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  • Submitted: Apr 18 2021 03:23 PM
  • Last Updated: Apr 18 2021 03:38 PM
  • File Size: 193.66K
  • Views: 2935
  • Downloads: 175
  • Author: Various
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Suggest New Tag:: Theology, Bible College, Seminary, Conservative, Inter-Denominational

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download Seminary Lite Online-Ed v.1 (PDF)

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e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Suggest New Tag::
Theology, Bible College, Seminary, Conservative, Inter-Denominational

This module is a PDF which consists of links to online theological courses hosted and produced by their respective sites instead. ***WIFI OR INTERNET ACCESS IS NECESSARY TO USE*** Links to websites, or to freely accessible online resources are not copyrightable, as links in themselves do not consist of any copyrighted material, and this PDF is simply a list of links to such theological resources (theological lecture courses) freely accessible to all online.

ALL CLASSES IN THIS LIST ARE 100% FREE to view or listen to on their respective websites. "Seminary Lite" or this list is in no way associated or affiliated with the creators of the linked content in this module, ("Seminary Lite" is only the name of "this" list for the sole purpose of differentiating from other such lists) nor were any specific permissions requested, nor deemed necessary to create this module or utilize the direct hyperlinks, as again, links themselves do not contain copyrighted material.

All content in this module can be accessed in your browser, thus, the reason Itunes resources are excluded.

The links included in this list are set up so that clicking the link included under the topic of the class, takes you directly to the class online from within the list. No copying or pasting into an external search engine is necessary.

The criteria for consideration when including these courses is that they derive from people, churches, institutions, colleges, and seminaries that hold to a conservative, orthodox, evangelical, Protestant interpretation of scripture and theology.

This list will be periodically updated to include new courses or to remove links that are no longer valid. The updated versions will be apparent by the change in version numbers, i.e., "v.1, v.2," etc.

I believe this list consists of the best opportunity, (for many of us who cannot relocate, nor afford or have access to a formal theological education like Bible College or Seminary,) to get the next best thing and at absolutely no cost. I began to make a topix. module of this list, but decided against it, as the ability to link to the classes are imbedded in the PDF, thus, this saves me time to work on other modules that are not so easily accessible.

This module is inter-denominational, meaning, many different denominations (thus, theological leanings) of Protestantism are represented. With that being said, one will typically find that in any form of theological education, and while one may not agree on every theological point represented, all of these classes come from people that hold to what the Church considers “the Essentials.”

There are over 150 courses ranging from topics such as Systematic Theology, Original Languages, Biblical Studies, Biblical Counseling, Pastoral Care, and the list can go on.

I apologize in advance if this upload is not permitted. I have seen PDF's uploaded here before, and I am not advertising anything personal, nor do I personally benefit in any way from people using this list. I have just collected this list of theological classes for my personal edification, and am just freely sharing it with others who my not have access to this degree of study.

***A special heartfelt thank you to the content creators for enabling many of us to access a level of theological education that apart from these courses would most likely be otherwise unattainable.

This PDF can be easily converted into a Topic Module for use within e-Sword as e-Sword does not read PDF files

This PDF can be easily converted into a Topic Module for use within e-Sword as e-Sword does not read PDF files

I understand it can be made into a topic module. Actually, I was working on one when I decided to upload this. In the topic module, I was also including links to the respective sources statements of faith. While methodologically it is easy, in terms of the how to; practically it is a little pain copying and pasting over 250-350 links, and in some classes you have to do 20-40 links since the source did not have the class in a collection, but within a place with 100's of other lectures. I took the time to do it for theWord. To date, and this has been a few months, 41 people have downloaded it. It is interesting that to some, this list would be like a gold-mine, considering Logos Mobile-Ed classes cost anywhere from $199-$699 per course, but realistically, far fewer people are interested in this type of training as some would think. If I were not already working on the 54 volume Puritan Paperbacks Public Domain for E-Sword and theWord, I may have taken the time, but even by the time I get done with that in a month or so, I would be surprised if this has been downloaded a 100 times. Some people like Bible College/Seminary type training, and since I had the resource, that is why I included it, but many like a more personal study approach, which is awesome too, but since I work full-time, taking 4 or 5 days to make a module out of a fully functioning PDF takes away from good progress I could be making in the one I am already working on. God Bless. 

I understand it can be made into a topic module. Actually, I was working on one when I decided to upload this. In the topic module, I was also including links to the respective sources statements of faith. While methodologically it is easy, in terms of the how to; practically it is a little pain copying and pasting over 250-350 links, and in some classes you have to do 20-40 links since the source did not have the class in a collection, but within a place with 100's of other lectures. I took the time to do it for theWord. To date, and this has been a few months, 41 people have downloaded it. It is interesting that to some, this list would be like a gold-mine, considering Logos Mobile-Ed classes cost anywhere from $199-$699 per course, but realistically, far fewer people are interested in this type of training as some would think. If I were not already working on the 54 volume Puritan Paperbacks Public Domain for E-Sword and theWord, I may have taken the time, but even by the time I get done with that in a month or so, I would be surprised if this has been downloaded a 100 times. Some people like Bible College/Seminary type training, and since I had the resource, that is why I included it, but many like a more personal study approach, which is awesome too, but since I work full-time, taking 4 or 5 days to make a module out of a fully functioning PDF takes away from good progress I could be making in the one I am already working on. God Bless. 

I have converted 49 of the 54 Puritan Paperbacks to e-Sword topic modules if you need any help with them 

I have converted 49 of the 54 Puritan Paperbacks to e-Sword topic modules if you need any help with them 

No, thats OK. Looks like you got this for E-Sword, now I can focus on creating it specifically for theWord. Best wishes, and God Bless. 

I have converted 49 of the 54 Puritan Paperbacks to e-Sword topic modules if you need any help with them 

On second thought, I would love to utilize the modules you created, but I dont think you created them with the proper prefixes to be used in a single module consisting of all 54 volumes. I will do this as I finish them for theWord and upload it here for those who prefer that instead of 49 single books in the series. I have been getting used to ToolTip, and people are right, its really not that hard once you get the hang of it. Since I already did one module in theWord, tested it out in ToolTip, and it took me about 15 minutes to create since it was already formatted. Putting all 54 volumes in a single module is going to be a piece of cake, since the prefixes make it so easy to tell one book from the next. You should really upload those 49 volumes, unless you are in the process of editing the other 5 by hand, then I can totally understand why not. Talk to you later. God Bless.

On second thought, I would love to utilize the modules you created, but I dont think you created them with the proper prefixes to be used in a single module consisting of all 54 volumes. I will do this as I finish them for theWord and upload it here for those who prefer that instead of 49 single books in the series. I have been getting used to ToolTip, and people are right, its really not that hard once you get the hang of it. Since I already did one module in theWord, tested it out in ToolTip, and it took me about 15 minutes to create since it was already formatted. Putting all 54 volumes in a single module is going to be a piece of cake, since the prefixes make it so easy to tell one book from the next. You should really upload those 49 volumes, unless you are in the process of editing the other 5 by hand, then I can totally understand why not. Talk to you later. God Bless.

I did not create one single topic module of the Puritan Paperbacks, I created individual topic files for each book. The only one that was tough to deal was #20. I will upload them and you can download them for your use.

I just uploaded them they can be found here it this link:


I just uploaded them they can be found here it this link:


I'm sorry, it seems like your link is not working. Hopefully it will later. Like I said, I dont know if your modules will work for my project, as I have to include specific prefixes in each module so I can combine them. This will probably hold people over though, so great job. My release will not be coming out until I do the hard part of formatting the unformatted texts, then I will simply add the other 49 volumes of formatted works into a single module. God Bless.

I just uploaded them they can be found here it this link:


Okay, they are working now. Great job. God Bless.

Although Barf went to seminary many moons ago, Barf only studied bikinis and water balloons. Therefore, Barf likes this module.

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