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There have been 20 items by Tony Stark (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#17868 Thanks so much, E-sword!

Posted by Tony Stark on 18 July 2013 - 08:24 PM in Just Saying Hi

Yup! That's correct! Thanks so much for catching that, Roy :D. I guess this proves that I'm new to not ending sentences with periods hahaha.

#17858 Citing legal?

Posted by Tony Stark on 18 July 2013 - 04:46 AM in Copyright & Licensing

It seems to me that citing the E-sword or other electronic version would be no different from citing the printed version--provided that the two are identical. However, on your automatic bibliography maker or whatever, you should definitely note which medium you used. For example, I am using Mark Driscoll's sermon transcripts instead of the audio version, and in Word's bibliography maker I note that I am using a PDF, and note which page I am citing and so on, and so on.

#17855 Copyright on Greek Bibles

Posted by Tony Stark on 18 July 2013 - 04:42 AM in Copyright & Licensing

Mr. Pellerin, I am with you in that Bibles should not be copyrighted (just like the KJV). They didn't write those words! Those should all be copyrighted to Paul (for example) because a work is copyright as soon as one writes it!

#17853 Found this amazing website

Posted by Tony Stark on 18 July 2013 - 04:34 AM in Just Saying Hi

I've been reading a lot of the forums and they are all very friendly except this one hahaahah!

#17852 Thanks so much, E-sword!

Posted by Tony Stark on 18 July 2013 - 04:13 AM in Just Saying Hi

So I'm writing a commentary on Galatians (which Josh Bond will be formatting and uploading relatively soon). I have to say that commentary writing at least for me would be MUCH harder without E-sword and a few VERY good modules that one of you has uploaded. In fact, E-sword's helpfulness is the second reason I am going to give all my commentaries away for FREE! (The first reason is that I am just nice like that). You can find some information about my upcoming book here: http://bphall844.wix.com/starkslibrary Thanks to all of you who have contributed to E-sword!


Yours faithfully, TONY STARK