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  • Submitted: Oct 20 2013 05:15 PM
  • Last Updated: Nov 06 2013 03:59 PM
  • File Size: 5.78MB
  • Views: 10170
  • Downloads: 1,675
  • Author: Jonathan Mitchell
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: JMNT

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Download Jonathan Mitchell's New Testament ES1

* * * * * 8 Votes
New Testament Theology Word Study Bible Interpretation Copyrighted
Jonathan Mitchell

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:

This is the official, updated and latest version of Jonathan Mitchell's New Testament. There have been too many verse improvements and clarifications to list. This account is the only account where you will get both the latest and the official version from Jonathan Mitchell directly.
This is an original translation of the Greek New Testament which gives multiple possible renderings, alternate meanings from the semantic range of many Greek words, and translations of significant contrasting Greek manuscripts – all embedded in the text of this version. Occasional notes and comments are also inserted.

This work is an expanded and amplified rendering in which the nuances of the verb tenses are included in the translation, and the range of contextually possible functions of the noun and adjective cases are presented to the reader.

This translation leans to the literal side of the spectrum, but occasional potential idiomatic renderings are parenthetically inserted to assist the reader.

The text is based upon the readings of a variety of eclectic texts, along with readings of older individual witnesses. Various lexicons and dictionaries were used, along with some renderings based upon historical research, collaboration with scholars, and elements of the Greek word.

This work is really many volumes in one and is a dynamic tool to the pastor, to the lay teacher, to the college instructor, to the serious student and to all who are hungry for the Word of God.

The vision of this translation is to help open up the depths to every reader of the first Christian message of the unlimited, patient and determined, joyful and strong, victorious love of God.

What's New in Version ES1 (See full changelog)

  • 2 verse corrections updated 10-25-13

Thank you Jonathan!


Very interesting work...you've given us ! Thank you sir. I'm enjoying my "Test Drive" of it very much !



This is a serious study bible for those that want the clearest understanding and nuances of the original language.  At first this translation may seem too wordy.  Get used to the structure of this New Testament.  Read the basic text of each verse and then study all the alternate translations, notes etc in the parentheses and brackets. This is made easier with the bold text in the desktop ESword version.  You will be left with a deeper, richer and fuller understanding of the original text.

Updates and expansions are always appreciated.

Would love to have your commentary as a module to go with it.

Bradley, the commentary is on the agenda!

Dartmaster, thank you so much for your feedback.  It is wonderful to see so many enjoying what, for me, is my life's work.



When I discovered this translation I was very excited! I've already shared my appreciation to Jonathan via email from work. ( I do find time to study before and after work).  Most of my reading has been through Galatians so far.  I liked it so much that I slowed down and started writing a personal journal/commentary verse-by-verse.

May YAH bless you for sharing this wonderful resource! Thank you!

This is downloading but will not load. I had this module previously but my computer crashed. Now I'm trying to rebuild my E-sword collection and this one will not load. Any ideas?

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