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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Apr 10 2017 03:18 AM
  • Last Updated: Nov 24 2018 01:57 AM
  • File Size: 22.6MB
  • Views: 13999
  • Downloads: 1,881
  • Author: Brown-Driver-Briggs
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: unabridged, BDB, Hebrew, lexicon, strong, number
  • Suggest New Tag:: unabridged, BDB, Hebrew, lexicon, strong, number

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download https://marvel.bible - Unabridged BDB; Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon (mapped to Strong's numbers) 1.0

* * * * - 8 Votes
Old Testament

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:
unabridged, BDB, Hebrew, lexicon, strong, number

Suggest New Tag::
unabridged, BDB, Hebrew, lexicon, strong, number

We had updated and upgraded this resource at https://Marvel.Bible

Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon, Unabridged

Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon is in public domain
(material for this module was previously formatted by Tim Morton, the developer of <a href="https://www.bibleanalyzer.com/">Bible Analyzer</a>;
used with permission)

This module is e-Sword formatted in the process of adding dictionary support to my website <a href="http://eliranwong.com">eliranwong.com</a>.

If you want to try this module before downloading, try http://eliranwong.co...H1254&bhs_kjv (click BDB tab)

yes, for e-sword PC (version 11+), mac, iphone, iPad

Hi Eliran,

Considering this resource also works on e-Sword 11.06, and that there are a at least a couple of editions of the BDB dictionary floating around, including the the official one. What are the differences in this edition in comparison with the others?




What are the differences in this edition in comparison with the others?--I believe he has the full edition including Hebrew/aramaic words whereas other are abridged or only definitions.  It is helpful for O.T studies to have the Hebrew words in the references as well bottom line unedited.  Not sure if it has arabic or syriac.


Hi Eliran,

Considering this resource also works on e-Sword 11.06, and that there are a at least a couple of editions of the BDB dictionary floating around, including the the official one. What are the differences in this edition in comparison with the others?





Hi Stephen,  I think @anh Mike had answered your question here just above this reply.  The e-Sword uploaded here for downloading is an unabridged version, which I think is much better than the official module.  Please kindly let me know if anyone has a better source.  Many Thanks.  Eliran

You may try this module before you download at http://eliranwong.co...H1254&bhs_kjv (click BDB tab)

Eliran, the formatting in the e-Sword PC module is not good. This is just one example showing that Hebrew/English is not being handled properly as compared with your website/BibleAnalyzer.







Hi Jon,


from your screenshot, I can see the Hebrew characters in PC e-Sword are "thin".  It seems PC e-Sword doesn't render <heb> tags properly.  However, they look good in Mac e-Sword (though not without problem).  How about iOS devices?


My website uses css to display Hebrew texts with "Ezra SIL" font.  That's why they are better distinguished from English text in fonts.


Is it possible to set fonts for Hebrew texts in PC?  In this module, all Hebrew texts are tagged with <heb></heb>.  Could you kindly try some settings and let use know?  I am afraid I am not experienced in current version of PC e-Sword.




after discussing the font issue with Jon, below is my conclusion:


- font issues (i.e. mixing of Hebrew and English is not properly displayed) appear in PC version of e-Sword ONLY, fonts looks good in Mac version of e-Sword or other html-compatible softwares or websites

- It is nothing to do with the formatting of the module itself.  It is obvious that PC version of e-Sword has problems (or bugs) rendering of Hebrew and English characters in the same line in html formats.

- unless Rick correct the current PC version, there is no other immediate fixes.

looks worse in Xp.  Is possible a windows file is needed than e-sword program file.  In W7 tried different fonts SBL and TiTus.  TiTus will not allow the vowels to align correctly but  what else is new.

I formatting of the file is good.  I use the same formatting in my website, e.g. http://eliranwong.co...1254&bhs_kjv&1 


two possible fixes for windows users:

- Rick fix his pc version

- someone may convert this html module into rtf module (I think pc e-Sword display rtf module better than html module).

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