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  • Submitted: Feb 08 2015 07:11 PM
  • Last Updated: Feb 16 2015 09:50 AM
  • File Size: 26.16MB
  • Views: 25213
  • Downloads: 7,664
  • Author: Riley, W. B.
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: Riley

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Other Modules By Same Author

e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download The Bible of the Expositor and the Evangelist (39 vols) + (individual books)

* * * * * 9 Votes
Baptist Homiletics Sermons/Outlines Sermon Helps Delivery Method Pastoral Expository Topics
Riley, W. B.

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:

The Bible of the Expositor and the Evangelist
In July, 1923, Riley began preaching his way through the entire Bible — a series of Sunday morning sermons lasting ten years and eventually published in forty volumes as “The Bible of the Expositor and the Evangelist

While not as extensive as other homiletical works, Riley’s sermons contain solid, practical thoughts for modern teaching, preaching, and study. Read Riley's biography below for more about his life and work leading up to this set.

Using this Commentary
Always use the e-Sword Book Comments to view the Table of Contents for each Bible book. This way, you will know which passages contain sermons.

Bonus Books (included as Reference Library modules)

The Preacher and His Preaching
This classic book deals with sermon creation and sermon delivery. Still heavily quoted by modern authors and excerpted by modern professors in seminaries.

Chapter 1: The Preacher And His Preaching
Chapter 2: The Proposed Standardization Of The Ministry
Chapter 3: Some Secrets Of Success In The Ministry
Chapter 4: The Ministry For Our Day
Chapter 5: The Preacher And His Professional Ethics
Chapter 6: The Genesis Of A Sermon
Chapter 7: The Several Forms Of Sermons
Chapter 8: Other Forms Of Sermons
Chapter 9: The Soul-Winning Sermon
Chapter 10: The Sermon-Series
Chapter 11: The Construction Of A Sermon
Chapter 12: The Sermon Illustration
Chapter 13: The Use Of Alliteration
Chapter 14: The Delivery Of A Sermon

Pastoral Problems
Written at the end of his career (and near death), Riley provides unusually blunt advice on running a church. While a few topics are outdated, this classic book still applies today. Everything from his thoughts on running a church—to—what to say at funerals—to—handling problematic people. You name it—and it’s in there.

Pastoral Problems (Author/Introduction)
I. The Problem Of Appointment
II. The Problem Of Preaching
III. Conserving Material For Sermonizing
IV. Advertising The Services Of The Church
V. Administering A Church Service
VI. Administering The Church Ordinances
VII. Performing A Wedding Service
VIII. Conducting A Funeral Service
IX. Transacting Church Business
X. Managing Church Troubles
XVI. Managing The Music And Musicians
XII. The Problem Of Pastoral Visitation
XIII. The Problem Of Pastoral Visitation
XIV. The Pastor And Church Organizations
XV. The Pastor And Special Soul-Winning Services
XVI. The Pastor And The Mission Problem

Christ the Incomparable
Riley references this book several times in gospels of the Expositor Set.

I. The Christ of Prophecy
II. Christ, The Virgin-Born
III. The Childhood of Christ
IV. Christ, The Teacher
V. Christ’s First Apostles
VI. The Miracles of Christ
VII. The Ministry Of Christ
VIII. The Mission Of Christ
IX. The Atonement Of Christ
X. Christ’s Resurrection And Ascension
XI. Christ, The Incomparable
XII. Christ And The Changing Order

Seven New Testament Soul-Winners
Riley was a dedicated soul winner. Most of the 7,000 members of his church were added by baptism. He not only personally evangelized, he preached sermons motivating others to become soul winners. It was THE reason he believed he was on this earth. The sermons below were apart of a series on soul winning.

John Baptist – The Pioneer Soul-Winner
Andrew – The Fraternal Soul-Winner
Philip – The Faithful Soul-Winner - Acts 8:1-40
Ananias – The Skillful Soul-Winner – Acts 9:10-18
Peter – The Popular Soul-Winner
Paul – The Passionate Soul-Winner
Jesus – The Supreme Soul-Winner

Divine Healing (or does God hear prayer for the sick?)
A brief pamphlet on prayer for the sick.

About the Author
William Bell Riley (March 22, 1861-December 5, 1947) was called the "The Grand Old Man of Fundamentalism." Riley is credited with coining the term “fundamentalist”. Riley believed in the literal interpretation of the Bible wherever possible. He believed in a literal 6 day creation, that heaven and hell literally exist, that the miracles in the Old and New Testaments literally happened, and that Revelation and applicable portions of OT prophecy will literally happen.

Riley graduated from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He pastored several churches before landing at First Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1897. He pastored there for 45 years and another 5 as pastor emeritus until his death. The church had 585 members when he arrived and 7,000+ members when he died. One Tenth of all Baptists in Minnesota belonged to his church. 4,000 members of his church were added by baptism because of Riley’s absolute insistence that he personally evangelize as much as humanly possible.

Riley founded the Northwestern Bible Training School and an Evangelical Seminary. When he died, Northwestern Bible School was the second largest Bible school, with 1,200 enrolled students.

In 1919 he brought together 6,000 conservative Christians for the first conference of the World Christian Fundamentalist Association, which he founded. Riley warned that mainline Protestant denominations “were coming increasingly under the sway of modernism” and led the effort to purge the Northern Baptist Convention of liberals.

His rigid, conservative approach to Scripture earned him accolades from allies and criticism from opponents. His critics complained that his rigid beliefs contributed to the religious polarization of American society. His allies appreciated his opposition to modernism. Riley vehemently opposed evolution, which he called the “propaganda of infidelity, palmed off in the name of science.”

Billy Graham preached Riley’s funeral and Harry A. Ironside noted, "We need to remember that God never repeats Himself. . .He will raise up others to carry on, but there will never be a second man of Dr. Riley's stamp."

Special Thanks to…
The BibleSupport/wordModules community for funding the book purchases.

James Rice for digitizing 75% of the set.

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A monumental and much anticipated project brought to completion. Tremendous! Absolutely stunning.

Whoa Brother!   This looks like a really tasty feast, and massive to boot!  I love reading sermons, listening to the men of God as they expound the Lords words to my heart. :)


Thank you Josh, the Lord Bless and Keep you!

Thanks Josh and all those others who made this available.


I must say I don't know much about the works offered here....but from the little I've Googled and the wealth of expectation some of the others have expressed....I'm eager to wrap some "serious" study time around this one-Josh !! As always I thank you for your unfailing dedication to the Saints and their study of God's Word !! 



OK boys and girls, just to let you know I've downloaded this lot, and I'm going to get my head around it. For you who have no idea what I just said, that means I'm gonna read it. I won't write a review on it as I think others here might.


I wanna thank James Rice and Josh Bond for their hard yakka (that means, work). You guys did really well, and that you can put up your feet and enjoy a well earned rest.




Thank you very much Bond Boss. He is one of my faviorate authors.

So good

Thank much for these helpful packages. May the Almighty God bless you richly.

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