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There have been 10 items by TaSwavo (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#17886 Automatic verse numbering?

Posted by TaSwavo on 19 July 2013 - 05:18 PM in Module Creation Tools

this sounds awesome but has a couple of issues that would need addressing.


to 'hardcode' the number of books and chapters and verses throughout the Bible would require a separate choice for the user for each book (at least).

In working on a private copy of NEB I've noticed rearrangements of verses, merged verses and all manner of alteration form the norm.

And this doesn't even consider the NT inclusion of whole sections of the gospels in some versions but not others.


I've considered this type of thing in the work I'm doing but it may be quite complex - and may involve a certain amount of user work if the arrangement is not 'normal' - I thought on an INI file that could let the user choose certain things and then allow for more detailed alteration if they chose.


THEN it would be easy to alter the program to assume the input criteria were correct. If they were wrong it would obviously go wrong - programs can only do what they are told- ---- mostly.


I've noticed in NEB they designate bible verses at the end or start of lines with no real indication often apparent as to where the line starts or finishes. This is particularly prevalent in the lists of dozens of names in Chronicles. I'm considering using a reference or couple of reference bibles to guide where the split should be.

#21376 e-Sword Reference Library on iPad

Posted by TaSwavo on 16 June 2014 - 05:56 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

using my own sotware - as I think that you folks prefer is less solid tbh

#21377 e-Sword Reference Library on iPad

Posted by TaSwavo on 16 June 2014 - 05:58 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

I need work in areas. funny thing is I helped the other authur early on (one on one) with roman numerals when he first started work on that :)  his work is awesome!!

#21378 e-Sword Reference Library on iPad

Posted by TaSwavo on 16 June 2014 - 06:02 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

if he'd written it in a language that all but 0.001% of programmers use he'd have been knighted by the queen :)

as - oddly my wife's old boss was this week - well,,, OBE. that's pretty cool here... Order of the British Empire. He helped a LOT of people- mentally ill.

#21375 e-Sword Reference Library on iPad

Posted by TaSwavo on 16 June 2014 - 05:55 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

I'm up to psalms for NEB scan/translate btw - personal as they have some silly rules still - for me - it's an AWESOME work

#21373 e-Sword Reference Library on iPad

Posted by TaSwavo on 16 June 2014 - 05:51 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

See I'm so off the grid I'd day - don't use the items made by selfish money grabbing people - and use those made by money grabbing people that also help folks

I'd use android before apple as they use microsoft rather than apple

one supports DIRECTLY important stuff and the other supports DIRECTLY their next big PROFITS

#21374 e-Sword Reference Library on iPad

Posted by TaSwavo on 16 June 2014 - 05:52 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

both support their profits - the EMPHASIS is the biggy

#21372 e-Sword Reference Library on iPad

Posted by TaSwavo on 16 June 2014 - 05:44 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

I guess I'm off th grid in nowadays talk but  apple and google and such are the new evils of the world - described as 'big data' to cure the ills of the world as the Bible says perhaps - in case you didn't know I'm a computer programmer. - and my wife was nice enough to buy me a subscription to New Scientist - I'm BSc in Paper Science and she's PhD in Biochem -  so I'm not a thicky is all I'm saying. I'm often stupid though :( just not uneducated

#17525 Citing legal?

Posted by TaSwavo on 19 June 2013 - 04:09 PM in Copyright & Licensing

I think some of the people above got confused over citing and having the resource at all.

You asked about citing resources - they answered defensively without reason.

You were clearly asking about how YOU use eSword material. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Actually each source will usually have it's own rules of citing (i.e. for non-private usage).


It very often goes something like this

"you may quote up to 500 words from the text as long as you quote the copyright notice"


If you just say "NKJV John chapters 1-7" you are citing a lot more but you are NOT showing the content. The user would have to HAVE the NKJV to see the verses directly mentioned. This is ALWAYS acceptable (unless you are stating things about state secrets, spy stuff, or secret patented business stuff).


The same applies to books. I could say "Dawkins The God Delusion p16, para. 2" without problem. If I express it in text (i.e. print it out) I would have to adhere to the copyright rules stated in that book. I WOULD probably be allowed to do it if I quoted the copyright notice (i.e. where the quotation was from and who it belonged to) as long as it did not cross the threshold of what they allow (usually a number of words).


A properly crafted e-Sword file should include the copyright information in it's metadata (data you don't normally see).

Clicking the tab "Bible->Information" does not always give more than the basic copyright info - often it does though and one should look there first. The same applies for other sources (commentaries, etc.).

To be totally safe check out the BibleSupport page for the resource - as it might contain info otherwise unexpressed (which we have to agree we have read when we download something so...)


If in doubt don't go more than a couple of hundred words - and say what the source (who and what) you got it from is. It need only be a small addition in brackets on a slide, or a brief comment in a presentation (unless the credit is on screen or print that accompanies the presentation - if you record the presentation you should supply with it the accreditation of the works you quote - though it's only usual in academic circles to do so).

#17887 Macro request...

Posted by TaSwavo on 19 July 2013 - 05:21 PM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

would you be interested in a post-process that coverts based upon the english dictionary and some common rules?

I've been thinking of writing something to do this for a while - to include in my C# modules builder project. I am a programmer for my job (usually in c++) and love to work with the extra speed c# gives me in achieving my aims.


For example if you text reads "and so the faints shall be granted access to heaven" then it should know faints is a verb and so 'the faints' is probably wrong.


tbh - I think this would need to be user decisicion


it would pop up the text and as you to decide - but it could find the obvious ones and fix then (with a log) and prompt you for the others.


It's not a small task (I expect) but one I have thought about before.


If you'd like to pm me a sample (of your errant processed file) or even a jpg (or whatever) can use ABBY Finereader 9.0 on - I'd LOVE to work on this - no guarantees, when I reach a limit I usually know...


as Josh says - it's VERY difficult to say when an F is an S but if we can do it when reading --- it's probably possible most of the time. And the other times we can pop up. I'll look into it.