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  • Submitted: Jan 27 2016 11:18 PM
  • Last Updated: Jan 27 2016 11:18 PM
  • File Size: 3.9MB
  • Views: 5730
  • Downloads: 750
  • Author: Ellen G. White
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download White, Ellen G. - The Great Controversy 1.0

* * * * * 3 Votes

Ellen G. White

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Published 1911

The Great Controversy, the final volume in the five-volume "Conflict of the Ages" series, picks up the story at the destruction of Jerusalem and follows, in broad outline, the major issues of the conflict between Christ and Satan as they have been seen in the history of the Christian church down to our own day--and beyond, based on what the Bible says will yet take place.



1 - The Destruction of Jerusalem

2 - Persecution in the First Centuries

3 - An Era of Spiritual Darkness

4 - The Waldenses

5 - John Wycliffe

6 - Huss and Jerome

7 - Luther's Separation From Rome

8 - Luther Before the Diet

9 - The Swiss Reformer

10 - Progress of Reform in Germany

11 - Protest of the Princes

12 - The French Reformation

13 - The Netherlands and Scandinavia

14 - Later English Reformers

15 - The Bible and the French Revolution

16 - The Pilgrim Fathers

17 - Heralds of the Morning

18 - An American Reformer

19 - Light Through Darkness

20 - A Great Religious Awakening

21 - A Warning Rejected

22 - Prophecies Fulfilled

23 - What is the Sanctuary?

24 - In the Holy of Holies

25 - God's Law Immutable

26 - A Work of Reform

27 - Modern Revivals

28 - Facing Life's Record

29 - The Origin of Evil

30 - Enmity Between Man and Satan

31 - Agency of Evil Spirits

32 - Snares of Satan

33 - The First Great Deception

34 - Can Our Dead Speak to Us?

35 - Liberty of Conscience Threatened

36 - The Impending Conflict

37 - The Scriptures a Safeguard

38 - The Final Warning

39 - The Time of Trouble

40 - God's People Delivered

41 - Desolation of the Earth

42 - The Controversy Ended


thank you for uploading these modules!  the Great Controversy is the perfect marriage of world history and Bible Prophecy!  even enemies of the truth often have to admit the validity of this work!  many have been brought to the truth of God's love and mercy by this and the book, Steps to Christ!

just to inform you, the reference modules of this and all the other Ellen White books have the wrong extention.  no biggie, one just has to change the *.refi extention to *.refx and they install just fine.


thanks again for uploading these!

just to inform you, the reference modules of this and all the other Ellen White books have the wrong extention.  no biggie, one just has to change the *.refi extention to *.refx and they install just fine.


thanks again for uploading these!

NO, the extensions names are correct.  The TOPX module is for e-Sword for Windows.  REFI is for e-Sword for iOS and Mac.   REFI modules will NOT work on Windows. 

ok, my bad, sorry about that.

Any chance you could create modules for mysword?

i see this is the 1911 version.  any chance you could make another module with the much better 1884 or 1888 version?

i see this is the 1911 version.  any chance you could make another module with the much better 1884 or 1888 version?

Much better?  1888 is easy to produce into a module, but is it that much better?  Why do you think so?

Two download files available updated Jan 28, 2016.
[1] White, EG - The Great Controversy.refi 1.75 MB
[2] White, EG - The Great Controversy.topx 2.15 MB

The first option is suitable for Apple devices, Android devices, and e-Sword for Windows after version 11 or later. The second option is suitable for e-Sword for Windows only. You will need to transfer the downloaded file to the appropriate folder in your device.

i see this is the 1911 version.  any chance you could make another module with the much better 1884 or 1888 version?

If you want to read the 1888 edition of THE GREAT CONTROVERSY you can find the book available to read, to listen to, and to download in many languages. and different formats, from https://egwwritings.org/book/b133
However these have not been formatted for e-Sword as the need for this request was not followed up by the previous requestor. You may still find old copies in print from Harvestime,  Altamont Tessessee 37301 USA. Enquire about the possibility to get the very large print special full-color study edition with wide margins.

If you want to read an analysis of the history of the Editions of Great Controversy, by Vance Ferrell - Pilgrims Books Beersbeba Springs, TN 57305 read the account online from http://www.thegreatcontroversy.info/the-editions-of-great-contr.html The contact address is tgc@shentel.net  
Enquire about the possibility to get the very large print special full-color study edition with wide margins.

The 1884 edition with additional information - Cover and text copyright © 1998 - 0nline - http://thegreatcontroversy.info/the-great-controversy.html

Ellen White's teaching is not Biblical.

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