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#15633 BBLX to MySword - Just Change ext. to .bbl.mybible and it works in MySword!

Posted by forsblom on 03 February 2013 - 12:56 PM in MySword

The option I usually use is to backward migrate the bblx to theWord.  The theWord file is just a text file.  


In order to migrate the bblx to theWord, you have to use a program called BeST. http://www.biblesupp...ile/2524-best2/


This program only works in Windows XP or 32 bit windows 7 machines.  If you do not have one of these machines, you will need someone to complete this step for you.


You can open up the theWord bible file in Notepad++ and use search/replace to remove unwanted charachters (if there are any).


You then use the MySword migration tools to migrate the Bible to MySword.


The problem when trying to convert the .bblx file is:


"The file you chose cannot be opened by BeST 2. Either you do not have Read and Write access to the file, or it is protected by a password and cannot be accessed by BeST."


So I have no choice other than to Hex Edit it.

#15603 BBLX to MySword - Just Change ext. to .bbl.mybible and it works in MySword!

Posted by forsblom on 02 February 2013 - 04:55 PM in MySword

How to convert .bblx into .myword with Hex editing.


Basicly finding bibles in .txt format isn't so hard, a simple search on google gives you lot of hits.


I used e-Sword ToolTip 3.50 for a bible I wanted to create. It requires the bibletext to have one verse / line in order to create the bible, and ofcource the right names for the different books (as displayed in e-Sword).


Anway, I fired it up, conversion went smooth no errors. I renamed the file to .mybible, copied it over and opened it up, aaand...


Bibles verses looked like this:

\uc1\lang1053\f0\fs22 "bibleverse" \cf0\i0


There was unwanted text infront and behind the bibleverses, plus special characters such as å,ä,ö was displayed wrong.


I digged around for a solution and found NONE. Then I came up with what could be a possible solution: Hex Editing.

And, It worked! It's a bit tricky, but I wrote step to step instructions of how to do it.


You can download the Word document: -> here <-

#15604 BBLX to MySword - Just Change ext. to .bbl.mybible and it works in MySword!

Posted by forsblom on 02 February 2013 - 06:09 PM in MySword

Hi, it didnt work for the AOV.bblx (Afrikaans 1953 Bible). Gives me an error Unable to convert BLOB to string........
Does anybody have a suggestion for me?
I'm working on it now. It will take some Hex editing, beacause Africaans has so many special characters, but I should have the Afrikaans 1953 mybible version ready for you next week.

#15658 BBLX to MySword - Just Change ext. to .bbl.mybible and it works in MySword!

Posted by forsblom on 04 February 2013 - 06:01 AM in MySword


I've completed the conversion of the Afrikaans 1953 .bblx to .mybible.

Send me an PM with your E-mail, and I'll send it to you. Also if anyone else is interested they can have it as well.


I noticed you have not been online on the forum since 30th Oct last year, so I post here so you can get the news.