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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Dec 02 2011 08:54 PM
  • Last Updated: Dec 03 2011 04:08 AM
  • File Size: 4.27MB
  • Views: 9511
  • Downloads: 2,218
  • MySword Version:: 1.X

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MySword (Mobile) Module Download:
Download IHOT+ Droid MySword Version

* * * * * 4 Votes
  • How do I view MySword modules?
    Note: After you download the file to your PC or your android device, the file must then be moved to the MySword folder on your android device. If downloading directly to your android device, you may need to install a file explorer app to be able to move the file to your MySword folder if your device does not have one already.

MySword Version::

Interlinear Hebrew Old Testament with Strongs for MySword.

Note that for this module to work properly, at your Android version must be at least Honeycomb (verion 3.x). There is a bug in the browser of earlier versions (which MySword uses) that will render a few words left to right. This is fixed in Honeycomb.

Thank you so much for this, what a blessing.
Awesome, thanks!
I noticed that there are no vowel pointings. Is it possible to get vowel pointings with it? Also, is it possible to install honeycomb 3x?

I noticed that there are no vowel pointings. Is it possible to get vowel pointings with it? Also, is it possible to install honeycomb 3x?

Hi superxxziggi,

Sorry for the late reply, it's just now that I saw your post. I'm sorry, there is no way for me to add the vowel points since the original e-Sword version doesn't have them either. I just wrote a script that read the e-Sword database and created one for MySword (and transfering the Windows-1255 characters to UTF-8).
Installing honeycomb is likely not possible. It is a version of Android that (IIRC) was created mainly for tablets. Version 4.x (Ice Cream Sandwitch) is being made available for some newer phones, but the only way to get that is by installing a non-standard ROM.

Hope that helps,

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