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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Nov 22 2012 10:38 AM
  • Last Updated: Jan 02 2022 09:45 AM
  • File Size: 72.44MB
  • Views: 37212
  • Downloads: 17,187
  • Author: Jeff A. Benner
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: AHLB

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download Jeff A. Benner - Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible 1.0

* * * * * 17 Votes
Jeff A. Benner

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:

Copyright Info: This module was Authored by Jeff A. Benner. The e-Sword version was created by Richard Varno. for more information on the modules please visit http://www.ancient-hebrew.org

All the Hebrew words of the Bible are connected to their roots and defined within their ancient cultural context and meaning.

All previous Biblical Hebrew lexicons have provided a modern western definition and perspective to Hebrew roots and words. This prevents the reader of the Bible from seeing the ancient authors original intent of the passages. This is the first Biblical Hebrew lexicon that defines each Hebrew word within its original Ancient Hebrew cultural meaning. One of the major differences between the Modern Western mind and the Ancient Hebrew's is that their mind related all words and their meanings to a concrete concept. For instance, the Hebrew word "chai" is normally translated as "life", a western abstract meaning, but the original Hebrew concrete meaning of this word is the "stomach". In the Ancient Hebrew mind, a full stomach is a sign of a full "life". The Hebrew language is a root system oriented language and the lexicon is divided into sections reflecting this root system. Each word of the Hebrew Bible is grouped within its roots and is defined according to its original ancient cultural meaning. Also included in each word entry is its alternative spellings, King James translations of the word and Strong's number. Indexes are included to assist with finding a word within the lexicon according to its spelling, definition, King James translation or Strong's number.

Book Features
  • An introduction to the Ancient Hebrew alphabet, language and thought.
  • The history of the Hebrew script from ancient to modern times.
  • Reconstruction of the original Hebrew alphabet and root system of roots and words.
  • Alphabetical ordering of Parent, Child and Adopted Roots with each root listing the Hebrew nouns and verbs derived from the root.
  • Ancient Hebrew, Modern Hebrew and English transliteration of roots and words.
  • The action, concrete and abstract meaning of each Hebrew root.
  • Ancient Hebrew Cultural definition of Hebrew roots and words.
  • Root origins of Hebrew words and their relationship to other roots and words.
  • Frequency each word is used in the Hebrew Bible.
  • Listing of foreign words found in the Hebrew Bible.
  • Index to English translations of Hebrew words, King James Translations of Hebrew words, Strong's numbers and alternate Hebrew spellings of Hebrew words.
Note: Please install the fonts attached

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

I'm experiencing the same thing with the fonts not showing up, yet they appear to be installed in my windows font folder.  
Any one have a solution to this issue?  I too am on Windows 10.


I have no issues with any of the fonts in the AHLB. See screenshot below.

In my previous posts in which I listed the required fonts for the AHLB, do you have them in your Windows\Fonts folder? These are the required fonts you need to have in order to display the Ancient Hebrew text.
By the way, I am running the 64bit Home Edition of Windows 10.


May YAH bless you for sharing this wonderful resource! Thank you!

Hi I have down loaded the fonts and installed in my font folder but the fonts are not showing up in the e-sword. I have installed the latest e-sword. thanks

Hi there, Jeff.A.Benner.


It was a greatest work ever been done on earth as believer and christain and I am excited about your work and the books published through dictionaries and bible translation.


I am in Papua New Guinea, and as young man in my christain walk with the Lord I really need to get in deeeper into the bible and the materials you have produced are such blessing in this hours.


I wanted to purchased some dictionaries and student commentary bible study plus dictionaries for hebrew parent root word. I am can pay through (TT) TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFER,from my country in Papua New Guinea which is up north of Australia. Can you give me some advice how to pay so I can have the materials.


Thank you so much.


Blessed day



Papua New Guinea

Lae City

Morobe Province


Hi John,

The AHLB require special fonts for the Ancient Hebrew. These fonts should be a part of the installation package. The fonts you require are:

  • bsthebre.ttf

  • olbheb.ttf

  • semear.ttf

  • semlate.ttf

  • semmid.ttf

These fonts should be installed in your C:\Windows\fonts folder. So, it might just pay you to check out if these fonts have been installed. If not, send me a message with your email address, and I'll email them to you in a zip package.





would you please send me the zip also. Donnaleejackson@yahoo.com THX


Hi John,

The AHLB require special fonts for the Ancient Hebrew. These fonts should be a part of the installation package. The fonts you require are:

  • bsthebre.ttf

  • olbheb.ttf

  • semear.ttf

  • semlate.ttf

  • semmid.ttf

These fonts should be installed in your C:\Windows\fonts folder. So, it might just pay you to check out if these fonts have been installed. If not, send me a message with your email address, and I'll email them to you in a zip package.





could u plz send me a zip  put file in my zip and nothing

could u plz send me a zip  put file in my zip and nothing

thank you and Yah bless

my email is chrismg818@gmail.com

I notice many are having Front issues, so am I and and have no idea what to do.. please help

Hi, I have Windows 10 and no fonts are showing despite being installed into the Windows/Fonts folder. I have an older laptop running an older version of Windows 10 which has E Sword and is displaying the fonts ok in AHLB. Any thoughts to help us all? Thanks

Shalom Shalom Jeff,

I am helping a friend get up and running with e-Sword and AHLB, but the required fonts seem to be misbehaving and not showing up.  Is it possible that the fonts could be corrupted or the zip folder?

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