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  • Submitted: Mar 30 2013 06:32 PM
  • Last Updated: Nov 06 2013 03:01 PM
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  • Author: Schilder, Klaas
  • e-Sword Version: 10.x

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Download Schilder, Klaas - Christ In His Suffering, Christ on Trial, Christ Crucified (3 vols)

* * * * - 10 Votes
Christology Jesus Studies Sermon Helps Sermons/Outlines Copyrighted
Schilder, Klaas

e-Sword Version:

About the Schilder Trilogy
These superb works are without equal in modern literature. Schilder ''brings the reader into touch with the spiritual and temporal forces which converged during the Passion Week. He is careful to keep Christ central, and he blends in a masterful way this culmination of our Lord’s earthly life with historical facts and psychological realities'' (Cyril Barber, The Minister’s Library).

Abounding in exegetical illumination and challenging insights, this monumental trilogy on the suffering, trial, and crucifixion of Christ is the most complete single-author work available on these aspects of the incarnation.

The three volumes, chronologically, begin with Peter's confession and end with Jesus' burial:

1) Christ on Trial: Gethsemane to the Condemnation—550 pages
2) Christ in His Suffering: Through the Garden Scene—468 pages
3) Christ Crucified: Christ on the Cross; the Seven Words—562 pages (totaling 8 megabytes of text when uncompressed)

Volume one describes the suffering of Jesus in its initial stages, ending with the Garden of Gethsemane.

Volume two covers the Lord s Passion until He was condemned to be crucified.

Volume three continues the study through His burial.

With a profound and unusual awareness the author analyzes the recorded words, gestures and deeds of the Christ from the time He passes through the gate of Jerusalem on His way to Golgotha to the moment of His death. Only a theologian who is a psychologist could have traced with such sensitiveness the progress of the redemptive activity within the soul of the Savior.

While the author keeps the Christ ever at the very center of his discourses, he focuses a searching light on each of the characters who emerge into prominence during the events of that first Good Friday; not because of an interest in them as isolated individuals, but because of the significance of the relationships that exist between them and the Man on the cross.

No child of God is completely mature until he or she has gone to Gethsemane and followed the trail of Christ as He approached the hour when He must endure unspeakable humiliation, pain, and the suffering of momentary loss of the Father’s presence with Him. It is no wonder that He sweat blood at the prospect, for He was not ignorant of what He must go through in order to provide salvation for His sheep: ''The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep'' (John 10:11).

No one will better draw you down to the depths of this drama, a scene which only one Person could have endured, than Schilder. You will not be the same after you have followed Christ through these stirring looks that Schilder gives you – you will be a better Christian, by far.

Cyril J. Barber, author of The Minister's Library:

When Dr. Klass Schilder’s ‘Lenten trilogy’ first made its appearance in English nearly forty years ago, it was immediately welcomed by evangelicals of all denominations as a work of outstanding merit. In fact, it was found to be without equal in modern literature.

Theologically accurate, abounds in suggestive insights, and provides exegetical illumination for a score of Easter sermons. It is a classic treatment on the passion of Christ. [It} deserves a place in every pastor’s library

***For the reprinted version, Cyril Barber wrote the introduction to volumes 2-3. He also gave volumes 2-3 an asterisk in his book, the Minister's Library, which is the highest recommendation he can provide.

Dr. Harold J. Ockenga says,

“In all Lenten literature known to me there is no work comparable to the trilogy of Klaas Schilder. The Schilder Trilogy includes these unsurpassed volumes.

About Klaas Schilder
Klaas Schilder graduated from the theological school of Kampen. After having served several churches he studied at the University of Erlangen, Germany, and received the Ph.D. degree, summa cum laude. He was appointed shortly after, by the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands, to the chair of dogmatics and ethics. His distinguished career included the editorship of the religious weekly De Reformatie.

Schilder was a man of many gifts, without any doubt. Anyone who has read his writings, even some of them, will readily acknowledge that he possessed the ability to look at various theological questions in different ways and to express his ideas in sometimes eloquent ways which were often fresh and new.

Volume 1:
Chapter 1: Satan at the Pulpit of the Passion
Chapter 2: Satan on the Mountain of Transfiguration
Chapter 3: The Ministering Angel Among Satanic Wolves
Chapter 4: The Last Priest Pointing to the Last Sacrificial Lamb
Chapter 5: Christ Evaluated
Chapter 6: Christ’s Passion Announced from Heaven: The Realization of the “Glory of the Lord”
Chapter 7: Christ’s Necessary “Circumlocution”
Chapter 8: Christ Welcomed — and Travestied
Chapter 9: Christ Relating Children’s Games to Universal Prophecy
Chapter 10: Christ Going to the Room of the Passover
Chapter 11: Christ Constraining Satan
Chapter 12: Christ Not “Suppressing” Satan
Chapter 13: The Mediator Washing the Feet of His Own
Chapter 14: Christ at the Communion Table
Chapter 15: Christ Wrestling Before God Against Satan
Chapter 16: The Author Sings His Own Psalms
Chapter 17: Christ’s Sorrows Have Their Own Peculiar Origin
Chapter 18: Christ’s Sorrows Have Their Own Peculiar Cause
Chapter 19: Christ’s Sorrows Have Their Own Peculiar Law of Revelation
Chapter 20: Christ’s Sorrows Have Their Own Peculiar Law of Severity
Chapter 21: Christ’s Sorrows Have Their Own Peculiar Law of Sacrifice
Chapter 22: Christ’s Sorrows Have Their Own Peculiar End
Chapter 23: The Harmony Profaned: The Perfect Round Is Broken
Chapter 24: Christ’s Last Wonder In the State of Humiliation: The Liberator of Slaves in the ...
Chapter 25: Christ In Bonds
Chapter 26: Christ In Isolation

Volume 2:
Chapter 1: Christ Being Led To Annas
Chapter 2: Christ’s Apology Before Annas
Chapter 3: Christ Condemns the Vicious Circle
Chapter 4: The Vicious Circle Condemns Christ
Chapter 5: Christ Standing Mute Before the Sanhedrin
Chapter 6: Christ Taking an Oath Before the Sanhedrin
Chapter 7: Christ Vanquishing the Vicious Circle as the Son of Man
Chapter 8: Christ Sentenced to Death by His People
Chapter 9: Christ Being Mocked Upon the Prophetic Mountain
Chapter 10: Christ Being Isolated a Second Time
Chapter 11: Christ Led Back to the House of Bondage
Chapter 12: Christ Confronted By the Dead Judas
Chapter 13: Christ’s Blood Accepting a Memorial in Jerusalem
Chapter 14: Christ Being Thrust Outside of the Sphere of Mosaic Law
Chapter 15: Christ Being Raised Above the Sphere of Mosaic Law
Chapter 16: Christ Accused Upon the Royal Mountain
Chapter 17: Christ’s Apology For His Kingship
Chapter 18: Christ Being Negated Upon the Royal and Prophetic Mountain
Chapter 19: Christ Being Silent Before Pilate
Chapter 20: Christ Before Herod: Israel Before Esau
Chapter 21: Christ Being Silent Before Herod and Being Mocked in the Vale of Martyrs
Chapter 22: Christ Jesus Completely Outlawed
Chapter 23: Christ the Outlaw and His Forgotten Chapter
Chapter 24: Christ - or - Barabbas
Chapter 25: Christ Is Pleaded for and Travestied
Chapter 26: Christ’s Blood Esteemed Less Than That of Abel
Chapter 27: Christ’s Blood Being Shed By Human Agency the First Time
Chapter 28: Christ Caricatured By the World
Chapter 29: Christ Condemned

Volume 3:
Chapter 1: Christ Being Cast Outside of the Gates
Chapter 2: Christ’s Right of Requisition Completely Denied
Chapter 3: Christ’s Last Ministration of the Word
Chapter 4: Christ on Golgotha
Chapter 5: Christ Not Repelling His Judge
Chapter 6: Christ Under the Catastrophic Curse
Chapter 7: Christ Isolating Himself in the Catastrophic Curse
Chapter 8: Christ Among the Bandits
Chapter 9: Christ Disrobed
Chapter 10: Christ’s Supreme Title
Chapter 11: Christ Suffering the Mockery of Hell
Chapter 12: Christ’s Paradoxical Plague and His Forgotten Chapter
Chapter 13: Christ’s Super-Paradoxical “Amen”
Chapter 14: Christ Confronting the Dead Judas With the Dead Scoundrel
Chapter 15: Christ Substituting Himself
Chapter 16: Christ Exlex in the Darkness: Christ Outside of the Gates of God
Chapter 17: Christ Thrust Away But Not Separated From God
Chapter 18: Christ Adapting Himself To His Death
Chapter 19: Christ in the Justification
Chapter 20: Christ Goes Out: God Goes On
Chapter 21: Christ Passing Out and On
Chapter 22: Christ as Melchizedek’s Antitype Summoned Against Levi
Chapter 23: Christ Proclaimed by the Church of the Advent
Chapter 24: Christ Apparently Motionless
Chapter 25: Christ Buried

If this book is even 5% as good as it looks like it will be, it will be a welcome addition to all of our libraries!

Volumes 2 and 3 are really good. Well worth a read over Easter. I really enjoyed them,

Volumes 2 and 3 are really good. Well worth a read over Easter. I really enjoyed them,



Hi Josh,

To read over Easter. Why just Easter?! I say "read all the time." This kind of thinking came as a result of an ad on t.v., over here for the A.S.B. (Auckland Savings Bank).


Has to be a bit of a worry taking things from and ad., eh mate! :))




I wonder why a large portion looks like it has been redacted.

And you sure can not hold it up to the light to read between the lines eighter.

Is there some reason why this is the case I'm not aware of?


Please note - there is a SUPPORT TOPIC associated with this file. You will find further details about the download options, and the answer to the problem reported by Treetop, Apr 15 2023, on that web page.

Please go to http:// www.biblesupport.com/topic/4673-reference-books-refx-schilder-klaas-christ-in-his-suffering-christ-on-trial-christ-crucified-3-vols/

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