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  • Submitted: Jun 16 2011 11:17 AM
  • Last Updated: Jun 16 2011 11:17 AM
  • File Size: 5.21MB
  • Views: 20575
  • Downloads: 5,769
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Suggest New Tag:: net

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download NET Bible

* * * * - 15 Votes

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

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This is a version I have had for a while; may or may not be different from the "NET free" download

If this version is different from the free one, than we should not be hosting this file. If it is the free one, it's an official e-Sword resource.
This version lists the company as http://indigorose.com versus the real company which is Bible.org Sounds fishy to me, plus the file size is about twice the size of the real free Net bible.
Is this the New English Translation or the New Evangelical Translation ?

I'm guessing someone used indigorose.com software to create the installer. This states that it is the 2006 version of the Net Bible from Bible.org. A spot check verifies it is the Bible.org version, not New Evangelical Translation. With a brief comparison the only difference I noticed was the addition of passage description headings. If I understand correctly, the difference between the paid and free versions is the addition of notes. I don't see any notes, but I'm not sure where to look. Are they in the .bblx file or in a separate file?

Is this the New English Translation or the New Evangelical Translation ?

New English Translation. Go to Bible.org to read more about it.

"God's Word, Today's Bible translation" (GW) was formerly called "New Evangelical Translation."

It doesn't work on my Mac. I am using Crossover. I tried everything. The tab shows up but it blank

It doesn't work on my Mac. I am using Crossover. I tried everything. The tab shows up but it blank

Have a look at the file extension and if it isn't or doesn't have .bblx, and has an exe extension, then you will need to run it so that the Bible can be installed. If it has a zip extension, then it will need to be extracted into your e-Sword folder.



Stephen (Php 1:21).

This download though we can use it, but to access the notes you will have to purchase the full one from www.bible.org.

And that will run about $20.

Free is not always free, if there are strings attached.

And this is the worlds system and never should be found in Christian circles.

If you can afford this download it is probably worth the cost though.


This "tranlsation" is nothing but a perversion of God's Word. Adding and subtracting text. See comparative of Revelation 22:14; Mark 7:16, 19. this is but a few but more than enough for me to reject it entirely. It's intent is obviously, by the examples above, to mislead and deceive.

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