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There have been 18 items by Alexandru Anastasiu (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#44916 Switching automatically to English

Posted by Alexandru Anastasiu on 24 August 2023 - 08:52 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

He mentions using W10 Romanian = Windows 10 Romanian, so he is using PC. All he needs to do is turn off Auto change language.

How to do this? In e-sword or in W 10?

#44915 Switching automatically to English

Posted by Alexandru Anastasiu on 24 August 2023 - 08:51 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Which version of e-Sword are you using PC, Apple or Android

Windows 10 Romanian 

Version 13.0.0

#44918 Switching automatically to English

Posted by Alexandru Anastasiu on 24 August 2023 - 02:00 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Right click on your language bar icon that is in the system tray, and un-check "Auto adjust"

This was a simple way of doing it that I knew and practiced long ago. The problem is that I have programs in Greek, Latin, Romanian, and with this setting enabled, I can keep the different language in different applications. The only app that contaminates the other apps is e-sword. So my problem comes when e-sword asked me some time ago if I agree that it can take control of changing the system language. And I was hoping that you could help me find a solution to undo this setting.

#44922 Switching automatically to English

Posted by Alexandru Anastasiu on 25 August 2023 - 02:43 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Ask your question on a Windows 10 forum.

It doesn't make sense to do that because the problem is only done by the e-sword app, so it's not a W10 bug, but an e-sword one.

#44924 Switching automatically to English

Posted by Alexandru Anastasiu on 25 August 2023 - 02:51 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

This was a simple way of doing it that I knew and practiced long ago. The problem is that I have programs in Greek, Latin, Romanian, and with this setting enabled, I can keep the different language in different applications. The only app that contaminates the other apps is e-sword. So my problem comes when e-sword asked me some time ago if I agree that it can take control of changing the system language. And I was hoping that you could help me find a solution to undo this setting.

This was a different setup I did and thought it was the same.

#44923 Switching automatically to English

Posted by Alexandru Anastasiu on 25 August 2023 - 02:50 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Right click on your language bar icon that is in the system tray, and un-check "Auto adjust"

Now it works. Thank you!

#44910 Switching automatically to English

Posted by Alexandru Anastasiu on 22 August 2023 - 10:42 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

I have an annoying problem with my e-sword.
Every time I click on it, the sistem language (W10 - Romanian) turns to English.

Can you help me?

Thank you in advance, 

Fr. Dr. Alexandru Anastasiu

God and Mother of God bless you!

#44617 Convert BBLX to .rtf, .html, .txt, mobi, .doc/.docx ? for Kindle?

Posted by Alexandru Anastasiu on 19 June 2023 - 12:41 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Here is the file I fixed for making a .bbli Bible. This works on all latest versions e-Sword.

attachicon.gifB,1914 fixed for bbli type.rtf

So, you just need to build this from the Modules(4) menu


You might need to adjust some of the Hebrew transliterated text in Lamentations. Of course the other issue is it does not have the same versification as other Bibles, so that needs to be remembered. Especially true of Psalms.



I was able to create a bblx bible module by correcting your RTF file my corrected version is attached below


Thank you all for all your help.

How can I reward you?

#44590 Convert BBLX to .rtf, .html, .txt, mobi, .doc/.docx ? for Kindle?

Posted by Alexandru Anastasiu on 18 June 2023 - 04:33 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

But it does not save neither in .bblx, nor in .bbli format.
How can I change it to save it in .bblx, or in .bbli format?


PS I have already .bblx > .bbli converter


Thank you in  advance!


#44589 Convert BBLX to .rtf, .html, .txt, mobi, .doc/.docx ? for Kindle?

Posted by Alexandru Anastasiu on 18 June 2023 - 04:30 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

But it does not save neither in .bblx, nor in .bbli format.
How can I change it to save it in .bblx, or in .bbli format?


PS I have already .bblx > .bbli converter


Thank you in  advance!


#44592 Convert BBLX to .rtf, .html, .txt, mobi, .doc/.docx ? for Kindle?

Posted by Alexandru Anastasiu on 18 June 2023 - 04:51 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Modules(4) -> Save BBLI Bible module

Thank you, it seems to work now, except


Report the following:

BGen3Ref[9] c←⍎NumbersOnly (⍴c)↓bc
BGen3Ref[9] *
which appeared two times in the saving process, at part of text without a reference (that are not included in protestant translations, so they have not chapter and verses specified) 

Can you tell me how to correct these errors and how can I convert a .bbli in a .bblx module?
Thank you in advance

#44595 Convert BBLX to .rtf, .html, .txt, mobi, .doc/.docx ? for Kindle?

Posted by Alexandru Anastasiu on 18 June 2023 - 05:11 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

The process is stopped, the app. is closed before finishing the convertion .rtf > .bbli

The error was:

ToolTipToolNT is closing due to an unrecoverable error.
Please contact the application vendor for assistance
if this problem persists:
See error log file for details:
Click OK button to copy this message to clipboard before
closing the application.  Click Cancel button to close
application without copying message to clipboard.
{NOTE: An error occured while generating the error report and it could not be completed}
The .log file can be downloaded here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!...nDSqIw?e=IMG45X


#44613 Convert BBLX to .rtf, .html, .txt, mobi, .doc/.docx ? for Kindle?

Posted by Alexandru Anastasiu on 19 June 2023 - 10:08 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Here is the file I fixed for making a .bbli Bible. This works on all latest versions e-Sword.

attachicon.gifB,1914 fixed for bbli type.rtf

So, you just need to build this from the Modules(4) menu


You might need to adjust some of the Hebrew transliterated text in Lamentations. Of course the other issue is it does not have the same versification as other Bibles, so that needs to be remembered. Especially true of Psalms.

Thank you very much!

1.The versifications on Psalms is deferent in Orthodox Bible, because the psalm 9 was split up in two, in protestant Bibles. Psalm 9, 21 in the Orthodox Bible, through the Protestant breaking of Psalm 9, becomes Psalm 10, 1 in the Protestant translation, and so on. The difference is kept until Psalm 147. Here, what is in the Orthodox Bible Psalm 147, 1, in the Protestant translations becomes Psalm 147, 12. Then, until Psalm 150, it is the same enumeration, but missing, in the Protestant Bible, Psalm 151 .

2. Other versification incompatibilities are due to the fact that the Old Testament in the Orthodox Bible is based on the Septuagint (which dates from the 3rd century, before Christ), while the Protestant Bibles are based on the Masoretic text (which dates from the 9th century, after Christ) . In the Masoretic text, certain texts were cut, which did not suit the rabbis, because they proved that our Lord Jesus Christ is the Messiah expected by the Jews. Therefore, the Masoretic text is shorter than the Septuagint and, as such, the Old Testament of the Protestant Bibles, being a censored text, is shorter than the Old Testament of the Orthodox Bible, which has more chapters and more verses.

#44598 Convert BBLX to .rtf, .html, .txt, mobi, .doc/.docx ? for Kindle?

Posted by Alexandru Anastasiu on 18 June 2023 - 05:28 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

I have put soft enter, at the places indicated, but the errors appears on same places

#44587 Convert BBLX to .rtf, .html, .txt, mobi, .doc/.docx ? for Kindle?

Posted by Alexandru Anastasiu on 18 June 2023 - 03:24 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Hello to everyone!

I have made all my effort to convert an .rtf in .bblx module, using T4, but I have failed, even I have followed the instruction from here: http://www.biblesupp...vision-1052013/.
When I go to "Save Bible File book chap:verse (the second save option)" nothing is happening, excepting a small blink.


Can you help me, please?
Thank you in advance,

God and Mother of God bless you!
Fr. Alexandru


PS The file that I have tried to convert is attached on this post.

Attached Files