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  • Submitted: Apr 02 2012 01:44 PM
  • Last Updated: Jul 01 2015 03:32 PM
  • File Size: 1.65MB
  • Views: 49950
  • Downloads: 9,608
  • Author: Raymond Barone

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e-Sword Utility:
Download e-Sword Library Manager 1.5

* * * * * 22 Votes

Raymond Barone

This program can be used to organize the e-Sword modules that you have (renaming and reordering tabs; hiding and showing modules, ...)

1- View all modules of a given category (*.bblx,*.cmtx.*, ...) with file names, Tab Names, Description and display order:
Select "Category".

2- Change "Tab Name" or "Description":
Click on a cell in the table, change the text, then press "Enter".

3- Hide any specific modules:
Uncheck the box before the module name. The module, will be renamed with *.hidden after its extension. To make it visible again check the box.
(Note: Some modules like KJV.bblx, KJV+.bblx,TSK.cmt,strong.dctx) cannot be hidden.

4- Change the order of modules displayed in e-Sword:
Select module with mouse. Use buttons "Move Up" and "Move Down" to change order. Then click "Save Current Order". This will rename all displayed files, by adding a number prefix to the names of the files displayed. (in the form of 01_file.ext)
This will make e-Sword display modules in the current order.

e-Sword sorts modules starting from the bottom left.
Some modules can't be renamed (KJV.bblx, ...)

5- Restore original filenames and order:
Click "Restore original filenames and order". This will remove the numbers added to the files of the category displayed, so that modules are displayed in the default order. This button doesn't remove the .hidden extension.

6- Supported categories:
Bibles (*.bblx)
Commentaries (*.cmtx)
Dictionaries (*.dctx)
Maps (*.mapx)
Harmonies (*.harx)
Devotionals (*.devx)
Reference Library (*.refx;*.topx)
Reference Books (*.refx)
Topics (*.topx)
Study notes (*.notx)

Note: to reorder (*.refx, *.topx, *.notx), their file names have to be changed, by inserting a number prefix to them.
These same file names will appear in e-Sword, since there are no independent tab name entries for them.

What's New in Version 1.5 (See full changelog)

  • 1.2: "Display" button removed, and categories are selected directly through the "Category" combobox
  • Modules that cannot be renamed can now be ordered (KJV, KJV+, Strong, TSK). The only limitation is that KJV and KJV+ have to be adjacent.
  • Some fixes
  • 1.3: Added: renaming tabs in "markup.ovlx" for highlighting and in "memory.memx" for Scripture Memory
  • 1.4 Added: Support for *.refx, *.topx and *.notx
  • Added: Categories: Reference Library, Reference Books, Topics and Study notes
  • 1.5 Added columns for file size and date modified.
  • Columns can be sorted by clicking on the header.
  • Hidden modules are in a different color
  • Some fixes.

I do not know the reason for the message you get but e-Sword library manager does work on XP

It seems that this application doesn't work with Windows XP, for when I try to run it it shows a message saying: "Unable to find a version of the runtime to run this application". I have use it with a Windows 7 on other PC with no problem and can testify that it is very useful. But not with XP. Can anyone help me?






.NET Framework 2 is required to run it.

July 12, 2013

I just downloaded E-sword Library Manager - I have sevceral topic files with % throughout the title and would like to be able to rename them.  When I highlight and get a blue horizontal line I am unable to click on any tab to make the corrections.  Any advice?  Thanks,

Doug Cupps douglascupps@att.net

Hi Doug,


I have downloaded file off the web before and noticed the same thing. I would just rename it before saving, but I never really looked into 'why' it was named thus.

Well a quick Google search turned up this.


" '%20' represents a space character in a URL. I'd rename the file and then try copying it again."


So, go to the folder where your e-sword program and modules are installed in and rename the offending file (remove the %20 characters) then try using the library manager again.



July 12, 2013

I just downloaded E-sword Library Manager - I have sevceral topic files with % throughout the title and would like to be able to rename them.  When I highlight and get a blue horizontal line I am unable to click on any tab to make the corrections.  Any advice?  Thanks,

Doug Cupps douglascupps@att.net

Make sure you click on the 'description', not the 'file name'

Mar 22 2014 06:57 AM

Thanks for this tool and any help you can provide. 


I am using Windows 7 Professional. After reordering the tabs with this tool there is no change whatsoever in the e-sword tabs. I've reordered them with e-sword running and without it running and there is still no change in the tab order. 

Thanks for this tool and any help you can provide. 


I am using Windows 7 Professional. After reordering the tabs with this tool there is no change whatsoever in the e-sword tabs. I've reordered them with e-sword running and without it running and there is still no change in the tab order. 


Esword should be closed. After reordering the tabs, click "Save current order". If this doesn't work, try running it as administrator.

Mar 23 2014 05:16 PM

I've done all you've stated. When I save the order they show they are in alphabetical order which is what I want. When I open e-sword they are not in that order. 

Mar 23 2014 05:48 PM

OK, it does work. The alphabetical tab order starts from bottom to top. 

Thank you so much for this tool! In order to keep some modicum of organization while using a fairly extensive library, I would simultaneously run two instances of e-Sword - one with 5 Strong-numbered Bibles (English, Hebrew, and Greek) alongside 9 dictionaries, the other with 7 common/popular English Bible translations alongside 12 commentaries. E-Sword Library Manager has eliminated my need for this.


Is the author's name REALLY Ray Barone??? I don't know if EVERYBODY loves Raymond, but I'm certainly a fan now.

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