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  • Submitted: Oct 26 2011 10:41 PM
  • Last Updated: Dec 29 2021 10:18 AM
  • File Size: 175.63MB
  • Views: 179043
  • Downloads: 325,912
  • Author: Various
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: EB

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download Expositors Bible - 49 Volume Set - Commentary Format Available 1.0

* * * * * 108 Votes

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:

Revised: 2/14/2012 - Removed font size specifications so commentary module uses e-Sword user's font sizes.

About The e-Sword Edition
Dr. Dave (www.doctordavet.com) and his team painstakingly created e-Sword Topic files of The Expositor's Bible (one topic file per volume). BibleSupport.com converted the 49 topic files into a single commentary for easier reference. The end result is a 50 megabyte commentary file with thousands of pages of reference material.

This is not a perfect project because not every volume fit neatly into a book, chapter, or verse commentary. The vast majority of the text did fit acceptably but several volumes like 1 and 2 Chronicles and Luke did not naturally conform to an e-Sword style book, chapter, or verse commentary. In cases such as Luke, BibleSupport.com read each chapter that did not have a scripture label and noted the scriptures the chapter referenced. We then applied the verse references to the commentary. Although this was a sometimes subjective process, for Luke, this seems to have worked well. For 1 and 2 Chronicles, the process was less than perfect.

Nevertheless, we believe that we should not "throw out the baby with the bath water". It's better to have a commentary with most of the text useful and a few volumes that don't fit perfectly than to have no commentary at all! We're proud of the result and thank Dr. Dave's team for making the original topic files, without which this project would not have happened.

We urge you to check the e-Sword Book Comments for more information on certain sections because the Book Comments contain introductory information originally found in the EB volumes. A few Book Comments contain information about the Bible book as a whole (not necessarily introductory information). We also employed Chapter Comments on rare occasion, mostly in Deuteronomy.

About The Expositor's Bible
The Expositor's Bible is one of the most-recognized standards of expository commentaries. It was written by twenty-nine eminent scholars of the day who were also full-time preachers. These writers also represent every important branch of Protestantism. The Expositor's Bible may thus be regarded as an inter-denominational exposition. It conclusively demonstrates the hearty agreement of all thoughtful persons on the profound realities and essentials of the Christian Faith. It shows how this Faith is to be preached with the conviction and persuasiveness which its opulent gospel justly merits.

This notable work was conceived and carried out by that genius among editors, Sir William Robertson Nicoll, C.H., D.D., LL.D. He had an exceptional knowledge of religious and literary, of theological and philosophical, thought. He understood what were the most urgent needs of the church as to spiritual enlightenment, for the better exercise of the Church's mission in advancing the Kingdom of Christ to earth's remotest bounds.

Right here we are met with the welcome aid of The Expositor's Bible. It must be acknowledged that a company of writers of the same caliber and qualifications could hardly be brought together at the present day. Both clergy and laity are here helped to understand the Scriptures as 'profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction which is in righteousness.'
The Bible continues to occupy its place of finality as the supreme Authority on Religion and Morals. This is the basis on which The Expositor's Bible was written.

Some of the prominent authors include:
Alexander MacLaren D.D.
Marcus Dods D.D.
George Gillanders Findlay B.A.
Frederic W. Farrar D.D.
Handley Carr Glyn Moule M.A. D.D.
George Adam Smith D.D.

Complete List of Authors and Publication Dates

First Series, 1887-88
Colossians - By A. Maclaren, D.D.
St. Mark - By Rev. G. A. Chadwick
Genesis - By Prof. Marcus Dods, D.D.
1 Samuel - By Prof. W. G. Blaikie, D.D.
2 Samuel - By Prof. W. G. Blaikie, D.D.
Hebrews - By Principal T. C. Edwards, D.D.

Second Series, 1888-9
Galatians - By Prof. G. G. Findlay, B.A.
The Pastoral Epistles - By Rev. A. Plummer, D.D.
Isaiah 1-39 - By Prof. G. A. Smith, D.D. Vol. 1
The Book of Revelation - By Prof. W. Milligan, D.D.
1 Corinthians - By Prof. Marcus Dods, D.D.
The Epistles of St. John - By Rev. W. Alexander

Third Series, 1889-90
Judges and Ruth - By R. A. Watson, M.A., D.D.
Jeremiah - By Rev. C. J. Ball, M.A.
Isaiah 40-66 - By Prof. G. A. Smith, D.D. Vol. 2
St. Matthew - By Rev. J. Monro Gibson, D.D.
Exodus - By Rev. G. A. Chadwick
St. Luke - By Rev. H. Burton, M.A.

Fourth Series, 1890-1
Ecclesiastes - By Rev. Samuel Cox, D.D.
St. James and St. Jude - By Rev. A. Plummer, D.D.
Proverbs - By Rev. R. F. Horton, D.D.
Leviticus - By Rev. S. H. Kellogg, D.D.
The Gospel of St. John - By Prof. M. Dods, D.D. Vol. 1
The Acts of the Apostles - By Prof. Stokes, D.D. Vol. 1

Fifth Series, 1891-2
The Psalms - By A. Maclaren, D.D. Vol. 1
1 and 2 Thessalonians - By James Denney, D.D.
The Book of Job - By R. A. Watson, M.A., D.D.
Ephesians - By Prof. G. G. Findlay, B.A.
The Gospel of St. John - By Prof. M. Dods, D.D. Vol. 2
The Acts of the Apostles - By Prof. Stokes, D.D. Vol. 2

Sixth Series, 1892-3
1 Kings - By Rev. F. W. Farrar, D.D.
Philippians - By Principal Rainy, D.D.
Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther - By Prof. W. F. Adeney, M.A.
Joshua - By Prof. W. G. Blaikie, D.D.
The Psalms - By A. Maclaren, D.D. Vol. 2
The Epistles of St. Peter - By Prof. Rawson Lumby, D.D.

Seventh Series, 1893-4
2 Kings - By Rev. F. W. Farrar, D.D.
Romans - By H. C. G. Moule, M.A., D.D.
The Books of Chronicles - By Prof. W. H. Bennett, M.A.
2 Corinthians - By James Denney, D.D.
Numbers - By R. A. Watson, M.A., D.D.
The Psalms - By A. Maclaren, D.D. Vol. 3

Eighth Series, 1895-6
Daniel - By Rev. F. W. Farrar, D.D.
The Book of Jeremiah - By Prof. W. H. Bennett, M.A.
Deuteronomy - By Prof. Andrew Harper, D.D.
The Song of Solomon and Lamentations - By Prof. W. F. Adeney, M.A.
Ezekiel - By Prof. John Skinner, M.A.
The Book of the Twelve Prophets - By Prof. G. A. Smith, D.D. Two Vols.

About the Editor
Sir William Robertson Nicoll was born in Lumsden, Aberdeenshire. He was educated at the University of Aberdeen and graduated in 1870. He studied for the ministry at the Free Church Divinity Hall there until 1874, when he was ordained minister of the Free Church at Dufftown, Banffshire. In 1885 Nicoll was forced to retire from pastoral ministry after an attack of typhoid had badly damaged his lung. In 1886 he moved south to London and began his editorship of The Expositor (1885) and the British Weekly (1886), posts which he held for the rest of his life. He made the British Weekly widely influential, published several religious and secular books, was knighted in 1909, and was made a companion of honor (a prestigious order) two years before his death 1923.

Nicoll was a prolific editor of expository works and left behind a literary legacy that has placed all preachers in his debt. This scholar is rightly remembered for such works as the 50-volumeExpositor's Bible (1888-1905), the 12-volume The Sermon Bible (1888-1893), and the 5-volume Expositor's Greek New Testament (1897-1910), all of which he edited. But none of these surpasses in quality and utility The Expositor's Dictionary of Texts.

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

Hi Josh, Thanks for letting me know. kind regards Andy
It would be easier if you could download either all the OT or the NT. Other than that, the set is very good.


Hi guys. Lion Heart

I have e-Sword V10 and I downloaded the Expositor's Bible commentary but I don't see how I can install it into e-Sword - thx 

Can anyone tell me what text is used in the Expositor's Bible (49 volume). Is it the AV or rv?

The text is typically RV; however, with mouseovering and tooltips, any version works well with this commentary. Also: many writers make a greater reference to the English text than the Greek/Hebrew text. In this sense, it makes little difference what English text one uses.


I'm a KJV guy; yet this commentary is very usable to me. Some of the authors aren't very good; others are world class (Blaikie & Maclaren, to name two). I highly recommend a judicious use of these volumes.

Great, I love it, I give it 5 stars

What is the difference between the version downloadable through the download section of the e sword program.


Is this one more up to date? Same goes for Alexander Maclaren's Expositions.


How come that some modules (like Matthew Henry's) are only available through the e sword program and some as well in e sword and biblesupport.


Thanks and God bless.



They are duplicates of the modules here. The duplicates exist because we created them and they were later added to e-Sword because the developer felt they have broad enough appeal to others, liked the theology presented, etc. 

Thank you for this mammoth annotation.... a rattling good effort!!


Well done!


thank you



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