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- Submitted: Jun 16 2014 12:21 PM
- Last Updated: Jun 16 2014 01:17 PM
- File Size: 88.73MB
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- Author: Exell, Joseph
- e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
- Tab Name: phc
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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary (37 vols)

Whole Bible Homiletics Sermons/Outlines Sermon Helps Theology of Preaching Pastoral Word Study

Exell, Joseph
e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x
Tab Name:
The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary, edited by Joseph Exell, is a practical and thorough aid for sermon (and lesson) planning, preparation, and study. Spanning 37 volumes and nearly 19,000 pages, this is one of the largest e-Sword commentaries ever created.
Written for preachers, by preachers (see list below)—anyone who teaches or studies the Word of God will profit from this expository preaching resource!
The analytical and organizational structure allows for:
- Clear and engaging sermons and bible studies.
- Substantial guidance on application of the Bible to the audience
- Theological outlines of passages
- Expository, Explanatory, Suggestive, and Critical Notes
- Quotes from famous preachers, scholars, and authors.
- Sermon/passage/verse illustrations.
The passage work flow usually includes (with some variations):
Critical Notes >>>
Main Homiletics of the Paragraph >>>
Suggestive Comments on the Verses >>>
Illustrations of Verses/Passages
Note on the Editor: Joseph Exell also edited The Pulpit Commentary and Biblical Illustrator.
[Homiletics is the art of preparing sermons and preaching. Those who study homiletics seek to improve their skill at communicating biblical topics.]
A Better Layout
This presentation differs from the printed edition and other electronic editions (that seek to divide the commentary by passage or verse):
Critical Notes:
Printed: Listed separately before all comments.
Other Electronic: Listed in the first verse of a chapter (i.e. Gen. 1:1 contains critical notes on Gen. 1:1-1:31)
✓ e-Sword: Critical Notes for each verse listed with that verse’s comments (i.e. Gen. 1:21-28 contains the Critical Notes for Gen. 1:21-28—rather than lumping the Critical Notes for whole chapter into Gen 1:1 or listed separately).
Printed: Listed separately after all comments.
Other Electronic: Listed in the last verse of a chapter (i.e. Exo 1:22 contains all sermon illustrations for all verses in the chapter).
✓ e-Sword: Illustrations for each verse listed with that verse’s comments. (i.e. Exodus 1:1 contains that verse’s illustrations rather than being lumped into the last verse, Exodus 1:22)
Printed: Bottom of page.
Other Electronic: Missing
✓ e-Sword: Footnotes are below paragraph where referenced
Other layout changes: The printed version saved space by combining multiple sections into one paragraph. For example, Roman numerals I. – VI. might be in one paragraph, with the numeral and heading sentence bolded. Here, we began a new paragraph between sections to avoid the lengthy paragraphs that spanned multiple pages in the printed edition.

Authors and Publication:
Publisher: Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1892.
Volume 1: Genesis
Rev. Joseph S. Exell and Rev. Thomas H. Leale
Volume 2: Exodus
Rev. Joseph S. Exell
Volume 3: Leviticus
Rev. W. Harvey Jellie, Rev. Frederick W. Brown
Volume 4: Numbers
Rev. William Jones
Volume 5: Deuteronomy
Rev. James Wolfendale
Volume 6: Joshua
Rev. F. G. Marchant
Volume 7: Judges
Rev. J. P. Millar
Volume 8: Ruth
Rev. Walter Baxendale
Volume 9: 1 & 2 Samuel
Rev. W. Harris
Volume 10: 1 & 2 Kings
Rev. George Barlow
Volume 11: 1 & 2 Chronicles
James Wolfendale
Volume 12: Ezra
Rev. William Jones
Volume 13: Nehemiah
Rev. W. H. Booth, Rev. J. H. Goodman, and Rev. S. Gregory
Volume 14: Esther
Rev. W. Burrows
Volume 15: Job
Rev. Thomas Robinson
Volume 16: Psalms 1–87
Rev. W. L. Watkinson, Rev. W. Forsyth, Rev. Joseph S. Exell, Rev. William Jones
Volume 17: Psalms 87–150
Rev. William Jones, Rev. J. W. Burn, Rev. George Barlow
Volume 18: Proverbs
Rev. W. Harris
Volume 19: Ecclesiastes
Rev. William Jones, Rev. J. W. Burn, Rev. George Barlow
Volume 20: Song of Solomon
Rev. Thomas Robinson
Volume 21: Isaiah 1–39
Rev. R. A. Bertram and Rev. Alfred Tucker
Volume 22: Isaiah 40–66
Rev. R. A. Bertram and Rev. Alfred Tucker
Volume 23: Jeremiah
Rev. W. Harvey Jellie
Volume 24: Lamentations
Rev. George Barlow
Volume 25: Ezekiel
Rev. D. G. Watt, Rev. Thomas H. Leale, and Rev. George Barlow
Volume 26: Daniel
Rev. Thomas Robinson
Volume 27: Minor Prophets
Rev. James Wolfendale
Volume 28: Matthew
Rev. W. Sunderland Lewis and Rev. Henry M. Booth
Volume 29: Mark
Rev. John Henry Burn
Volume 30: Luke
Rev. J. Willcock
Volume 31: John
Rev. W. Frank Scott
Volume 32: Acts
Rev. Thomas Whitelaw
Volume 33: Romans
Rev. W. Burrows
Volume 34: 1 & 2 Corinthians
Henry J. Foster
Volume 35: Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians
Rev. George Barlow
Volume 36: 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James
George Barlow and Rev. Robert Tuck
Volume 37: 1 & 2 Peter, 1, 2 & 3 John, Jude, Revelation
Rev. Robert Tuck
Thank you Josh, your skill and gracious endeavors have supplied me with the best commentary library that I have ever owned. These modules are a constant encouragement to me, helping to open the scriptures - and used by God to affect my heart. Again, thank you Josh. Bless you. lg.
God put a very hard working heart in you.....the day He saved you ! He placed a very loving heart in you as well ! Because in the 3+ yrs. since Bible Support had its beginnings you've probably done more than any one man in America to equip Pastors...Teachers....and Laymen to study and increase their knowledge of the Bible in their pursuit of sharing Jesus with a lost and dying making so many top quality Modules available ! Not to mention the other 100+ men and women of God who have joined you in this endeavor. Once again....THANK YOU..JOSH.
LarryG.....I echo your words. And not only do we have the best Commentary Libraries we've ever owned....we don't have 8-10 opened books lying all around us stacked up on our desks...or laps...or chair arms...or anything else we could find to stack them on within arms reach. Aaaah...the "Good ole Days"....were good....but not as good as they are for Bible Students today !! We owe so much to folks like Josh, Rick Meyers, and all who have joined in to make these Modules for the e-Sword Bible program....WE ARE TRULY BLESSED.
Just simply magnificent! I truly didn't think there were any commentaries of significant proportions left to do, but as always you're full of surprises. God bless you.
Awesome, hard to imagine a few years ago, that all this literature is made
availble in helping sinners.
Holy Spirit is working through these beautifull tech people, in making the modules
Gospel Bonds Men
God put a very hard working heart in you.....the day He saved you ! He placed a very loving heart in you as well ! Because in the 3+ yrs. since Bible Support had its beginnings you've probably done more than any one man in America to equip Pastors...Teachers....and Laymen to study and increase their knowledge of the Bible in their pursuit of sharing Jesus with a lost and dying making so many top quality Modules available ! Not to mention the other 100+ men and women of God who have joined you in this endeavor. Once again....THANK YOU..JOSH.
LarryG.....I echo your words. And not only do we have the best Commentary Libraries we've ever owned....we don't have 8-10 opened books lying all around us stacked up on our desks...or laps...or chair arms...or anything else we could find to stack them on within arms reach. Aaaah...the "Good ole Days"....were good....but not as good as they are for Bible Students today !! We owe so much to folks like Josh, Rick Meyers, and all who have joined in to make these Modules for the e-Sword Bible program....WE ARE TRULY BLESSED.
You know, when it comes to seek ways to serve Christ, I don't think such a greater opportunity has come than what both Rick Meyers and Josh Bond perhaps has inadvertently given. With both e-Sword and this site the means given to serve in the Kingdom of God can be done by any person who wishes to be involved. And here is the best part about it, you don't need permission to become involved.
When I actually think about it, I don't think or believe I've seen anything that had such organic spontaneity of those who wanted to be involved in anything before. I am absolutely gobsmacked of the number of people that have decided to become involved with e-Sword and BibleSupport in one form or another without any visible reason for it. The list of contributors (and I'm not talking the financial kind) who have decided to commit themselves in one form or another to be involved in this form of service in the Kingdom I think is quite staggering and amazing in doing things that they have not been asked by any person to do. This has to be God at work!
I have a problem with adding the iPad version to the iPad. When I add the iPad version to eSword HD, I see it's been copied over to the eSword app but when I open up eSword after it's been copied, I don't see it and I also see the file disappear when opening eSword in iTunes. Does anybody know why?
Thanks, Josh. I appreciate you providing the link and I followed those instructions, I now have PCH on my iPad
Josh, Thanks for the commentaries, I have been locking and waiting fore these, they are very useful. Blessings to you
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Thank you very much for this commentary