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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Jul 04 2012 10:00 AM
  • Last Updated: Jul 06 2012 07:41 PM
  • File Size: 47.23MB
  • Views: 15002
  • Downloads: 7,095
  • Author: H.D.M Spence
  • MySword Version:: 1.X

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MySword (Mobile) Module Download:
Download Pulpit Commentary (Born Again) Droid MySword Version 2.0

* * * * * 8 Votes
  • How do I view MySword modules?
    Note: After you download the file to your PC or your android device, the file must then be moved to the MySword folder on your android device. If downloading directly to your android device, you may need to install a file explorer app to be able to move the file to your MySword folder if your device does not have one already.

H.D.M Spence

MySword Version::

This module was remade by James Rice. Many will prefer this new version for the reasons listed below.

This new remake of the Pulpit Commentary is more chapter by chapter (or half chapter by half chapter). The following issues were fixed from the original version on this site:
  • The thousands of missing Greek and Hebrew words are in this version.
  • The missing homilies from the original version are now shown below the verse comments.
  • Thousands of versification errors have been corrected.
  • The formatting is more consistent, including proper paragraph spacing, which makes the text easier to read.

Veteran preachers already know the value of this best-selling commentary set, but it's also perfect for lay leaders. Far more than just a simple commentary, it provides an unrivalled range of homiletic helps that go a long way toward presenting the biblical text in a Sunday school lesson, sermon, or Bible study.

The Pulpit Commentary covers every book of the Bible, with at least three treatments of every verse. For each biblical chapter, the commentary includes an Exposition, Homiletics, and various sample Homilies.
  • Exposition
    Commentary on the passage, with exegetical, interpretive, theological, historical, and geographical observations. Written by the author of that volume.
  • Homiletics
    A guide for preaching or teaching through the passage, with personal application, devotional insights, and observations about the rhetorical structure of the passage. Written by the author of that volume.
  • Homilies
    Actual sermons from various contributors, covering a couple of verses or a pericope. Typically, a brief introduction followed by 2-5 "points" with a number of references to other passages that provide biblical context.
Taken together, the three treatments of each passage provide a detailed outline of key concepts in the passage, while imparting a rich sense of biblical context--context of both the immediate book and the larger themes of Scripture.

What's New in Version 2.0 (See full changelog)

  • 2.0 7/6/12 updated with missing text from Hos 14 and Jonah 1 along with some other fixes

Thank you guys so much. I cant imagine the work that went into this. God bless yall

This file installed nicely and opened with no problem.  I too am very grateful for all the hard work you put into this.  The funny thing is, I used to have this in book form, so I am totally aware that it takes up quite a bit of space on a book shelf (actually 2 rows)...and to think that is in the palm of our hand now!  Isn't the Lord amazing!  And I praise Him for the gift He put into you to bring this to us.


Thank you,



i do not understand the instructions

is there a Mac/Apple version for this?

The MySword website does not indicate a current version of the Pulpit Commentary for MySword. Why not make use of the e-Sword version instead?


is there a Mac/Apple version for this?

The Pulpit Commentary (Born Again) Droid MySword was last updated Jul 06, 2012.
There is one download file module: Pulpit Commentary.cmt.zip 47.23 MB
The Pulpit Commentary.cmt.zip folder contains one file Pulpit Commentary.cmt.mybible date modified 2012-07-06
This is a MYSWORD File. It is NOT an e-Sword file.

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