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There have been 5 items by ComfortersCorner (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#35721 e-Sword Hotkey copying/pasting issues into word processor

Posted by ComfortersCorner on 29 March 2019 - 09:36 PM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

I just tried WordPad and it wouldn't even copy from there. Odd.  Nothing changed in e-Sword but the reference showed up in the hotkey window.


I installed the newer version today because 390 stopped working.  It is 11:45 here now, so I am heading to bed.  I will try what you just posted tomorrow and find the place to message you from.  Thank you for your time tonight.

#35718 e-Sword Hotkey copying/pasting issues into word processor

Posted by ComfortersCorner on 29 March 2019 - 09:14 PM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

I clicked on the index file as suggested and assume it did what it was suppose to as nothing showed up to show anything happened.  I just got an error message that the index download failed.  WSE_NOTIFY=6


I did turn the popup back on and it comes up as it should.


This is odd.  If I type the reference into the e-Sword hotkey window and select and copy from there it will paste into the e-Sword editor window correctly, but still will not paste into WordPerfect but it will into Open Office Writer.  In WP it only pastes the reference that I copied.  However, it will copy from Writer as it will in WordPerfect but not paste correctly there either.  I did a repair on WordPerfect but that didn't help either.


I am in Maine, I see you are in California where my mother-in-law is.  I won't be able to Skype or phone now until Monday.  Is there a way to exchange information without putting it into this topic.  I saw somewhere a send message button under your picture.  Would that work?

#35716 e-Sword Hotkey copying/pasting issues into word processor

Posted by ComfortersCorner on 29 March 2019 - 08:07 PM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

I have the Word Macro 2016 installed that I have had installed right along.  I just confirmed that and did a repair on it just in case, but it made no difference.


I am following the process you described and have repeated it several times since reading your reply with no different results.  The verse visibly changes in e-Sword but will not paste into the word processor.

#35714 e-Sword Hotkey copying/pasting issues into word processor

Posted by ComfortersCorner on 29 March 2019 - 07:17 PM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

Hi, First let me say that I sure have appreciated your program.  I don't use Word so the Word macros are not helpful.  I was really pleased to find the Hotkey program and use it a great deal in my Bible study preparation.  So Thank You.


I was using F6 as the Bible hotkey and it stopped working.  That could be something wrong with the keyboard, I suppose.  I registered F7 then and it worked for awhile.  I am confident that it is not the keyboard that is not working now since the key registers fine when I depress it to register it and the taskbar icon flashes showing it is working.  The verses show correctly in the popup, but that has just started happening.  I don't know how to get them from the popup.  I never use to see the popup, they would just copy into the word processor (WordPerfect X7) after depressing the hotkey and ctl+v.  I changed the hotkey designated for the popup to 0 in the configuration file so the popup no longer comes up, but it still doesn't paste the verse into the word processor.  This issue was happening before the popup started coming up.


So the process, when I copy the reference in the word processor e-Sword changes to the proper verse, I wait for the taskbar icon to stop flashing and then depress the hotkey F7 and then wait for the taskbar icon to stop flashing again, then ctl+v and all that pastes is whatever I copied to bring over from e-Sword.  As a test I just changed the Bible hotkey to F5 and it still did not paste.  What is odd is that this is happening now in two versions of the program.  The new installation must draw from the old one somewhere in the registry?


Thanks for your help.


#35708 e-Sword Hotkey copying/pasting issues into word processor

Posted by ComfortersCorner on 29 March 2019 - 10:17 AM in e-Sword Tools & Utilities

I have been using the e-Sword hotkey now for quite awhile, I hesitate to think how long, years.  I do not understand why it gets so few downloads as it is such a useful utility.


I recently went back to using the 390 version because I had problems with the newer versions.  Everything was working as expected until recently.  The hotkey utility finds the verse in e-Sword as expected when copied, but when the hotkey is depressed to bring it into the word processor and then ctrl+v to paste it only pastes the reference that was copied or whatever was copied e.g. a segment of text containing references.  I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and it only picked up former settings somehow and the problem continued.  I tried downloading the latest version 2019.320 and the same thing is happening.  (Incidentally the red e icon is not coming up on the taskbar and will not change even from the properties.)


For awhile the popup window would come up instead of pasting into the word processor even though the popup options were not selected.  Somehow or other that has stopped happening, but the pasting issue continues.  I am using this in Windows 7 pro.  I would certainly appreciate help as I depend on the hotkey a great deal.  Thanks

