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There have been 2 items by jerry_seville (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#1588 Converting old 1984 NIV .bbl module

Posted by jerry_seville on 23 August 2011 - 07:24 PM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

Ebed Doulos,

Thank you so much for that easy solution! As you say in your illustrated tutorial, "worked like a charm!"

Thanks also to patchworkid and jonathon for your input!

God bless

#1568 Converting old 1984 NIV .bbl module

Posted by jerry_seville on 23 August 2011 - 06:55 AM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

I recently purchased the NIV 2011 BUNDLE: NIV AND NIRV FOR E-SWORD PC from http://estudysource.....aspx?pid=B0024. To my dismay, this bundle no longer has the 1984 NIV. (I need this version because it is the same one used in Max McLean's audio bible that I have on CD.)

I have an old NIV.bbl (the 1984 version, created with an older version of BeST and/or imported from BibleGateway.com) that used to work with e-Sword 8.x.x, but after converting with e-Sword User Module Conversion Utility v9.8.0 or BeST Standard or Clint Conversion Utility 1.0.4, it is not recognized in e-Sword 9.9.1. Apparently, the conversion is successful, but the new .bblx doesn't show up in any of the Bible tabs.

I've written people at Estudysource and have told them that when purchasing the bundle a few days ago that I was under the impression that it came with the 1984 NIV, but they say that there's nothing they can do about it. (The least they could do is offer me the old bundle instead of the new one, which I don't want.)

Does anyone have any ideas about converting my old NIV.bbl? What am I doing wrong? (I've tried to attach it, but this site won't allow it.) Or better yet, does anyone have a copy of the discontinued 1984 NIV for the e-Sword 9.x.x? I would be glad to buy it from you, if necessary.

Thanks for your help!