men, Don’t Drift
  • Words of Help for Christian Girls
  • Seven Rules for Daily Living

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#19248 Devotionals - Maclaren, Alexander - Music For The Soul Droid MySword Version

Posted by Josh H on 01 November 2013 - 04:04 PM in New MySword Downloads

File Name: Maclaren, Alexander - Music For The Soul Droid MySword Version

File Submitter: Josh H

File Submitted: 01 Nov 2013

File Category: Devotionals

Author: Maclaren, Alexander

Music For The Soul

Daily readings for a year from the writings of the Rev. Alexander Maclaren, D.D. Selected and arranged by the Rev. Geo. Coates. published by A.C. Armstrong and Son, 51 East Tenth Street, (1897). This a year long daily devotional was written by the Rev. Alexander Maclaren over 100 years ago. This Scottish pastor had a heart to follow Jesus and a love for souls.

The original text is in the Public Domain and this electronic version is free for anyone without cost or obligation.

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#19244 Books - Whyte, Alexander - The Walk, Conversation and Character of Jesus Chri...

Posted by Josh H on 01 November 2013 - 12:26 PM in New MySword Downloads

File Name: Whyte, Alexander - The Walk, Conversation and Character of Jesus Christ our Lord

File Submitter: Josh H

File Submitted: 01 Nov 2013

File Category: Books

Author: Whyte, Alexander

Alexander Whyte, one of the greatest preachers of his time, is known for his Bible Characters Series...He also wrote this great work on the Greatest Bible Character, Our Lord Jesus Christ!


  • The Express Image of His Person
  • That Holy Thing
  • The Circumcision and Naming of the Holy Child
  • The Growth of the Holy Child in Stature and Spirit
  • The Child Jesus Sitting in the Midst of the Doctors both Hearing Them, and Asking Them Questions
  • About His Father's Business
  • He Went Down With Them and Was Subject Unto Them
  • Jesus Himself Began to be About Thirty Years of Age
  • Jesus Also Being Baptized, and Praying, the Heaven was Opened
  • The Lamb of God
  • And Immediately the Spirit Driveth Him Into the Wilderness
  • Our Lord's First Text
  • A Teacher Come From God
  • He Taught Them As One Having Authority and Not As the Scribes
  • Our Lord's Disbelief in Many Who Believed in His Name
  • How His Zeal Ate Him Up
  • He Spake of the Temple of His Body
  • God Giveth Not the Holy Spirit by Measure Unto His Son
  • Our Lord as a Believing Man
  • His Meat
  • The Son of Man Hath Not Where to Lay His Head
  • They Said, He is Beside Himself
  • Jesus of Nazareth Went About Doing Good
  • I Always Do the Things that Please Him
  • Our Lord at Table
  • Our Lord's Holidays and Ours
  • How Our Lord and His Disciples Would Read Their Newspapers
  • Our Lord and the Sabbath Day
  • Our Lord and the Bible
  • Thou Art Not Yet Fifty Years Old
  • Our Lord Laid in Zion a Stumbling Stone and Rock of Offence
  • Our Lord Deserted of His Disciples
  • Our Lord's Favoruite Graces, Meekness and Lowliness of Heart.
  • The True Vine
  • Our Lord's Power Over All Flesh

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#19245 Books - Whyte, Alexander - Bunyan Characters (4 Volumes) Droid MySword Version

Posted by Josh H on 01 November 2013 - 12:33 PM in New MySword Downloads

File Name: Whyte, Alexander - Bunyan Characters (4 Volumes) Droid MySword Version

File Submitter: Josh H

File Submitted: 01 Nov 2013

File Category: Books

Author: Whyte, Alexander
Suggest New Tag:: Bunyan, Pilgrim's Progress, The Holy War

Bunyan Characters - Lectures Delivered in St. George’s Free Church Edinburgh - by Alexander Whyte, D.D. (I-IV)


Bunyan Characters - First Series - Pilgrim's Progress Part 1

01. Introductory
02. Evangelist
03. Obstinate
04. Pliable
05. Help
06. Mr. Worldly Wiseman
07. Goodwill, the Gatekeeper
08. The Interpreter
09. Passion
10. Patience
11. Simple, Sloth, and Presumption
12. The Three Shining Ones at the Cross
13. Formalist and Hypocrisy
14. Timorous and Mistrust
15. Prudence
16. Charity
17. Shame
18. Talkative
19. Judge Hate-Good
20. Faithful in Vanity Fair
21. By-Ends
22. Giant Despair
23. Knowledge
24. Experience
25. Watchful
26. Sincere

Bunyan Characters – Second Series - Pilgrim's Progress Part 2

27. Ignorance
28. Little-Faith
29. The Flatterer
30. Atheist
31. Hopeful
32. Temporary
33. Secret
34. Mrs. Timorous
35. Mercy
36. Mr. Brisk
37. Mr. Skill
38. The Shepherd Boy
39. Old Honest
40. Mr. Fearing
41. Feeble Mind
42. Great-Heart
43. Mr. Ready-to-Halt
44. Valiant-for-Truth
45. Standfast
46. Madam Bubble
47. Gaius
48. Christian
49. Christiana
50. The Enchanted Ground
51. The Land of Beulah
52. The Swelling of Jordan

Bunyan Characters – Third Series – The Holy War

53. Holy War - The Book
54. The City of Mansoul and its Cinque Ports
55. Ear-Gate
56. Eye-Gate
57. The King's Palace
58. My Lord Willbewill
59. Self-Love
60. Old Mr. Prejudice, the Keeper of Ear-Gate, With His Sixty Deaf Men Under Him
61. Captain Anything
62. Clip-Promise
63. Stiff Mr. Loth-to-Stoop
64. That Varlet Ill-Pause, the Devil's Orator
65. Mr. Penny-Wise-and-Pound-Foolish, and Mr. Get-I'-The-Hundred-and-Lose-I'-The-Shire
66. The Devil's Last Card
67. Mr. Prywell
68. Young Captain Self-Deniel
69. Five Pickt Men
70. Mr. Desires-Awake
71. Mr. Wet-Eyes
72. Mr. Humble the Juryman, and Miss Humble-mind the Servant-Maid
73. Master Think-Well, the Late and Only Son of Old Mr. Meditation
74. Mr. God's-Peace, a Goodly Person, and a Sweet-Natured Gentleman
75. The Established Church of Mansoul, and Mr. Conscience One of Her Parish Ministers
76. A Fast Day in Mansoul
77. A Feast Day in Mansoul
78. Emmanuel's Livery
79. Mansoul's Magna Charta
80. Emmanuel's Last Charge to Mansoul - Concerning the Remainders of Sin in the Regenerate

Bunyan Characters – Fourth Series – Grace Abounding

81. I Never Went to School to Plato or Aristotle.
82. I Was Overrun With The Spirit Of Superstition.
83. Before I Had Dined I Shook the Sermon Out of my Mind.
84. Nay, I Never Thought of Christ, Nor Whether There Was One, Or No
85. As For Paul's Epistles, I Could Not Away With Them.
86. Another Thing Was My Dancing.
87. I Came Where There Were Three or Four Poor Women, Sitting At A Door In The Sun, And Talking About the Things of God.
88. I Found That Ancient Christian to be a Good Man, but a Stranger to Much Combat with the Devil.
89. As For Secret Thoughts, I Took No Notice Of Them.
90. At This Time I Sat Under The Ministry Of Holy Mr. Gifford, Whose Doctrine, By Gods Grace, Was Much For My Stability.
91. And Now I Began to Look in the Bible with New Eyes and, Especially, The Epistles of the Apostle Paul Were Sweet and Pleasant to Me.
92. Now Began I To Labour To Call Again Time That Was Past.
93. Especially This Word Faith Put Me To It.
94. The Guilt Of Sin Did Help Me Much.
95. The Right Way To Take Off Guilt.
96. A Thousand Pounds For A Tear.
97. The Enmity That Is In Me To God.
98. One Day, As I Was Passing In The Field, Having Some Dashes On My Conscience, This Fell Upon My Soul: Thy Righteousness Is In Heaven.
99. The Most Fit Book For A Wounded Conscience.
100. Oh Many A Pull Hath My Heart Had With Satan For That Blessed Sixth Of John.
101. My Whole Soul Was Then In Every Word.
102. I Thought Now That Every One Had A Better Heart Than I Had, And I Could Have Changed Hearts With Anybody.
103. Counterfeit Holy.
104. Those Who Had Writ In Our Days, I Thought - But I Desire Them Now To Pardon Me - Had Writ Without Themselves Going Down Into The Deep.
105. Upon A Time I Was Somewhat Inclining To A Consumption.
107. When Comforting Time Was Come.
108. O Methought, Christ! Christ! Christ!
109. I Will In This Place Thrust In A Word Or Two Concerning My Preaching.
110. I Find To This Day Seven Abominations In My Heart.
111. Temptations, When We Meet Them At First, Are As The Lion That Roared Upon Samson. But If We Overcome Them, The Next Time We See Them, We Shall Find A Nest Of Honey Within Them.
112. The Philistines Understand Me Not.

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#19246 Books - Torrey, R.A. - Baptism with the Holy Spirit Droid MySword Version

Posted by Josh H on 01 November 2013 - 12:41 PM in New MySword Downloads

File Name: Torrey, R.A. - Baptism with the Holy Spirit Droid MySword Version

File Submitter: Josh H

File Submitted: 01 Nov 2013

File Category: Books

Author: Torrey, R.A.


Baptism with the

Holy Spirit


R. A. Torrey

Author of "How to Bring Men to Christ," " Vest Pocket
Companion," etc., etc.

"Wait for the promise of the Father." — Acts 1:4.
"Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days
hence." — Acts 1:5.
"Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come, upon,
you." — Acts 1:6.
"For to you is the promise, and to your children and to all
that are afar off, even as many as the Lord thy God shall call unto
him."— Acts 2:39 R. V.

New York. Chicago. Toronto.


It was a great turning point in my ministry when, after much thought and study and meditation, I became satisfied that the Baptism with the Holy Spirit was an experience for to-day and for me, and set myself about obtaining it. Such blessing came to me personally, that I began giving Bible readings on the subject, and with increasing frequency as the years have passed. God in his wondrous grace has so greatly blessed these readings, and so many have asked for them in printed form, convenient for circulation among their friends, that I have decided to write them out in full for publication. It is an occasion of great joy that so many and such excellent books on the person and work of the Holy Spirit have appeared of late. I wish to call especial attention to two of these: ''Through the Eternal Spirit," by James Elder Gumming and "The Spirit of Christ," by Andrew Murray.

In the following pages I speak uniformly of the Holy Spirit, but in the quotations from the Bible retain the less desirable phraseology there used —"The Holy Ghost"— except in those instances where the translators themselves varied their usage. Probably most of the readers of this book already know that "the Holy Spirit" and ''the Holy Ghost" are simply two different translations of precisely the same Greek words. It seems very unfortunate, and almost unaccountable, that the English revisors did not follow the suggestion of the American Committee and for ''Holy Ghost" adopt uniformly the rendering "Holy Spirit."

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#19250 Books - Jowett, J H - The Preacher His Life and Work Droid MySword Version

Posted by Josh H on 01 November 2013 - 05:03 PM in New MySword Downloads

File Name: Jowett, J H - The Preacher His Life and Work Droid MySword Version

File Submitter: Josh H

File Submitted: 01 Nov 2013

File Category: Books

Author: Jowett, J H

In April 1912 John Henry Jowett had the privledge to give the Yale Lectures on Preaching and those lectures are given to us in The Preacher: His Life and Work.

Jowett used to say..."Preaching that costs nothing accomplishes nothing."

Wiersbe says this in his "Living with the Giants" pg. 192..."I try to reread Jowett's lectures annually, if only to catch his passion for preaching. Some books on preaching and pastoral work almost make you want to turn in your ordination certificate; this is not one of them. 'I love my calling,' he said on the first page. ' I have a glowing delight in its service...I have had but one passion, and I have lived for it -- absorbingly arduous yet glorious work of proclaiming the grace and love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.' "


I. The Call to be a Preacher – “Separated unto the Gospel of God”

II. The Perils of the Preacher – “Lest…I myself should be a castaway”

III. The Preacher’s Themes –“Feed my sheep”

IV. The Preacher in his Study –“A wise master-builder”

V. The Preacher in his Pulpit –“The service of the sanctuary”

VI. The Preacher in the Home –“From house to house”

VII. The Preacher as a Man of Affairs –“Like unto a merchantman”

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#19251 Devotionals - Jowett, J.H. - My Daily Meditation Droid MySword Version

Posted by Josh H on 01 November 2013 - 05:09 PM in New MySword Downloads

File Name: Jowett, J.H. - My Daily Meditation Droid MySword Version

File Submitter: Josh H

File Submitted: 01 Nov 2013

File Category: Devotionals

Author: Jowett, J.H.

My Daily Meditation is a 366 day (Feb 29th included) devotional written by a great preacher from the past, John Henry Jowett.

Here's a short bio from the CCEL website...

Posted Image
John Henry Jowett - English Congregational pastor

Jowett was born in Halifax, England in 1864. "I was blessed with the priceless privilege of a Christian home," he later remarked. His love for reading manifested itself early as he spent his evenings in the town's Mechanics' Institute, devouring volumes from their library.

Jowett's father had arranged for him to begin working as a clerk for a lawyer in Halifax, but the encouragement of his Sunday school teacher, Mr. Dewhirst, turned Jowett's heart toward the ministry.

After theological training at Edinburgh and Oxford, Jowett assumed the pastorate of the Saint James Congregational Church. His six effective years of ministry brought him to the attention of the Carr's Lane Church in Birmingham, England, on the death of their pastor. For the next fifteen years the church grew and prospered. Their pastor's vision led them to increase their efforts to bring people to Christ. In 1917, the mayor of Birmingham said the church had changed the town with "crime and drunkenness having decreased."

Jowett came to America for the first time in 1909 to address the Northfield Conference founded by D. L. Moody. While in America he preached twice at the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York. The church immediately asked him to come as its pastor. Jowett refused, having received a petition, signed by more than 1,400 members of his church in England, begging him to stay. The Fifth Avenue Church called him again, and then a third time. Finally Jowett concluded that this was God's leading for his life. He assumed the pastorate in 1911.

Although his preaching style was not dynamic (he read all of his sermons), the depth of his knowledge, the clarity of his language, and the power of his life commanded respect. Attendance at the church which had dropped to 600 on Sunday morning rose to 1,500. Lines up to half a block long formed, waiting for unclaimed seats. Jowett began preparing his Sunday sermons on Tuesday, following a meticulously detailed schedule.

When G. Campbell Morgan resigned the Westminster Chapel in London in 1917, Dr. Jowett once again crossed the ocean to take a new church. This would be his final pastorate. Declining health forced him to give up preaching in 1922, and his death in 1923 took from the world one of its most gifted and dedicated preachers.

As far as the purpose of the Devotional book goes, Jowett writes in the FORWARD...


The title of this book sufficiently interprets its purpose. I hope it may lead to such practical meditaion upon the Word of God as will supply vision to common tasks, and daily nourishment to the conscience and will. And I trust that it may so engage the thoughts upon the wonders of meditation, as will fortify the soul for its high calling in Jesus Christ our Lord.

J.H. Jowett

Fifth Avenue Presyterian Church

New York.

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