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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Apr 20 2012 01:48 PM
  • Last Updated: Jul 01 2015 12:31 PM
  • File Size: 1.01MB
  • Views: 7259
  • Downloads: 2,312
  • Author: Raymond Barone

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Other Modules By Same Author

e-Sword Utility:
Download Audio Module Maker 1.1

* * * * * 6 Votes

Raymond Barone

This program can be used to make a commentary module with links to audio files of the Bible.
Each file should contain the audio of a chapter of the Bible.

1- Select (Whole Bible, Old testament, or New Testament)
2- Select one of the following:
a- Files for each book are in a subfolder: If you have one folder containing a number of subfolders, each containing audio files for one book of the Bible.
b- All files are in the same folder: If you have one folder containing all files sorted by name.
3- Enter a Tab name and a description. You can also change the link text that will appear in e-Sword.
4- Select the folder containing the subfolders (a) or all the audio files (b ).
5- The file name for the module will be automatically set to the tab name, and the path to the e-Sword resource folder. You can change this in the "Output Module" text box.
6- Click "Create Module"

1- Folders should contain the audio files only.
2- Links in the module will be sorted according to the order of folders and files that appears in Windows Explorer. So make sure this is the order you want ( in both cases, whether the files are in separate folders or in the same folder)
3- Don't use the same Tab name for two modules. Only one will appear then in e-Sword.

A similar program for theWord is added.

What's New in Version 1.1 (See full changelog)

  • Added About button with description

Excellent work.. God bless you
This audio module maker is a tremendous blessing to me. I have had a twice-normal-speed set of 1189 audio mp3 files for a number of years on my computers. This now organizes it in a most helpful way. Tremendous work! Thank you so much! I am amazed.
Excellent idea, this could be used for people with sight problems
God Bless <><

Have been using this plugin for years now. What a great blessing to be able to read and listen to the Bible right from within e-Sword!

Thank for this great plugin.

I Have transformed more than 30000 mp3-files (Verse-files,not Chapter-files) from the Audio-hebrew-bible by Mr.Shmueloff.Is there any possibility to get them with the Audio-Module-Maker into the Word to hear each verse and not only each chapter of the OT-Hebrew-Bible directly.This would be extreme helpfull for learning biblical languages. Other Programs like Davar use indexing utilities,but it is more flexible to look up verses  directly.

If anybody is interested - I have linked every mp3-file to the html-bible from Mechon Mamre site.



Wow! That was a lot of work. But very welcome results. Definitely interested.


I don't think the audio module maker will deal with anything smaller than chapters.


How are the names of the verse files formatted? Directory structure?

Does anyone know if the author of this module still frequents Bible Support? His username is Ray Ramone...I have questions about this module maker

He was using the name Raymond Barone

He no longer is a member of the forum.

You can still ask questions though and someone might be able to answer.

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