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  • Submitted: Jun 16 2011 11:08 PM
  • Last Updated: Jan 02 2022 02:59 PM
  • File Size: 29.15MB
  • Views: 62618
  • Downloads: 23,400
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: Strongs+

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download Strongs Plus Dictionary Greek Hebrew Equivalent.dctx.exe 1.0

* * * * * 42 Votes
e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:

Notes: This Strong's Dictionary has been amended to include Greek words that are equivalents to Hebrew words and Hebrew words that are equivalent to Greek words.

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

Great resource. I replaced the default Strongs that comes with e-Sword downloads with this one. Same functionality as the other but with the extremely helpful and conveniently accessible equivalencies built right in!
About the only Strong's Dictionary I use is the Strong's TVM (Tense Voice and Mood) edition. But when I looked at this one and seen how it can be used alongside with the TVM one, I realized this was quite a handy little tool.

Stephen (Php 1:21).
Muchas gracias por este modulo, sin duda es de gran ayuda. Blessings.
By whom and how were the equivalents determined, please? Is it possible to know why someone could authoritatively that this Greek word is the same as that Hebrew Word? The reason I go to the original languages is to get the feel of what is said - it adds another dimension to what I am studying. So I hope you don't mind my asking. :-)
Hi, does the work on iPad edition? I can't seem to be able to download it. Thanks Warren

how to put this on Ipod??



bible support the all files


A great job at putting this together. It contains just the rignt amount of information so the meaning of the word can be easily understood.

Thank you very much for the effort that went into this!

After having used this dictionary for a while now (about 4 years), I think that it does a reasonable job in comparison between languages with the options it gives, but it lacks in comparative compatibility.


Basically all one gets is a single word which has a list of words in the other language to compare, but does not show which word is actually compatible to the other. In other words, it really doesn't accurately match a Hebrew word with a specific Greek word, or a Greek word with a specific Hebrew word. So, when it comes to exegesis, one could be hard put to give an accurate interpretation by purely using this dictionary.


To have something which gives accuracy in the meaning of a word in one language to another, as in Greek to Hebrew, and Hebrew to Greek, then a word has to match the other word more specifically, i.e., have grammatical specificity between a given Greek and Hebrew word, and a given Hebrew and Greek word. And its this kind of specificity this dictionary lacks.


The kind of specificity one needs to know is how a Hebrew word matches to its Greek counterpart should require the following grammatical information:

  • Tense the word is used in
  • Matches of the Case and Stem of the word
  • Voice in the which the word is used
  • Is the word a noun, verb, adjective, and etc
  • Matching Gender, and etc.

And when we can see something like that, then one can really begin to have a more clearer picture of how words fit from the Greek to the Hebrew, and from Hebrew to the Greek.




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