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  • Submitted: Dec 21 2011 03:38 AM
  • Last Updated: Dec 20 2021 01:01 PM
  • File Size: 18.14MB
  • Views: 15211
  • Downloads: 3,563
  • Author: David Plaisted
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: Lighthouse

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Download Lighthouse Bible (2006) 1.0

* * * * - 11 Votes
Scripture Whole Bible Copyrighted

David Plaisted

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:


The Lighthouse Bible preserves the meaning, style, and words of the King James Version as far as possible while modernizing the language. Occasionally old words like "ye" and "thou" are left in. Verses that are in the KJV but left out in many modern versions have been included. This translation was done using the e-Sword software as well as online dictionaries of the English language. Factors taken into account in the translation process were the definitions of words in the KJV as found in old dictionaries, the way in which words and expressions are used elsewhere in the KJV, the underlying Hebrew and Greek and their English translations, and the context of the passage. Also, five Bible commentaries, those of Jamieson, Fausset and Brown, Barnes, Wesley, Clarke, and Matthew Henry, as well as the 1599 Geneva Bible Translation Notes, were frequently consulted for insight into the meaning of the passage. This Bible may be downloaded for free from http://www.lulu.com/...tcsdotuncdotedu and hard copy can also be ordered there. For example, a paperback third edition can be ordered here, and the third edition can be downloaded for free here. An economy version of the first edition can be ordered here, and a hardback can be ordered here. A smaller size hardback can be ordered here. Tools to read this version on your computer or mobile phone can be found here. Comparisons of the Lighthouse Version with several other versions can be found here and here. There are a few changes from the KJV, some of which are indicated by footnotes and some by italics. A list of these can be found here. In addition there have been many changes to the language that do not affect the meaning. The first edition already has many such changes. All additional such changes that were made for the second edition can be found here. All such changes that were made for the third edition can be found here.

You are invited to download the Lighthouse Bible for free and use it on the computer for your Bible reading and devotions and see if it does not enrich your Christian experience. Also, use it for public presentations and sermons and see if the listeners are not blessed. If you are considering purchasing one of the styles as a hard copy, first download it on your computer and print out a few pages to be sure that the layout is acceptable. Most styles can be downloaded for free.

The value of the King James Version of the Bible goes beyond what many people realize. First, it is based on a Greek text called the Textus Receptus that in general agrees with the great majority of Bible manuscripts. It includes many phrases left out in many modern versions of the Bible. Second, the translators were devout men and greatly guided by the Holy Spirit. Even in a few cases where there may be questions about whether the KJV agrees with the original manuscripts, the Lord guided the translators so that the words in the KJV are inspirational and uplifting. Thus the entire KJV is inspired and reliable as it is. Thirdly, the KJV was written to have an impressive rhythm and power when it is read. If you try reading it in public you will experience this.

The Lighthouse Bible is an attempt to preserve these three properties as far as possible while updating the language. Not only is the Lighthouse Bible based on the Textus Receptus, it also attempts to follow the translation of the KJV as closely as possible. Finally, the rhythm and style of the KJV is preserved as far as possible. For further information about the Lighthouse Bible check out http://www.lulu.com/...tcsdotuncdotedu .

However, there still is no way to compare with Old English in its beauty and power. How can any modern version compare with the verse "Great peace have they which love Thy law and nothing shall offend them"? Still, for those who prefer a more modern version that is easier to read, the Lighthouse Bible is a possibility. May it be a blessing to you.

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

I have installed this module twice, it shows up in the list of Bibles, but seems to have no content. All I get is "(Selected Chapter)-Not Available in this translation".
It is interesting that David used e-sword Bible software to make this translation.

I have written and asked permission to convert this translation to MySword.

Thanks for making it Cobb78
Problem fixed. Thank you for pointing that out
Hi Cobb78,
I think the Bible is missing the last verse of the Bible?

This translation was done using the e-Sword software ...

It is interesting that David used e-sword Bible software to make this translation.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, it looks like we have us an actual first e-Sword Bible. Now that has to be the cream on the cake.

I reckon Rick Meyers would never have dreamed of e-Sword being used to create a Bible translation. What a way to go!

Stephen (Php 1:21).
All, this file has been updated to the latest edition of Lighthouse Bible (3rd Edition) - Cobb78 gave me permission to update it
All, I loaded a new version of this module which David Plaisted (the author) fixed. There was a problem with apostrophe's showing up as question marks. This file has become one of my primary Bibles for devotional reading.
Now that has to be the cream on the cake.

I think you mixed your metaphor there.... =OP

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