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There have been 14 items by capecove (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#38901 KJV 2000 for iPad

Posted by capecove on 10 October 2020 - 07:25 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Well, I'm no expert on this but wanted you to know I am thinking about doing this. Had eye surgery recently so can't do it now, but perhaps soon.


Do you have an updated link to this KJV2000 for iOS? The above isn’t working.


Have a great day now...



#38883 Converting PC module to e-Sword X: NET First edition

Posted by capecove on 05 October 2020 - 05:53 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Good day to you Stephen!

Thanks for this suggestion brother... I did write to Rick and it took several attemts to get a response, one which seemed to indicate that he is a very busy person. In the end, he told me it will not work because it is a premium module that I am trying to use, though it appears to me that it simply cannot be a premium module. I asked him about this and did not hear back again. Considering it took some prodding the last time - I decided to try to exhaust this pathway before bothering him again on this issue.


But, I assure you, if I ever get it to work, I will be only too glad to share the method AND, if I ever hear anything in a positive way about trying to do this, why wouldn't I share that functional module on this website? I would be only too glad to do so. It may take some doing for me to figure our how to create modules for e-Sword X users, but I would be willing to do it if at all possible, respected and appreciated.


Please remember, I just purchased e-Sword X a few weeks ago off the Apple store and had only heard of e-Sword for the PC up until  that point; coming from the OnlineBible (first PC (DOS!) then Macintosh versions) ---> Olive Tree pathway. I would like to get down the pathway of eSword X and make it a more common daily workflow kind of option for me, but I am still new to not only the application, but the thought process and "ethos" or "culture" of its users.


I am still looking at the module creation process for e-Sword, both PC and e-Sword X. Heck, I'm still learning how to find what I want in the software itself! Hahahaha...


Take care and have a great day now! Always glad to hear from you and thank you for your time...








Hi Jason,

If in the end that nothing works out and the problem still persists, suggest you contact Rick Meyers and see what he has to say.


In the event he has resolved the issue for you, please share the solution on here.



#38882 Converting PC module to e-Sword X: NET First edition

Posted by capecove on 05 October 2020 - 05:43 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Hello JPG and thank you for this suggestion. I am willing to give plenty of potentialities a whirl!

I would like to try to implement this, but I am completely unaware of the file structure of these files. I might just, for the sake of fun and laughs, try to open one of these files in a text/hex editor and see what I find.


I work commonly with CSS, HTML and eBook programming processes as well as relational database programming and once upon a time (decades ago now) created shareware applications for the PC. SO, I suppose I will see if I can figure this out.


If there is a good tutorial for this sort of thing on these forums, would you pass that my way?

Thank you again!



Long shot.

Perhaps if you change the abbreviation name in the file to NET1x it will work. I say this because in the e-Sword version abbreviation names have been reserved for official resources in the past, and maybe that is the case here.

#38869 Converting PC module to e-Sword X: NET First edition

Posted by capecove on 02 October 2020 - 09:05 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Thanks for the attempt TJ, it was a noble suggestion.


Sadly, I just tried it and got the same result. I am not sure why the module is posted twice, it seems that the uploads were split by just a few minutes. I did write 2GunTom a PM asking if he had any suggestions but it has been a week or two and no response. He may not frequent here at all any longer.


Is there a user out there who has purchased the e-Sword X NET premium module? Can anyone tell me if it comes with both the first edition and the second edition? I suppose that I need to find out more about the developer and perhaps ask them directly.


Is there a decent tutorial on how to take a Word doc, HTML, RTF, etc. and convert it into a module? I might try making this happen myself - if it is a reasonable pursuit. If nothing else, it might prove useful in other ways as well - including creating other content for e-Sword I do not see listed here. Any insight on this process folks?


Also, still not hearing about whether or not the community here would consider it reasonable, acceptable, etc. for me to upload these  BBLI files that DO appear in my e-Sword X for others to download. Any thoughts on that folks?

Have a great Friday... Thank you all again...





There are two different uploads of the Net free module on this website, you might want to try the other file that is uploaded on this site:



There are two different uploads of the Net free module on this website, you might want to try the other file that is uploaded on this site:


#38868 Converting PC module to e-Sword X: NET First edition

Posted by capecove on 02 October 2020 - 08:57 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources



Good day to you there Stephen...   :D


Listen brother, I have not been ribbed in a little while for my current MacOS connection. :) I assure you, what you wrote is not foreign to me nor offensive. It did give me a little chuckle, surely. Thanks for that.


You know, I worked in the IT industry from the early 90's to 2011. And, during that time, I was a 99% PC kind of guy, working on - literally - 100,000+ computers in that span (and seeing a whole host of changes in hardware, massively sweeping changes). It was a form of psychological terror. Ha... I loved DOS, embraced Windows, supported many versions of it and just got tired of doing it at work, then getting home and doing the same sort of stuff I did all day all over again (BSOD's affected us all from time to time). In 2008, I purchased a MacBook and I have just kind of been in the Apple OS-sphere since then. As you can tell, I am not averse to Windows entirely, I have a Windows 10 HP laptop (an Elitebook, which I genuinely adore from a hardware repair standpoint). I even dualboot a Linux distro from time to time. So, I like to keep my options open.


The truth is that I just got tired of fixing computers, especially OS issues, and my iMac experience has proven that - for me - I could relax and not worry about fixing things so often. 


I was a fond fan of Online Bible and owned it for both the PC and the MacOS, but it died a couple years back and so I got in the OliveTree vein. Then, Olive Tree sent out an update for MacOS that caused issues - crashing without displaying Bible content. Given that I am using electronic passages daily in ministry I was blown out of the water. I had not made a backup plan if OliveTree ever fails, and that was shortsighted. So, here I am.



As a current author and publisher, I could've written much more here now. However, I will spare you the full autobiography. ;)

Have a great day my friend and thanks again...





Hey Jason, you can take this as me being totally cheeky, and you want to shoot me for it, or take it as what you really should do. So, I'll leave that part up to you.


So here goes.

Toss out your Mac device, and get yourself a Windows PC come laptop or even a Microsoft Surface Pro.


Now I realize you may take this as blasphemy, and should be burned at the stake for it. But hey, at least I'm trying to, ummm, help you out?! Or maybe not?!



#38864 Converting PC module to e-Sword X: NET First edition

Posted by capecove on 01 October 2020 - 02:15 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Hello Stehen, Jon, et al.


I just wanted to throw a little more in there on this considering Stephen's comments...


He did try to get me a file that SHOULD'VE worked. However, it did not (thanks for trying anyhow Stephen!). I had converted it myself and tried to use it prior to posting here on the forum, and that was - obviously - unsuccessful in spite of a "successful" conversion.


Regarding my installation here, every other module downloaded and converted from PC to Mac and then imported through Files\Resources\Import... work perfectly. Just this morning, I installed these first on my Windows 10 laptop and then converted them successfully to .bbli modules on the same laptop, transferred them to a flash drive, then copied them onto the iMac (remember, Catalina and 40gb of ram) and once copied, imported them into e-Sword X and they are all working perfectly. You can see which modules they were below if you are interested:





I selected modules found on this website, just as I tried to use the NET First edition found on this website as well:




Still hoping to hear something, though I might be without hope in this endeavor. 


As an aside... For you experienced module folks... Would it be welcome for me to take these BBLI files and upload them here on Bible Support? Or, are there rules about uploading modules that would prohibit me from doing so? If I find them on this site, and then make a Mac module for e-Sword X out of a e-Sword PC module, would that be a kind thing to do or breaking rules, annoying others, etc.? I am at a bit of a loss over why I am not seeing e-Sword X modules commmonly in downloads.


Thanks for your time...





Hi Jon,

Yes it does because I converted it from a bblx file and sent the converted file to him. So, as to the what is causing the problem is a total unknown thingy. Moreover, from what I can gather, it is something which is peculiar to his machine due to the fact that no else has reported such difficulties a Jason is experiencing.



#38861 Converting PC module to e-Sword X: NET First edition

Posted by capecove on 30 September 2020 - 12:24 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Well TJ, if there is I cannot discover it (thanks for the suggestion though, I did double check because of what you wrote). In the preferences dialog there is very little to choose from. A few panes exist but nothing that seems to have anything to do with this - even remotely.


If I enter the File menu, choose Resources and then select Delete, I can get a listing of the modules I can seemingly access from within e-Sword X, including all of the available Bibles (so that I can choose to delete them if I wish). Yet, NET does not appear in this list. To be honest, for my 20+ years of IT experience mind, it is like the module is not being installed, the module is being deleted and I am not getting any king of dialog to let me know as such.


I did put in another question to Rick but haven't heard from him in the last week or so. I might have to follow up again.


Still glad to have all the input I can possibly get. :)



I don't use e-Sword X as  I have a Windows PC, but with the Windows version of e-Sword, there is a resources option that allows users to select which modules are visible in e-Sword. I wonder if there is a similar feature in e-Sword X?

#38851 Did You Know...? Trivia

Posted by capecove on 29 September 2020 - 02:41 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Thanks Stephen and Bobs too... Interesting and something for me to "check out".


Have a great day gentlemen...






#38850 Converting PC module to e-Sword X: NET First edition

Posted by capecove on 29 September 2020 - 02:04 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Hi TJ, thanks for the suggestion. Sadly, I have been trying this for two weeks and have gone as far as not only closing and reopening e-Sword X, but restarting my iMac without success.


I am happy to hear any and all suggestions. I am beginning to feel that I must be overlooking something incredibly obvious or there is something not quite "right" about e-Sword X.




If you had/have e-Sword X running when you did the import of the module, try closing the program and then restarting it

#38849 Converting PC module to e-Sword X: NET First edition

Posted by capecove on 29 September 2020 - 02:02 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Well, I was holding out hope that I was the one all askew. Oh well... Thanks again for trying!

Anyone else, perhaps?

I should have looked more closely, at your post and the site.


Have a splendid day folks...



#38845 Converting PC module to e-Sword X: NET First edition

Posted by capecove on 29 September 2020 - 12:37 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Thank you JPG for this suggestion... :)

I - sadly - must've done a terrible job communicating this initially so I will pass along the fact that the link you sent to me APPEARS TO ME to be for the SECOND EDITION of the NET and I am trying to find the FIRST EDITION. If I am being a blockhead here and this is - somehow - the first edition yet I am unable to ascertain this, please let me know?


Thank you for your attempt and I am holding out hope you are right on the mark and I am the one confused about SECOND EDITION vs. FIRST EDITION.


Have a great day!






You can purchase directly from here https://store.bible....tore/product/70

#38843 Converting PC module to e-Sword X: NET First edition

Posted by capecove on 29 September 2020 - 06:44 AM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Good morning folks!

In spite of the prior kind offer by Stephen to help me directly, I am still stuck here. He did convert a NET noteless module for me, and I did the routine import process ti the file he sent along but it is not appearing in e-Sword X and under File\Resource\Delete... it doesn't show the NET module. It does, however, display the other modules I have added via File\Resources\Download...


Let me ask a silly question here... I want to use the First edition of the NET, does e-Sword X not allow that capability at all since we are now up to the 2.x edition? In other words, with other translations out there is there a forced pathway to update to the newest possible version? Is this a case where the e-Sword X software cannot work with an older module because it is aware that there is a newer version?


Another question... Is anyone aware of the NET First edition working within e-Sword X?


Thank you again for your time, and Stephen (APSit190), thank you for your attempt to directly assist! Have a great day...




#38820 Converting PC module to e-Sword X: NET First edition

Posted by capecove on 24 September 2020 - 02:26 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Hi folks... I received an email from Rick regarding this issue, and he believes it is because I am trying to use a "premium" module. I was not aware of this as it was freely available here on biblesupport.com. HOWEVER, might I ask if any of you know where I can get the NET First edition that might be converted to e-Sword X? I have this one lined up:





But fear that I must not understand and that it is a premium module.

I am now second guessing just about everything. Hahahaha...


Thanks for your help, guidance, etc. I don't mind doing the conversion, I am simply looking for a FREE NET First Edition module to convert to e-Sword X OR would even be willing to pay a reasonable fee for a first edition version for e-Sword X - without notes is fine with me. I don't usually reference the notes - especially when sharing passages with others.


Thank you again...

#38819 Converting PC module to e-Sword X: NET First edition

Posted by capecove on 24 September 2020 - 12:04 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Hello folks...

I recently purchased e-Sword X (current version reporting as Version 7.0 (26)) to be a "backup" to my other Bible study software which has been having some issues since a recent update the manufacturer of the software completed to it - I assume they will eventually fix it. I am on a 2019 model iMac i5 with 40GB of RAM and running up to date Catalina.

I have been using the NET (Bible.org) for years, even have a commercial use license for it, which is a blessing in our modern era. For many reasons, I appreciate it. In my particular personal experience, I feel that it is an effective tool for communicating to groups of people or for those folks who take a more "leisurely" approach to pursuing the Greek. As a result, I use it very often - essentially daily.

Since the noteless NET (first edition at least, I know essentially nothing about this second edition stuff) is freely distributable (most of the folks who I minister to couldn't care less about the translators notes, it is all they can handle to read the Word without any other "stuff"), and has been included in the PC e-Sword universe for freely available download, I assumed that I would see the exact same type of module for the Mac side of things. However, amazingly, I am not seeing that at all. I cannot find a pre-prepared module with the NET First Edition available (for Mac users) anywhere - with or without notes - even for commercial purchase.

So, I did some research and learned of the PC to Mac converter. Since I have an older Windows laptop and the NET noteless edition resides on the e-Sword on that laptop, I went through the motions of preparing a module myself. I have done the process 12 times now and it always goes very fine, though it does take some time. In the end I am provided with a 23 mb .bbli file. In fact, the exact file name the convertor creates is "netbible_ref.bbli". I copy it to a flash drive and then get it onboard my iMac. I go through the process of importing the file (File\Resources\Import, selecting the bbli file showing there on my dekstop). e-Sword X acts like all is fine, the import completes without an error, the dialog vanishes and then DELETES (or moves?) the original .bbli file I placed on the desktop of my iMac when I copied it from the flash drive.

Fine. So, I close e-Sword X and then reopen, hit the Bibles dropdown at the top and do not see it. You can see a screenshot of my Bibles dropdown attached if it interests you. So, I reboot the iMac, same result - it does not appear in the list. I recopy the file from the flash drive to the desktop and try the process again, same exact result: it appears to go smoothly and without trouble but then the Bible does not appear in the dropdown list. SO, I try to import it as a user file (Files\User Files\Import) with the same result.

Therefore, I recreate the conversion on the PC and go through this all again. Same result. You know what Einstein said about insanity, don't you?  :)

I need help. Does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing? I sent a support email to the folks at e-Sword X (that was last week) and have heard zero from them regarding this.

I need to get the first edition of the NET translation going here or I am going to have to move to another backup option. Passages of Scripture are vital to my ambassadorship of Christ, I really need to try to get this going. Perhaps you can help?

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day...