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There have been 5 items by rfdillon (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#22214 Question regarding the eSword Word 2010 macros

Posted by rfdillon on 21 September 2014 - 04:38 PM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

Where does one find the eSword hot key utility?  I don't see it on the extras page where the Macros are listed.  Thanks in advance for your help!

#22210 Question regarding the eSword Word 2010 macros

Posted by rfdillon on 20 September 2014 - 06:37 PM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

Yes, Word 2003 and 2010 are vastly different.  The Visual Basic for Application API is different, and security was vastly beefed up between Office 2003 and Office 2010.  Thanks so much any way, for your suggestions!

#22206 Question regarding the eSword Word 2010 macros

Posted by rfdillon on 20 September 2014 - 02:41 PM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

If I go to Add-ins, I see n;o tool bars.  I see the macros listed under view Macros, but they don't seem to do anything when I run the macro.  In Trust Center settings, I have set 'Enable All Macros, and I have checked  "Trust access to the VBA project object model".

#22203 Question regarding the eSword Word 2010 macros

Posted by rfdillon on 20 September 2014 - 10:12 AM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

Yes, I installed version 10.4.0, along with the macros.  The macros show up in Microsoft Word under view, macros, but I do not see an eSword tool bar.  I go to the macros, highlight them, and hit the run button, and nothing happens.  It is the same whether or not I highlight the text of the passage reference or not.  That is why I am asking regarding how to use these macros.  Thanks in advance for your help!

#22200 Question regarding the eSword Word 2010 macros

Posted by rfdillon on 19 September 2014 - 10:14 PM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities


I have used PC study Bible in past years, and recently attempted to use the paste reference macros in Word 2010, and nothing seems to work.

I installed ESword, as well as the macros for Office 2010, and while they show up in the list of macros, none of them apparently will go out to eSword and bring me the text of the passage that I have written in Word 2010.  I should say that this is on a Windows 7 64 bit PC.

Is there a tutorial somewhere on how to use these macros, and will they do what I want done, that is, I type a reference in Word, and then the macro goes out to ESword, copies the text of the reference, and pastes it in to Word 2010?  Thanks so very much in advance for your help!