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  • Submitted: Jul 14 2011 10:25 AM
  • Last Updated: May 31 2017 10:31 PM
  • File Size: 677K
  • Views: 6985
  • Downloads: 1,693
  • Author: Ellen G. White
  • e-Sword Version: Requires 10.1+

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Download White, Ellen G. - Steps to Christ.topx 1.01

* * * * * 6 Votes
Ellen G. White

e-Sword Version:
Requires 10.1+

Steps to Christ (1892, 1893)

Few books attain a distribution reckoned in millions or exert so great an influence in the uplifting of humanity as has Steps To Christ. In countless editions, this little volume has been printed in more than seventy languages, bringing inspiration to hundreds of thousands of men and women throughout the world, even those who dwell in the remote corners of the earth. From the appearance of the first edition in 1892, the publishers have been called upon to add printing to printing to meet the immediate and sustained demand from the reading public.

The author of this work, Ellen G. White (1827-1915), was a religious speaker and writer, well known on three continents. Born near Portland, Maine, she spent her early life in the New England states, and then her travels and labors led her to the rapidly expanding central and western areas of the United States. The years 1885 to 1887 she devoted to work in the leading countries of Europe, where she often addressed large audiences, and continued her writing. subsequently she spent nine active years in Australia and New Zealand. From her pen have come forty-five volumes, large and small, in the fields of theology, education, health, and the home, and practical Christianity, several with a distribution exceeding the million-copy mark. Of these, Steps To Christ is the most popular and widely read.

The title of the book tells its mission. It points the reader to Jesus Christ as the only one who is able to meet the needs of the soul. It directs the feet of the doubting and halting to the pathway of peace. It leads the seeker after righteousness and wholeness of character, step by step, along the way of Christian living, to that experience where he can know the fullness of blessing which is found in the complete surrender of self. It reveals to him the secret of victory as it unfolds in simplicity the saving grace and the keeping power of the great friend of all mankind.

Jacob of old, when oppressed with the fear that his sin had cut him off from God, lay down to rest, and "he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven." The connection between earth and heaven was thus revealed to him, and words of comfort and hope were spoken to the wanderer by him who stood at the top of the shadowy stairs. That the heavenly vision may be repeated to many as they read this story of the way of life, is the sincere wish of the publishers, and--

The trustees of the
Ellen G. White Publications

Table of Contents

01 - God's Love for Man
02 - The Sinner's Need of Christ
03 - Repentance
04 - Confession
05 - Consecration
06 - Faith and Acceptance
07 - The Test of Discipleship
08 - Growing up Into Christ
09 - The Work and the Life
10 - A Knowledge of God
11 - The Privilege of Prayer
12 - What to Do With Doubt
13 - Rejoicing in the Lord

What's New in Version 1.01 (See full changelog)

  • Slight formatting changes. Revised, TOPX, REFX and REFI files.

My apologies for sounding ignorant - is this the same Ellen White of The Seventh-Day Adventist Church? Or, is this a another Ellen White?

Yes....it is the same one !

My apologies for sounding ignorant - is this the same Ellen White of The Seventh-Day Adventist Church? Or, is this a another Ellen White?

Yes it is but don't be frightened. Do youself an favor and read it!

possibly the best book ever written that can lead a person, step by step into a loving, saving relationship with the Saviour. (and a good review for those already there).    too bad there is so much prejudice and anti-semitism in the world that most people will never read it simply because they have been "told" that keeping God's Sabbath is somehow "works", when God commands men and women everywhere to REST!  but such is the illogical "logic" of the "world" and worldly churches.

I'm not sure if this is the right place to speak about Adventism and Ellen G. White and before anyone grumbles. I would suggest they look into the best book around about Adventist's Doctrinal beliefs.


"Questions on Doctrine," Hardcover – Unabridged, 1957

720-page Hard cover book in which Seventh-day Adventists Answer QUESTIONS ON DOCTRINE published in 1957.


(This work largely came about due to the interaction of Walter Martin and Donald Barnhouse with SDA leadership.)



As for, "Steps to Christ," I would place it alongside Billy Graham's book: "Born Again"

As for Adventist's themselves, we need to always check each individual's teachings by Scripture as the Berean's did to Paul in Acts 17:11. (Test all the spirits.)


I would love to see "Questions on Doctrine" formatted for e-Sword.

Image already added

Speaking for myself, I would not recommend "Questions on Doctrine" as it is too controversial on some issues.  As for seeing it in e-Sword format, it is under copyright and that will not happen without permission.  I do recommend "Steps to Christ", and the Conflict of the Ages series, which is a 5-book series and can be downloaded for e-Sword here:


Three download file options available, updated Jun 01, 2017.
[1] White, EG - Steps to Christ.refi 245 K
[2] White, EG - Steps to Christ.refx 98 K
[3] White, EG - Steps to Christ.topx 334 K

The first option is suitable for Apple devices, Android devices, and e-Sword for Windows after version 11 or later. The second and third options are suitable for e-Sword for Windows only. Refer to the e-Sword User's Guide (2014) page 2. You will need to transfer the downloaded file to the appropriate folder in your device.


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