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  • Submitted: Jun 16 2011 03:39 PM
  • Last Updated: Dec 19 2021 09:30 AM
  • File Size: 16.52MB
  • Views: 33225
  • Downloads: 10,683
  • Author: E.W. Bullinger
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: ???

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Download E.W. Bullinger Companion Bible (1909).bblx 1.0

* * * * * 23 Votes

E.W. Bullinger

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:

E. W. Bullinger's Companion Bible (not the notes, appendices, etc).

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

As a fan of Bullinger's works, especially the Companion Bible, I appreciate the efforts. I thought it neccessary to point out to those who are familliar with The Companion Bible that this modual does not contain the notes found in the side column nor does it appear to contain the appendix's. It seems to be only the text as found in the CB. Just a FYI.
"every day is a good day..because Jesus is the living word"
Shield up / Sword ready

As a fan of Bullinger's works, especially the Companion Bible, I appreciate the efforts. I thought it neccessary to point out to those who are familliar with The Companion Bible that this modual does not contain the notes found in the side column nor does it appear to contain the appendix's. It seems to be only the text as found in the CB. Just a FYI. "every day is a good day..because Jesus is the living word" Shield up / Sword ready Drew

If you have not found it already, you can find the Bullinger notes and appendix here:

This seems like an attempt to make Bullingers notes into a bible tranlsation unto its self. Its a effort. Its good for a quick reference , but it should'nt be taken over Bullinger and friends, notes as its presented in the Compaion Bible like the other avaiable at the link posted here.

I have been using the paper version of the Companion Bible for many years...this is a very good effort. I noticed a typo not just in the notes but also in the online, electronic version of the Companion Bible. See: http://www.companion...ndensed.com/nt/  In Romans 1:1, the reference to Jesus Christ shows Appendix 98. XL...but there is no 'XL' in the appendix. It should read as XI. I believe when the online version was converted, the OCR program mistook the 'XI.' characters for 'XL' without the period. When this version was made, the typo was simply used. Also, the references are generally basic in the appendices; for instance, also in Romans 1:1, the word 'unto' is the preposition 'eis' and is shown as 'Ap. 104. viii.' but the hyper-link is listed as App-104. I would recommend adding these notations to the others, not as a larger hyper-link but as regular text, like the Ap-98 link that shows Jesus Christ with the 'XI' - this way the appendix is of maximum use and no other references need to be consulted to verify what you are seeing. This would mean, of course, a lot more work. Bottom line is only that to make this work more useful and easier to use, without consulting other resources for what is already in the Companion Bible, the way in which the appendices are organized/referenced should be reviewed. I use this and like it but there is room for improvement, that's all.

I found that this is not an accurate reproduction of The Companion Bible text. Extra comments have been added into the bible text that are not in the printed version. Also, several scriptures have been altered with the information from footnotes inserted in place of the original text. I have used the printed version for a study Bible for years. Sorry if I sound so negative after it took so much work to reproduce it, but it just bothers me immensely when it has been altered that way and presented as being the original text.

The Companion Bible versions that  I have downloaded from biblesupport.com are from the Condenced version and not the Original. It is not the work of Dr. Bullinger as stated on the Condensed bible website: "This is not an exhaustive or complete work in regard to the amount of knowledge found in The Companion Bible(file:///C:/CompBible/Bullinger/PREFACE.htm).
It would be greatly appreciated if someone could do a module for e-sword of the original Bullinger's Companion Bible found online in PDF format at: http://www.heavendwe...anion_bible.htm

May YAH bless you for sharing this wonderful resource! Thank you!

@thbjr,  Thank you.

Fo the average Bible knowledgable person it prepares one for looking into deeper Hebraic thought. It's the best stepping stone from all early translations, Douay Catholic, Genva, King James, and clears up seeming intentional contridicting or non intentional verses as found in Matt 23-24 where Jesus tells disciples what to do or not when the Rabbis speak from Moses seat. First Bible to bring up the First earth age concept and the seed sexually planted by Lucifer into Eve thus the -bad seeds Jesus speaks of. Shepherds Chapel Has extensively encourages the use of this Bible for those looking deeper.
Great site

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