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There have been 2 items by acjthai (Search limited from 01-June 23)

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#44640 How to delete memory verses in iPhone?

Posted by acjthai on 25 June 2023 - 03:59 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Thank you SO much! I knew it had to be something very simple; but, I would have never sought to do it that way on my own. Blessings on you, brother! 

#44636 How to delete memory verses in iPhone?

Posted by acjthai on 25 June 2023 - 05:50 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Gentlemen, I cannot figure out how to save verses to memorize in my iPhone e-Sword LT app. In the tutorial section under the “pop up” heading there are these instructions for saving memory verses: “ Memorize will display the Memorize popover which you can use to add memory verses into your Memory Verses database.” I am using the most current version of e-Sword LT, but no such option comes up in my pop up menu when I hover over a verse or highlight text to be memorized. I only see the options: "search web, search, copy, highlight, share." 


What am I missing here? I cannot find any answers online anywhere to learn how to store any memory verses verses on this app using this or any other method (other than the suggestion of highlighting and tagging these verses, which seems to make the whole memory verse function unnecessary). This should be a very simple task, and, obviously, others seem to be able to do it without any problem. Could you please enlighten me as to what I am doing wrong? Thank you and richest blessings.