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There have been 19 items by Werwer2018 (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#34107 How do I remove a module

Posted by Werwer2018 on 16 July 2018 - 05:29 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Thanks for the information.

#34101 How do I remove a module

Posted by Werwer2018 on 14 July 2018 - 07:47 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Thanks for your reply.


On many occasions I've seen/read of people who have made (bad) mistakes in where they have lost data permanently and not were able to recover it. This has happened  on numerous occasions, and tends to show me that no one is not impervious or immune to making critical errors, including deleting the "wrong" file. Numerous posts on this site bears testament of "dumb" things people have done, including yours truly. So with that, like many on this site, I've had to learn rapidly to do things the "safe" way.


Having said all of that, one of the most important practices I go on about, is the requirement to do regular backups. This covers all kinds of personal data/files one has on his/her computer, and not just e-Sword. And I find it amazing just how many choose to ignore this most vital practice of the safe keeping of data.


Therefore, my advice (and using that word is really an understatement), is to always to back up all your data, including that which one has created on e-Sword, or has downloaded an e-Sword resource, as one may make that dumb error of deleting that wrong file.


Hate to say this, It can even happen to you!



Well I'm in the Dumb group as I've never backed up my computer. Although I've looked into it. I always thought that it was something businesses did until my computer crashed about three months ago and now I'm trying to get all the data back. But I'm still in the dark as to how to do this and what the difference is between backing up your data and a bootable disk. So as of now I have done nothing. I know there are people out there who say how can someone be so stupid. Well it is something that know one has ever mentioned to me.


Thanks  Greg

God Bless

#34097 How do I remove a module

Posted by Werwer2018 on 14 July 2018 - 03:44 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Just a note on using this method of removing a resource.


When removing an e-Sword resource using this method, it is permanently gone. This means that the resource does not get moved to the recycle bin. So if one happens to have deleted the wrong resource, then one cannot not undelete it.


That said, the other option, which can be regarded as safer, is to delete the resource using Windows File Explorer. By doing it this way the file is "moved" to the recycle bin. This means if the wrong resource has been deleted, then on can restore it.


Another option, which can be regarded as the best and safest method,  is before deleting/removing any resource, to do a complete backup of all your resource files, including the ones you may think you no longer need, and so if one mistakenly deletes one, then it can be restored from the backed up data.


Trust that this will be extremely helpful



Thank you very much for the reply. I don't use the modules that I want removed so my best option is to have them removed from the computer itself. That said I already did what " silverhair " suggested. what a blessing e-sword has been for me. Especially now that I have the Facebook Christian page. 



God Bless

#34087 New Christian, Do I use a concordance for verses

Posted by Werwer2018 on 12 July 2018 - 02:57 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Thanks to everyone for all your help.

#34086 How do I remove a module

Posted by Werwer2018 on 12 July 2018 - 02:12 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Okay thanks for that, I thought that I had to go into the programs section to take the modules out.



God Bless

#34084 How do I remove a module

Posted by Werwer2018 on 11 July 2018 - 07:27 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

There are a number of e-sword modules that I don't use and I've notived that when loading my e-sword that it has slowed down considerably so I would like to uninstall them. Can someone please explain to me how I do this. Any help would be appreciated. By the way I have been using e-sword for about six months and it is Fantastic. I just started a Christian Facebook group page and it is super easy to lookup scripture now. I would recommend this to anyone. May god Bless all those involved in this site.


Thanks … Greg

#33656 Can you do Bible topic research with E-Sword

Posted by Werwer2018 on 27 May 2018 - 12:57 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Hi Greg,

First, let me congratulate you on your choice of Bible (study) software. 


e-Sword is perhaps one of the easiest Bible programs anyone can use. Admittedly it doesn't have all the bells and whistles some other Bible programs have, but in what it can do, e-Sword punches above its waist in comparison to Bible study programs (App(lication)s).


That said, when it comes to e-Sword's search engines, it will do just about anything most other built-in search engines in other Bible study programs will do. Maybe not as good, but certainly will give you the best results that its been designed for. So, for example, if you want to (pick on one of your search examples) do a search on backsliding, then you would choose words, i.e., synonyms used in relation to that word in the Bible search. Moreover, you can also save that search, and also create a "topical" word list about backsliding, or any other topic you may wish to create.


With that said, to the extent you can use e-Sword is only limited to your imagination.. So with that, the bounds you can go with e-Sword is entirely up to you.


Oh yeah, I just remembered. Check also the e-Sword User Guide, and it will give you a great deal of information how you can use e-Sword's Search engine. Also in the last chapter of the User Guide, read Chapter 22: Searching e-Sword Using Regular Expressions.


Trust this has helped you.



Thank you very much for taking the time to respond. Your information is most helpful and will be very useful as well.



God Bless

#33655 Can you do Bible topic research with E-Sword

Posted by Werwer2018 on 27 May 2018 - 12:53 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

The topic of Salvation (Soteriology) is very controversial:
See the acronyms DAISY, ROSES and TULIP or anything between in the discussions about it.

Method 1: Look to the verses that contain those Strong numbers and use a literal translation:
For example search with the KJV+ to those Strong numbers for a list move to the verse number to see the tooltip popup.
Go to options and Scripture Tooltip select then (Active Translation) then can you see the Tooltip popup of your favorite translation that is selected in the Bible-taps.

G4990 noun Saviour
G4991 noun Salvation
G4982 verb save
G4100 verb believe or have faith
G4102 noun faith
G4103 adjective faithfull
G1343 noun righteousness
G5218 noun obedience
G2590 noun fruit
G1588 adjective elect or chosen
G1589 noun election or chosen
G907 verb baptize or baptise
G908 noun baptism

G569 verb disbelieve or unbelieve
G3876 noun disobedience
G264 verb sin
G266 noun sin
G3895 verb fallen away
G646 verb having apostasy
G175 adjective unfruitful or without fruit see G2590
G458 noun lawlessness
G622 verb perish
G684 noun perdition or destruction

G3340 verb repent
G3341 noun repentance
G932 noun kingdom
G1785 noun Commandment
G3551 noun Law

G863 verb forgive
G859 noun remission or forgiveness
G2919 verb judge
G5485 noun grace
G1656 noun mercy

G1242 noun Covenant or Testament
G2378 noun sacrifice
G286 noun Lamb
G129 noun blood
G2433 verb reconciliation[atonement]
G536 noun first-fruit is used singular(for Jesus) and plural(for the Saints in the resurrection) but this word is only singular in Greek.
G386 noun resurrection


WOW, that's more of an explanation than I expected. Thank you for taking the time to write all of that. That certainly is most helpful.



God Bless

#33641 Can you do Bible topic research with E-Sword

Posted by Werwer2018 on 25 May 2018 - 02:51 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Well  this may be a stupid question. But I'm new to E- Sword and just downloaded it. I looked on YouTube at a couple of video's but still kind of lost about some of it. I would like to know if I can do Topical searches in E-Sword. like doing one on say , Salvation or backsliding and finding what verses or chapters are relevant to that subject. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks  Greg

#33532 Downloaded The Sermon Bible But can't find in E-Sword

Posted by Werwer2018 on 01 May 2018 - 07:39 PM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

Because you said "Thanks," that got you a like from me.


Its not very often people say "thank you," but when they do, its really appreciated. So with that, its been a real honor to help you, and thank you."





I was brought up in a Christian home and taught proper manners. Such as respecting your elders and to say please and thank you. There is much evil in this world now and I just shake my head with what I see. It is not just the young people it is also a lot of older people as well. I am sixty years old and I'm on disability and very hard for me to walk. The other day I was coming out of a store with a lady less than five feet in front of me and she looked back at me and just let the door close in front of me. I said thanks for holding the door open for me and her reply was .. Why should I. I told her it was called RESPECT and walked away.



#33513 New Christian, Do I use a concordance for verses

Posted by Werwer2018 on 26 April 2018 - 07:39 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Hi Greg,

Considering that this site has oodles of study resources, such kind of things like Bible commentaries, Dictionaries, and lexicons of which are all free, I recommend you download as many as you would like to have. But that is not all, e-Sword has an incredibly great download manager which you can download for free some or all of the official resources such as different Bible translations, Dictionaries, Commentaries, and etc.


But it just doesn't stop there. You also have eStudySource.com, which holds all premium resources for e-Sword, of which you can purchase. The prices there are extremely reasonable.


So, as you can see, there is a great deal of wealth of Bible study resources available, of which the overwhelming majority of them are free.


Just as a matter of interest, from what I can gather, e-Sword has the largest repository of electronic Bible Study resources of any Bible Study software. Moreover, e-Sword enjoys a massive user support network of which a number of them create new resources almost daily.


What we have here could be regarded as the largest worldwide network of Christians creating resources for Bible study, of the quality that can be used in Bible College, University, and Theological Seminaries. I don't think that when Rick Meyers created e-Sword 18 years ago, Glory to God, that he would have dreamed this work would have gone to the extent and growth that it is today. And guess what?! And is still growing.


This is amazing, and one can really see God's hand in this work. And so with that, we can really give thanks and praise to God for raising men such as Rick Meyers and Josh Bond for the work they have done. And also Give God the glory, which He richly deserves, for those who tirelessly work in the creation of resources for this program. And I can honestly assert this, that to many this has been of a great cost to them.





Thanks for providing this information to me. It is such a valuable asset that I will definitely use.



#33512 New Christian, Do I use a concordance for verses

Posted by Werwer2018 on 26 April 2018 - 07:35 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Hi Greg

Welcome to the family of God. Now starts the journey. I have been a Christian for over fifty years and am still learning each day. The Bible is it's own best commentary. We are to build our theology on the whole word of God not on a few chosen verses that seem to support our views. In other words, do not take verses out of context.


I found the following comment a while back and am not sure who wrote it but it does state the case well.


The text is supreme


When we speak of the text of Scripture, we do not mean an isolated verse from the Bible, but the body of material before us as we read, whether the whole Bible, a whole book or part of a book. Because we respect the Bibles authority, we usually like to quote a chapter and verse to support our beliefs. The desire to have biblical authority is commendable, but we must be careful that it does not cause us to distort the meaning of the text.


Sometimes we study what is called systematic theology. This is a kind of study that links verses from all over the Bible to give us teaching on biblical subjects. We should be careful, however, not to engage extensively in this kind of study till we have first understood the verses in their original setting. In general, we should carry out a proper study of a Bible book before we quote isolated verses from it.


The text of Scripture in the form God gave it is supreme. It is this text that is the Word of God, not our reorganization of it. We must be careful not to force the text to fit any scheme of theological interpretation, no matter how useful we may consider that scheme to be.


Bottom line we are not to base our theology on a few well chosen verses but on the whole word of God. I like to use this as an illustration when doing Alpha courses. Lookup the quote “there is no God” you will find it 14 times in the NASB bible. So the question is “is there no God?” well this is where context comes in, Psa 14:1 “The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God.". Context matters.


When you come across verses, like Mar 16:18, that you do not understand and you will then look for verses on that subject that are clear and compare them. If you still do not understand then set them aside and continue studying and as your knowledge increases you will be better able to understand the difficult verses.



First of Hello from Thorold ON. Thanks for that information I sure appreciate it. The more I Have been reading the Bible and using the different versions available the more certain verses are becoming clearer. Will continue to keep reading and praying for guidance.



#33497 New Christian, Do I use a concordance for verses

Posted by Werwer2018 on 25 April 2018 - 01:31 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Grace and peace to you Greg. Praise the Lord....you have been saved.

Don’t know if you have e-Sword but if not, install it and then install some of the great commentary modules which will help you understand any particular verse or verses. I like The Expository Notes of Dr. Constable commentary module and also Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary. And there are many other great modules available on this site.

Keep asking questions!


Thank you for the kind words. I'll look into the commentary that you mentioned.



#33495 New Christian, Do I use a concordance for verses

Posted by Werwer2018 on 25 April 2018 - 06:41 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

I would also recommend comparing some of the different bible translations to see how different verses are translated in different translations. Here is one example comparing Mark 16:18 as found in the King James Version (KJV) and the New International Version (NIV):


Mar 16:18  They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. 


Mar 16:18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."

As you can see the NIV version uses modern English, words phrasing to make the verse easier to understand.

Thanks for the reply. I've been trying to use different Bible Translations but I think what it is,is that I'm having trouble understanding what the verse means. Like mar 16:18 in particular. About the serpents and the drink. 



#33492 New Christian, Do I use a concordance for verses

Posted by Werwer2018 on 24 April 2018 - 07:45 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

Thank you for taking the time to get back to me. I'll look into getting a Bible commentary. MY wife and I have decided that we will start going to the Salvation Army around us. 




God Bless