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There have been 2 items by Heleyon (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#38441 Displaying dictionary topics causes temporary freeze

Posted by Heleyon on 12 July 2020 - 04:17 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

I have no issues with the speed at which the program launches.


As for the topics listing, I had thought I needed it, but it turns out I don't. When looking at a definition, it will often display a root word. Clicking on it doesn't work, so I thought I'd need to find it in the dictionary list of Strong's numbers - the list that's causing the problem.


Then I found that a right click on a given root word will give the option to search for that word, and this takes you to the entry for it. I hope that makes sense.


I realize more experienced users will already know this.


Thanks for the input, gentlemen.

#38435 Displaying dictionary topics causes temporary freeze

Posted by Heleyon on 10 July 2020 - 07:27 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

When I enable the dictionary topics by clicking on the button, it causes the application to hang for a few seconds.


Firstly, there's a delay, then the screen resolution seems to change to a different format, then the list appears and works normally.


Also, if I swap to a different dictionary while the topic list is still open, the same thing happens. It makes navigation a pain.


I tried to attach a video of the strange occurrence, but the forum won't allow it.


The PC is fast, has a decent graphics card and 16Gb of memory, so it's not a resources issue. All other software works fine during the E-Sword freeze.