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There have been 14 items by chuckfiedler (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#36119 upgrade to premium version question

Posted by chuckfiedler on 07 July 2019 - 05:33 AM in MySword

Mannexboy, those of us here aren't the originator or this wonderful tool, Rick is. He has been a tremendous help to me personally and finally invited me to join this group. We are here to help each other in our walk with Jesus.


If you have been blessed by this app, look for the contribution link on the E-Sword home page and make a contribution, no matter how modest, to keep this service going.

#36138 Old .bbl file to .bblx

Posted by chuckfiedler on 09 July 2019 - 10:21 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Actually two questions:


1. I have a .bbl file downloaded in 2005 that somehow got stored as a PDF. Sho 'nuff. Adobe cannot recognize a .bbl file and nothing good happens when I try to open the file. So, what to do about that?


2. Once I recover that sucker, is there an available utility to convert .bbl to .bblx and .cmt to .cmtx?


I should specify that I am referring to a PC running Win 10 and E-Sword 11.2.2.

#36125 Conversion from E-Sword to E-Sword LT

Posted by chuckfiedler on 07 July 2019 - 11:20 PM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

I now successfully have the Book of Concord in my E-Sword library on my PC and would like to add it to my library on my iPhone in E-Sword LT. Anybody know how to do this?


#36117 NIV 1984 iPhone Module

Posted by chuckfiedler on 06 July 2019 - 11:29 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Lonnie, IF you purchased NIV '84 from E-Sword before the publisher put out NIV 2011, Rick tells me you should be able to get it again by requesting your number from E-Sword although I must admit I have been unsuccessful in doing this. I *thought* I had successfully reinstalled NIV 84 which I purchased in 2005 but when I go to NIV in E-Sword all I get is the PC "inclusive" nouns and pronouns.


Like you, I would like to fix this and be assured that I have the Biblical version of the NIV and not the politically correct version. God spoke to men because Eve sinned first and we followed hence we miserable men were made the head of the woman to teach us not to follow others into sin. I say this not to denigrate women, I love them -- one in particular for now 55 years -- but to acknowledge what I feel is God's intent.


As an alternative in my published devotions I frequently use the MKJV, also available for E-Sword.


To all of you, Rick has made a tremendous tool available to the world for free! I encourage you to contribute ANY amount to support his efforts. God will bless his efforts regardless but, if you have been blessed by his product, show your thankfulness in a tangible way.

#36164 So just what am I doing wrong

Posted by chuckfiedler on 12 July 2019 - 11:38 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Tj Higgins, thank you for your response but I bought the NIV84 when it was the only NIV available as the detestable 2011 version with its inclusive language PC crap had not been published yet.


I have tried desperately to recover that for which I paid and once had, but alas it seems lost forever.


I guess I shall have to move on to the NKJV which is an excellent translation without the modern PC "inclusivity".


Anyway, please look at my original post and it's attachment. My real question is why, after a confirmed conversion, am I unable to find the converted file.


Blessings on your day.

#36156 So just what am I doing wrong

Posted by chuckfiedler on 12 July 2019 - 11:25 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

See the attached screen shots. I have tried this now five times, always with the same (non) result.


What am I missing here?Attached File  Converter failure.pdf   185.54K   24 downloads

#36172 So just what am I doing wrong

Posted by chuckfiedler on 15 July 2019 - 07:16 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

I have searched for T4 which seems to be a thyroid indicator, obviously not what you intend.


Pls advise how I get this T4 you mention.

#36143 A word to those who have downloaded e-Sword

Posted by chuckfiedler on 10 July 2019 - 11:09 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

According to the official e-Sword chronology, as of 2016, twenty-five MILLION downloads of e-Sword had occurred throughout the world. Also according to the chronology, e-Sword and its associated costs are Rick's sole source of income as well as his personal burden. 


If every down-loader simply contributed one dollar a year to the effort, Rick would both be able to cover the expenses associated with this ministry and be a bloody millionaire besides.


I encourage every e-Sword user to make a contribution that God's Word would continue to be spread throughout this sinful, broken world.


Chuck Fiedler

#36115 Book of Concord Triglot.exe won't execute

Posted by chuckfiedler on 06 July 2019 - 03:36 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

I couldn't get the subject file to execute even after being on the phone with MicroSoft for 30 minutes and re-downloading the file twice.


Has anyone else had this problem and can someone fix the file so it executes?

#36121 Book of Concord Triglot.exe won't execute

Posted by chuckfiedler on 07 July 2019 - 04:26 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Well, it clearly executed and is a .topx file so it should be current. Now my question is: Where do the .topx files appear? Don't find them in commentaries nor in reference books.


Chuck Fiedler

#36118 Book of Concord Triglot.exe won't execute

Posted by chuckfiedler on 07 July 2019 - 04:10 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Hey, JPG, "Peg"? I think it actually executed now but I can't find it in my E-Sword Commentary section.


Any suggestions?

#36137 My old E-Sword accounts

Posted by chuckfiedler on 09 July 2019 - 10:09 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

What I meant to say is that I have used E-Sword under only two email addresses that I know of but I admit the possibility of having used a third no longer used email address. Is there some way to discover whether that is true and what email address I might have used?


BTW, I see from your picture that you wear a beret but i can't tell -- is that an SF beret? My son was SF for 21 years (7th group) until he got broke from jumping out of perfectly good airplanes and is now an SF medic instructor.

#36131 My old E-Sword accounts

Posted by chuckfiedler on 09 July 2019 - 10:53 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

I know I had at least one old E-Sword account and that I can find, along with my current one.


Is there any way to see if I had some other account over the many years I have used E-Sword?

#36124 What a wonderful resource

Posted by chuckfiedler on 07 July 2019 - 06:35 PM in Just Saying Hi

I have used E-Sword since about 2005 and have found it a valuable resource. I use it at least daily both on my PC and on my iPhone. I have occasionally found it desirable to contact Rick with various questions. I think he got righteously tired of my contacting him directly and last week invited me to join BibleSupport.


I have found this to be another valuable resource. I just spent approximately one hour with Jon (JPG) and he was an incredible help in resolving my issues.


BTW, if you're one of those who use E-Sword or any of its variants, I encourage you to contribute to the E-Sword effort. Sadly, only a small percentage of E-Sword users financially thank Rick and his associates for their wonderful efforts in spreading the Word. 


If you have been blessed by this great resource, make a contribution. Considering the cost of other Bible study apps, a voluntary contribution to E-Sword is a downright bargain and might help someone else come to faith through the proclamation of the Word.


God's richest blessings on your week.