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There have been 212 items by Tj Higgins (Search limited from 07-June 23)

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#45716 What Modules do you want for e-Sword

Posted by Tj Higgins on 31 December 2023 - 02:09 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources




Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament | HALOT (5 vols.)


As that is a copyrighted work, the copyright holder would need to give permission for an e-Sword module to be created. IF a module is created, it would likely be a premium or paid modules as it is for Logos Bible Software

#46154 What Modules do you want for e-Sword

Posted by Tj Higgins on 06 April 2024 - 10:59 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Many of the collections have been recategorized as Libraries the Arthur Pink Library can be found at this link:


#46045 What Modules do you want for e-Sword

Posted by Tj Higgins on 04 March 2024 - 10:49 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Hi, All.  Is there a possibility for a Besorah Of Yahusha Natsarim Version (BYNV) module?


Thank you

As that is a copyrighted work the copyright holder would have to grant permission for a module to be made

#45542 What Modules do you want for e-Sword

Posted by Tj Higgins on 03 December 2023 - 07:30 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Sadly, I was willing to pay a reasonable fee for them, but they were not available on the eSword site. I thought about reaching out to Rick, but not too long ago I enquired about trying to download the original 1611 KJV Bible for eSword and in this case he did not appear to be able to help me out. I would have thought they had older Bible editions archived and backup somewhere.  

I have both the 1978 and 1984 NiV modules

#45545 What Modules do you want for e-Sword

Posted by Tj Higgins on 04 December 2023 - 01:08 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Well, I did a search for the "1973 NIV pdf" and came up zip, nuder, zilch. So it looks like there isn't anything like an 1973 ed of the NIV running in some electronic format .

As Elder B said above the 1973 NIV was a New Testament only release and the full text of that NT was released in the 1978 complete bible release

#46123 e-Sword ToolTip Tool NT

Posted by Tj Higgins on 29 March 2024 - 07:47 PM in Module Creation Tools

Thanks.. This one seems to load.


Question..i notice there is a choice for the apocrypha.


While i use the modules in mysword, is it possible to have apocrypha appear in the book choices?

I know the KJV (and other versions) originally had them, but ive only seen them on the book tab.



Also, do i have to use/know the abbreviations?

Can i say  ÷1.1.2 instead of ÷Gen 1.2?


or will tooltip add the books in for me?



You have use the format Gen 1:2 you only need one mark at beginning off a bible module if your module includes the apocrypha the apocrypha books will appear in the book list in blue

#44957 e-Sword ToolTip Tool NT

Posted by Tj Higgins on 29 August 2023 - 03:48 PM in Module Creation Tools

Thank you so much, we can share screens on Zoom so I can explain the finer detail of my queries and you can guide me in terms of exact steps to convert my Word text into ToolTip Tool NT format..


I tried to upload the document but get a message saying I am not permitted to upload this kind of file (Microsoft Word docx)


I can email you my current version based on the KJV but that will necessitate backwards and forwards by email.


My email address is James.Robertson@End-Time-Issue-Ministries.org if you would like to email me and i can send you the document or we can coordinate a Zoom call.


I am going on vacation on Thursday morning and will be offline until the 13th of September so would only be able to meet then.


Note that my message is highly contrroversial to many so once you have seen what i have done you may decide not to advise me :(


Thanks so much for your willingness to help.

If you could upload your files to a cloud drive such as google drive i can download them from there if possible. I not I will email you


As to your the details of your queries and concerns if you could explain them in an email that will be fine 

#44941 e-Sword ToolTip Tool NT

Posted by Tj Higgins on 28 August 2023 - 09:08 AM in Module Creation Tools






I have just started using eSword.




Have a project underway to create a Bible version that particularly emphasises the Name Yah in all the names it occurs in -- for example MattihYahoo versus Matthew and to address other points that I have come to understand after walking closely with the Creator for over thirty years.




Currently doing this in Microsoft Word using a KJV text that I downloaded off the Internet.




See great value in having this available in eSword but need help to convert the text.




Wondering if there is someone who can give me some guidance.




I was once very technically able but I am now pushing 70 and am preoccupied with my project so the thought of learning how to use TootTip NT and all that goes with it is daunting -- not to mention the work involved in converting the text to the prescribed format.and converting the linked commentary




Is there someone who would be prepared to sit with me on Zoom or Teams for perhaps an hour and discuss my requirement and how best to adapt to eSword and ToolTip NT?




Thank you so much




Dr James A Robertson


You don't need to convert text to use Tooltip NT, all you need to do is copy from Word and paste it into Tooltip NT. Tooltip NT comes with a very robust users manual that makes using the program very easy 

#44944 e-Sword ToolTip Tool NT

Posted by Tj Higgins on 28 August 2023 - 02:05 PM in Module Creation Tools

Thank you, I am hoping to find someone who can advise me with regard to the whole gamut of deploying content on e-Sword, have lots of footnotes companion articles with supporting detail that I want to cross reference.


I am a management consultant in my work life and know the power of consulting who really knows their way around a particular technology.

e-Sword uses modules for the various content that can be used with the program, there are several different modules type for different types of content. 

Here is a list of the module types:

Bible Reading Plan 
Harmony File 
Each of the module types listed above as different file format  each with it's own four letter file extension. For I go any further, I need to point out that e-Sword is available for the following operating systems Windows, Android, iPad, iPod, and Mac OS.

Creating modules for e-Sword use is very easy once you get the hang of it, Tooltip NT is a word processor that was specially designed for creating modules for e-Sword.  

In order to create what you want to create you will need to create a bible module that will contain the text of the bible. The other information footnotes, and the articles will need go to into a commentary module which will connect to your bible module. e-Sword links bibles, commentaries and dictionaries by design to make bible study as easy as possible. 

Again the users manual that comes with Tooltip NT explains everything in detail to make module creation easier


#44954 e-Sword ToolTip Tool NT

Posted by Tj Higgins on 29 August 2023 - 11:51 AM in Module Creation Tools

Thank you so much


Would you be prepared to get on a Zoom call with me so I can show you my content and discuss the best way to move from Microsoft Word to ToolTip Tool NT?


Thanks again :)

If you can email me the content or make it available to download I can take a look at and help you. Talking on Zoom will not let me see that actual content and I need to see what you are working. Please understand that I am in the middle of a large e-Sword project myself but I will make some time to help you

#45134 How to Make e-Sword Modules - ToolTip NT User's Guide - .94 / Revision 2/...

Posted by Tj Higgins on 29 September 2023 - 01:56 PM in Tutorials

I'm sorry to hear about the death of the author of T4. May God watch over and bless his loved ones. 


Thank you for sharing with me. Knowing that "T4" is "ToolTip Tool NT" is really helpful. Eventually I'll get up to speed with all the e-Sword and BibleSupport tech lingo. 


I've been reading the User Guide I downloaded from this forum and it is helping tremendously. I'm ready to get the T4 (as you say) downloaded and start using it. 


In reading the User Guide (and a few posts on this forum) it appears that much of the work can be done on any word processor or even a simple text editor. Is this correct? 


If yes, what is the key and absolute necessary component of T4? The "bare bones"? If, say, 90% of the work can be done with a word processor what is that 10% T4 does? 


Would you happen to know what programming language he used? I'm just curious. I know some programmers of various different languages, including relatively unknown ones. 


Thank you, by the way, to you and everyone who has taken time to read and answer my questions. I know you value your time and I value your time as well! 



Tooltip NT is the only program that will generate modules that e-Sword can read.

You can do the work of assembling and editing modules in other programs per say but you need to process modules using ToolTip for proper file formatting. ToolTip has many functions that other word processors and text editors do not have that are designed specifically for e-Sword  module creation

Tooltip was created using a programming platform called APL2000 Rapid Application Development 


#45131 How to Make e-Sword Modules - ToolTip NT User's Guide - .94 / Revision 2/...

Posted by Tj Higgins on 28 September 2023 - 07:25 PM in Tutorials

I'm trying to use "search" in the group forums to find the answers to the questions I have as a new user to the BibleSupport forum. Please forgive me if I ask something that has already been answered. 


Reading the ToolTip User's Guide I do not see downloading instructions. (Did I miss it somehow?)


When I attempt to download ToolTip NT (which I did download all three but could only run one) am I supposed to download all three? Or is each one for a different purpose? If yes, which one should I download? I've attached a screen shot for easier understanding of what my dilemma and question is. 

You can access the Tooltip Users Guide after you download and install the program, once you have done this run the program and click Help on the menu across the top of Tooltip. This will open the Tooltip Help Menu the last item on the menu is labeled Tooltip NT 2.10 pdf click this and the manual will open in Adobe Acrobat reader. 

You only need to install one version of Tooltip, the developer of the Tooltip program always had the most recent version and two prior versions available for download

#45060 Post e-Sword Module Requests Here

Posted by Tj Higgins on 17 September 2023 - 09:50 AM in Module Requests

would m like to get the Bible Garima Gospels 



also am having issues downloading new bibles i downloaded i think 4 now list is gone to choose from so i update now i cant even select bibles everything greyed out

You need to be running e-Sword 13 to download bibles using the built in downloader.

As for the Bible Garima Gospels there maybe copyrights involved that may prevent them from being made into an e-Sword module

#46181 Perl scripts to convert e-Sword 9 bblx and cmtx modules to mysword

Posted by Tj Higgins on 19 April 2024 - 09:56 AM in MySword

Hello, could you attach the file again? because it says it is not available. Thank you

You don't need the Perl scripts there is a conversion tool available called Simple Bible Reader, which can do the conversions. The program can convert between many different bible programs with ease. 

You can download the program here: 


#44599 Convert BBLX to .rtf, .html, .txt, mobi, .doc/.docx ? for Kindle?

Posted by Tj Higgins on 18 June 2023 - 06:46 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

I have put soft enter, at the places indicated, but the errors appears on same places

Replace all of the headers at the top of your document with the following to save has a bblx module:

#define description=DESC

#define abbreviation=ABBR

#define comments=CMTS

#define version=3

#define strong=0

#define right2left=0

#define ot=0

#define nt=1

#define font=DEFAULT

#define apocrypha=0


You need to give your module a description were it says DESC and an abbreviation were the letters ABBR are shown. The abbreviation will be the tab name for the module that appears in the bible window of e-Sword. You can add a description of your module were the letters CMTS are shown. As your module contains the books of the Apocrypha you will need to change the 0 in the last line of the headers to 1 so it will look like this  #define apocrypha=1


Also you do not need blank paragraphs between bible book chapters

Your bible text is duplicated for some reason