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  • Submitted: Jun 29 2017 09:46 PM
  • Last Updated: Jan 18 2022 02:17 PM
  • File Size: 1.04MB
  • Views: 4265
  • Downloads: 381
  • Author: G.W. Timm
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download God's Dictionary 1.0

* * * * - 2 Votes
Theology Biblical Studies Education Language / Interpretation Bible Interpretation Word Study

G.W. Timm

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

The intent of this Topic Module is to open the (Bible) reader’s eyes to a verifiable Language known by God’s Prophets, yet has been mostly lost and overlooked throughout the course of centuries. This brief overview demonstrates how man has neglected this important aspect of Scripture as spelled out by God, Himself, in order to reveal complete understanding. More than suppositions or imaginative theories, this theology is based on factual content. Being armed with it, we can finally learn a Language that brings forth the “Word of God” in its full glory as GOD EXPLAINS IT, rather than a speculative viewpoint or some opinionated conjecture of man. Our only requirement is to open our eyes, turn our ears to God, and realize the need to comprehend it.

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

The thrust of this document is correct, the Bible is for the most part self-interpreting, and I say most part because in some cases events themselves need to be factored in, as well as primary and secondary meanings. This document will be an eye-opener to those perhaps new to Bible reading or those who like to think the Bible for them is too hard to understand.


Sadly, some reference works and teachers of it, in a Pharisaical manner, over-complicate Bible teachings to make themselves seem more erudite. But in reality, the Bible is a very simple book to understand and this document reveals something of that. I'd disagree about rigid definitions, though. Context cannot be left out by the way something is illustrated or explained by a particular word use. For example, the Lion is used throughout the Bible in both a positive and negative way depending on the depiction or setting.


However, this document reveals how the Bible really is within the reach of anyone recognising the need for practical and purposeful truth in their lives.

The thrust of this document is correct, the Bible is for the most part self-interpreting, and I say most part because in some cases events themselves need to be factored in, as well as primary and secondary meanings. This document will be an eye-opener to those perhaps new to Bible reading or those who like to think the Bible for them is too hard to understand.


Sadly, some reference works and teachers of it, in a Pharisaical manner, over-complicate Bible teachings to make themselves seem more erudite. But in reality, the Bible is a very simple book to understand and this document reveals something of that. I'd disagree about rigid definitions, though. Context cannot be left out by the way something is illustrated or explained by a particular word use. For example, the Lion is used throughout the Bible in both a positive and negative way depending on the depiction or setting.


However, this document reveals how the Bible really is within the reach of anyone recognising the need for practical and purposeful truth in their lives.


Thanks for your comments, I appreciate the feedback. But in response, I think that even life-long Christians have many values yet to learn.


First off, I’ll agree. On a spiritual level, the Bible is, and should be, easy to comprehend. Yet when we live in a world of division and segregation—and yes, segregation, even within church walls—there's a desperate need to understand Scripture. Accordingly, those Truths as given directly by God, rather than opinions of man, are all too important.


Just recently, I happened to overhear a large group of “so-called” Christians from a “major denominational faith” speaking poorly of their brothers in Christ. Their criticisms went out in the form of judgment toward (nearly all) other denominations, placing those denominations in line with the false teachings of the Antichrist. The only one not included was their own.


Needless to say, I was appalled. Many of these people were life-long church attendees. Yet, had they not learned or been taught God’s statutes? How could anyone ever find the 7th Day (Sabbath) of God’s Rest, when they don’t understand God’s simple command, “Judge not, lest ye yourselves be judged”? As any Christian should know, judgment is not ours, it is God’s. And this goes for every person placed upon earth. If God has given life to all, and patiently waits for their return, then who are we to question His methods or judge what He has done?


Everyone of us has had our roots tied with corruption and sin sometime within the past. As Christians, should we now think we are somehow immune to sin, and now have the right to judge others? Do we think we are the only ones blessed by God and given His Truths? Honestly. If we have become Christians, we need to make that change to follow what God has taught us. And failing to heed those statutes, places us in line with same corruption and sin we supposedly stepped away from.


On a personal note... that is why, years ago, I started this journey... to ask God, and go only to Him for the Truth. Only God can explain His Truths (1John 5:9, 1John 2:27). And God explains His Word with great definition. To believe otherwise, does not give credit to who God is, or what He has created.


Also, as you mentioned, many words have dual definitions. “Lion” is only one of countless. This point is explained perfectly in the parable of “Two Eagles” (Eze.17:1-15). Yet, this simple concept, is a great stumbling stone. For if we fail to search God’s Truths as He has informed us (Mat. 7:7-8), we will never determine the difference between these words. Neither will we ever recognize the division between right and wrong (already demonstrated through judgment of others).


The core of the teachings of the Pharisees related to man-made ordinances… self-pride, (again) judgment of others, and finding that place of security within their world of religion. These were no match for the spiritual teachings of Jesus. Why? Because Jesus studied the Bible with vigilance, even from the early age of 12. The crux of who Jesus was, is that He wanted to learn. And due to this dedication, Jesus was well-informed of Scripture. Still, they (the Pharisees) tried to outwit Him on numerous occasions. However, knowing God’s Spiritual Truth, Jesus always came out on top. Thus, the Pharisees only form of retaliation equated as death to the One giving those Truths. In essence, they refused to listen to Jesus. And what should be simple within faith, becomes twisted and contorted, unless we follow Jesus’ example.


In summary, “God’s Dictionary” (Topics Module) only covers the basics… it wasn’t intended to go into great detail. There is truly so much more. And the good Lord willing, hopefully they’ll be more. But the entirety of this concept is nearly impossible to cover. The Bible has so much information pouring from its seams, that given a lifetime, we could never learn all that it holds. In today’s society, however, it appears we may not have to worry about that. Sadly, and by many, it seems the Bible has already been cast aside.


Maybe its time we win that understanding back. Thanks again, and blessings…

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