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  • Submitted: Feb 07 2020 11:07 PM
  • Last Updated: Sep 12 2022 05:45 PM
  • File Size: 24.47MB
  • Views: 7337
  • Downloads: 1,658
  • Author: DSaw
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: KJV-TR+EC+

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download KJV-TR+ Englishman’s concordance plus 3.2

* * * * * 4 Votes
New Testament Biblical Studies Greek Exegesis Bible Interpretation Word Study


e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:

Special note KJV-TR+EC+sil is for Silverhair and has NO UNDERLINING

The first stage of KJV-TR+ Englishman’s concordance plus KJV-TR+EC+ is complete but as a whole it is still a work in progress


This is an Englishman’s Concordance of the KJV+ and the (TRa), if using any other modules the locations should match

but the Greek and English will vary

As a rule, reference entries where the strongs # is in parentithies (G### ) in KJV+. will be one of the following.

1. the word will be in ( ) in the main section,

2. will be moved to the “Not in the KJV+” section

3. not shown at all

(Not in) means that reference was not found in the KJV+ or The Greek (TRa) under that specific strong’s number but maybe under another strong's number



Total Occurrences: 91

αβυσσον2 abusson3(3)4 accusative. singular 5

bottomless6, Rev_20:3

deep6, Luk_8:31, Rom_10:7

αβυσσου2 abussou3 (6) 4 genitive singular 5

bottomless6, Rev_9:1-2 (2), Rev_9:11, Rev_17:7-8 (2), Rev_20:1,

English to Strong’s

bottomless10 - G127

deep10 - G12, G899, G900, G901, G10377

Hebrew Related

H4688, H6683, H7338, H84158



1. Total Occurrences Greek under that Strong’s
2. Greek
3. Transliteration
4. Individual Greek word occurrences
5. Grammatical forms in abreviated form
6. English word translated from Greek
7. All Strong’s Numbers that have that word Tranlated.
8. Hebrew related to that strong’s number
9. Synonyms useing Strongs numbers
10. all Translated English words from the Total Greek occurences.
11. unabreviate gramatical forms

Features in red are planned for future updates, they are not part of this work at this time

Note: This is an outline only of possible Features and/or layout of those features final result may be different or not used

You may notice that the first 18 entries are basically done when I started I was completing the entry before moving to the next number I soon found that to be to involved and concentrated on a single feature instead of the whole

8/19/2020 Update 0.2
Greek words are now accented. References have been moved to the corresponding accented Greek word

What's New in Version 3.2 (See full changelog)

  • fixed issues with space before or after strong's topic, space would not allow for hover over read
  • 9-12-2022 fixed an issue with G2083 causing it not to show
  • English to strong's done
  • I deleted lexi files they where old version

This is a monumental work. If you don’t study the NT in the Greek, you wont appreciate or use it. I actually use the Englishman’s Concordance more than the Strong’s. Whereas the Strong’s classifies the words found by how they are written, the Englishman’s groups them not by how they are written, but by the Strong’s Greek number. I thank the author of this program for providing us through a lot of hard work,, this indispensable tool.  



This is a monumental work. If you don’t study the NT in the Greek, you wont appreciate or use it. I actually use the Englishman’s Concordance more than the Strong’s. Whereas the Strong’s classifies the words found by how they are written, the Englishman’s groups them not by how they are written, but by the Strong’s Greek number. I thank the author of this program for providing us through a lot of hard work,, this indispensable tool.  


you wont appreciate or use it.


I disagree its keyed to Strong's so anyone can use it and seeing how the translators translated each word from the Greek is very helpful. 


If anyone does word studies this will be indispensable. 


When Studying in English it gives more information then a regular concordance it still gives english words but unlike a regular concordance it show which English word was translated from what Greek word.



I have been waiting a LONG time for someone to undertake this module. Granted the information can be obtained through many electronic Bible apps, but this work makes a lot of things "nicer". Thank you for what you are doing! I look forward to further updates.



I have been waiting a LONG time for someone to undertake this module. Granted the information can be obtained through many electronic Bible apps, but this work makes a lot of things "nicer". Thank you for what you are doing! I look forward to further updates.



Your welcome


I'm currently working on the accents to the Greek, where the Greek is the same but the accents are different i'm separating them so its known what verses go with what accented Greek words


and Thank You for your comment

It says works for e-sword 9 and 10. Does this mean this does not work for e-sword 12?

It says works for e-sword 9 and 10. Does this mean this does not work for e-sword 12?


I don't have 12 installed so I don't know if it works on 12, have you tried it?



This resource does work on e-Sword 12.




Typo in the "information"

KJV-TR+ Englishmans concordance plus
This is an original work compiled from KJV+ and Tr+ (1550 Steph +) and other sources witch are in the public domain
KJV+ has a derivative copyright to which permisiion was given


This resource does work on e-Sword 12.




Typo in the "information"

KJV-TR+ Englishmans concordance plus
This is an original work compiled from KJV+ and Tr+ (1550 Steph +) and other sources witch are in the public domain
KJV+ has a derivative copyright to which permisiion was given




Currently adding accents to the Greek.

Fixing miss spelled words along with other things noticed while accenting the Greek

Any time frame on the update?

Any time frame on the update?

Its very hard to give an accurate time, some Greek words have up to 4 different accents for that word and most strong's entries have multiple words with multiple accents, then  each one needs entered and the reference moved to the correct accented word I am currently on Strong's 1320  which makes me think 5 to 9 month at the least, and that is with just accenting and moving the references to the corresponding accented word and some entries have over a thousand references


sorry but that's the best i can do on a time frame  



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