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There have been 33 items by Mike_S (Search limited from 07-June 23)

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#10254 F1 not showing help

Posted by Mike_S on 21 June 2012 - 01:45 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

As far as I can tell, with e-Sword 10.1, if you have anything other than e-sword_guide_1006.pdf, when you start e-Sword it will reinstall a new guide. I just renamed e-sword_guide_1006.pdf to e-sword_guide_1005.pdf, when e-Sword started it extracted a new guide. I don't know why there is a hard coded version (or hash match) rather than simply e-sword_guide.pdf, this way if the guide should get updated before e-Sword you could overwrite the old guide with a new one, as it stands now, at least at my end, you alter the name of the guide, that would include updating it, e-Sword will overwrite the change.

OK, I renmaed the existing guide, dropped a random pdf in e-Sword, renamed to e-sword_guide_1006.pdf - worked.  So the guide for 10.1 is hardcoded and as long as you rename any new guide to e-sword_guide_1006.pdf, F1 works, loads the new pdf.

#9709 Need Help Transfering to New Computer

Posted by Mike_S on 01 June 2012 - 08:00 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Can anyone help with tranfering e-Sword notes and translations, commentaries, etc to a new computer?  I copied the files to the new computer and run the e-sword setup but it is still not loading any of the translations or other info I have collected since I have been using e-Sword.

This is an important detail (should be provided in opening post), what version are you upgrading from, 7x, 8x, 9x, or simply installing 10x on a second computer?

Page 55 from e-Sword 10x guide 1006 - assuming you're using compatible resources:

Raw e-Sword Resources

Copy the following resource types to your “c:\program files\e-sword” folder

Bible (.bblx), Commentary (.cmtx), Dictionary (.dctx), Topics File (.topx),
Reference Library (.refx), Harmonies (.harx), Devotionals (.devx)

*64-bit versions of Windows use a slightly different e-Sword program files folder:
“c:\program files (x86)\e-sword”.

Copy the following resource types to your “my documents\e-sword” folder.

Bible Reading Plan (.brpx), Memory Verse List (.memx), Verse List (.lstx)

#8970 large files & dialup connection?

Posted by Mike_S on 09 May 2012 - 09:20 PM in Website Feedback

I'm having troubles finishing the 15MB pdf for e-Sword 10, I have to restart after a disconnect - twice already. In a nutshell, is there a way to get a direct link that can be resumed for hosted files, or is it - get it the first time using your browser or don't get it at all?

It's not too difficult to provide a direct link that expires in a day or 2 so people can't keep using it, this helps people like me who need a bit more time and may need to resume once or twice to complete the download.
