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  • Submitted: Dec 02 2011 08:51 PM
  • Last Updated: Dec 03 2011 04:09 AM
  • File Size: 2.51MB
  • Views: 4777
  • Downloads: 691
  • MySword Version:: 1.X

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MySword (Mobile) Module Download:
Download HOT+ Droid MySword Version

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    Note: After you download the file to your PC or your android device, the file must then be moved to the MySword folder on your android device. If downloading directly to your android device, you may need to install a file explorer app to be able to move the file to your MySword folder if your device does not have one already.

MySword Version::

Hebrew Old Testament with Strongs droid Mysword version.

Note that for this module to work properly, at your Android version must be at least Honeycomb (verion 3.x). There is a bug in the browser of earlier versions (which MySword uses) that will render a few words left to right. This is fixed in Honeycomb.

I find it somewhat strang that "Atheist Rob" would present Bible modules. Is there sabotage here?
Unless there is evidence, I would not assume that. We all have access to many different translations to compare with, so if there was deliberate sabotage it would be discovered.

Atheist Rob just seems to be a professed Atheist who is interested in Bible Study.

I find the many of the critical commentaries to be true sabotage, although they can contain some useful information. Much of their commentary seems to be senseless ramblings of unregenerate men who think they have "higher" knowledge than Jesus did. We all need to be careful with what we are reading.

Unless there is evidence, I would not assume that. We all have access to many different translations to compare with, so if there was deliberate sabotage it would be discovered.Atheist Rob just seems to be a professed Atheist who is interested in Bible Study. I find the many of the critical commentaries to be true sabotage, although they can contain some useful information. Much of their commentary seems to be senseless ramblings of unregenerate men who think they have "higher" knowledge than Jesus did. We all need to be careful with what we are reading.

Wow, pfpeller, so toerant of Atheist so down on professing believers laboring in the work of biblical commentary -- what gives? Certainly we do not have to agree with the scholars but I find they do have a lot to say and a lot of facts that give the bible student much to think about to help in "rightly dividing the truth", but of a professing "atheist" I would be very suspicious of their volunteering any information concering something they do not believe and think you are stupid for your belief. It is not the scholars of bible commentary I am weay of but self proclaimed Evangelical teachers, preachers, and prophets -- it is they that are fond of saying God is talking to them.

I find it somewhat strang that "Atheist Rob" would present Bible modules. Is there sabotage here?

Agreed, and why bother with any modules offered by a professing atheist? Is there really any such thing as a pure atheist? I think atheist and those praticing Buddha are cousins of some sort -- both believe we all eventually end up in the great nothingness of nothing.
Hey Guys,

If you don't want to download his modules, then don't download them. He may not believe in God, or may not think he does, but he obviously has an interest in Bible related material. He's helped us create technical scripts for Bible conversion that are flawless. Neither Peter nor I have seen any evidence that he tampered with this Bible or did anything inappropriate. God draws people to him in mysterious ways and this may be one of those ways.
I did not see this discussion before but I'd still like to add my short reply. I'm not planning to try to change anyone's mind - not even on my trustworthiness as an atheist. I use this handle to show exactly where I'm coming from, if you distrust my material please follow Josh's advise. I must say that the few personal exchanges I have had with people on this site are nothing short of pleasant. There was mutual respect and even though during religious discussions they did not convince me of the truth of Christianity, I appreciated the exchanges dearly. I'm not hiding my identity, I am very interested in science, religion and philosophy and even appeared on one of the "Grill a Christian" shows of Justin Brierly's "Unbelievable" on Premier Christian Radio in the UK.

My reason for being here is simple. First as a consumer (downloading some great modules from others) and secondly I create material to (in the words of Eric Raymond in "The Cathedral and the Bazaar") scratch an itch. If anyone else can benefit from that material that's fine. If not, that's fine as well.

Kind regards,

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