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There have been 17 items by bodyjohn (Search limited from 12-June 23)

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#35511 Antivirus and Malware Check

Posted by bodyjohn on 03 March 2019 - 10:47 AM in Just Saying Hi

Noticed an old thread in Website feedback that's still marked " Hot" where a user was concerned about an allegedly infected file he downloaded from here. It was very likely a false-positive, but it took quite a bit of discussion to put the user's mind at case. So, with that scenario in mind I'd just like to recommend this website that can put a file or website through a whole string of Virus checkers.


Take a look, or even try it out:



thanks for sharing it, will share my views asap!

#35485 Module downloads not startings

Posted by bodyjohn on 01 March 2019 - 03:35 AM in Just Saying Hi

Hi there

I did a search for this on avaiable posts and did not find something similar. Hope I did not duplicate the topic.

I haven't used eSword for a number of years and just downloaded version 10.1. So this would be my first time using the new module downloader feature.

I have picked 2 translations (bibles) to be downloaded. The selcted items have bee successfully listed in the bottom pane.
* I then selected "Start" from the Downloads menu.
Nothing seems to be happening from this point on.

Since available resources are retrieved and displayed from which I can select, I assume that the problem is not a connectivity problem (settings or firewall).
I also restarted eSword twice.

FYI, I had to copy paste the proxy server address from my browser before resources could be retrieved in eSword.
The setting in my browser however is different in that it is set to "Use automatic configuration script" with an address field (from which I copied). The browser however is not set to "Using proxy server wit LAN" where both address and port is specified ... as is done by eSword. Simply providing the proxy address without username and password in eSword, worked equally well. The port I had to assume was 80 (that option not selected and value not populated in IE).

Are there other connection settings somewhere else in eSword I need to change?
If all else fails, is it possible for me to download the translation I need directly from a web site somewhere an then reference them from withing eSword in some way?

Help very much appreciated.

my friend can help you, wait!