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  • Submitted: Jun 29 2011 03:53 PM
  • Last Updated: Dec 19 2021 08:55 AM
  • File Size: 15.74MB
  • Views: 81182
  • Downloads: 52,597
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: ???

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Download Hebraic Roots Bible with Notes.exe 1.0

* * * * * 43 Votes

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9.x - 10.x

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This work is a translation made by "Don Esposito" not James S. Trimm.

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

Lorin Thomason this is my answer on your review.


I love this translation of the Bible. Yes. I am a Goyim, but I have a lot of respect for my Hebraic Bretherin. Shalom to you.


Ive really enjoyed this version of the bible. So much rings true when I study this next to my KJV and has confirmed much of what I thought I understood but wasn't sure.   I haven't been able to get this working on my Iphone (Pocket Sword app) though, which has been really really disappointing.  Ive used the versions offered from COYHWH and even tried converting my own to apple format.  I guess its just not meant to be. I read all the instructions on every available how to for the app and the conversion tool but to no avail.  For some off reason, my app isnt showing up as one that allows files to be added within itunes when every instruction pages suggests that's how its to be done.  I really wish there was further development in the pocket sword/e-sword lite app.  I love this translation so much Id love to own a hard copy; it would soon be very dogeared.  Its become my go to at present.   I live on the other side of the world (to those selling this) so costs prohibit that. 


Anyway,  this is a terrific bible and well worth studying.  The commentaries/notes etc have been invaluable to me. and I am very sure you will be blessed by adding it to your library.

Is there a 3 edition on e-sword..This download is different then the PDF file

Is there a 3 edition on e-sword..This download is different then the PDF file

I think you're right.   I got my file directly from the authors source and didnt realise this one was older.  My review still stands and I was very grateful that the uploader had made it available for everyone here.  I couldn't find the newer edition (2012) so Ive uploaded it myself.  The one on this page is the 2009, 1st edition and Ive uploded the current edition, 2nd Ed, 2012 here:   http://www.biblesupp...dance-and-maps/


There are pdf, e-sword, e-sword iPad and android versions to be found. The ipad one is supposed to work on the pocket sword by my app isnt playing nicely. :)   ​I hope you all enjoy the read, its well worth a look.  Wishing you all well :)

Brilliant source to use with Hebrew Interlinear Bible.

I have a question regarding this bible.  I was pleased to see the Hebrew names.  However, disappointed to see the pagan name Adonai.  Why did you use this name/title?  Thank you

However, disappointed to see the pagan name Adonai.  Why did you use this name/title?  Thank you

I answer your question:
Adonai H136 is the Hebrew word for "Lord" as Marya in Aramaic, kurios G2962 in Greek, and Dominus in Latin.


ADONAI (and later HaShem: The Name) are also used as substitute by the Jews for the Tetragrammaton(the four Letters: JHVH, YHWH, or whatever spelling in transliteration you prefer for the same letters).

Aramaic, Greek and Latin use the same substitute for the Tetragrammaton.


Some translations of Tetragrammaton are marked LORD in ALL CAPS to show the deference between Adonai and the Tetragrammaton.

There is nothing pagan about it if you use REAL etymology.

Although I don't feel these are the correctly restored names, this is still a decent translation.

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