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- Submitted: May 11 2020 08:50 PM
- Last Updated: Sep 17 2022 07:26 PM
- File Size: 4.97MB
- Views: 7456
- Downloads: 990
- Author: Covenant Press
- e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
- Tab Name: LSV
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Literal Standard Version (LSV) - e-Sword
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Whole Bible Scripture Literal Old Testament New Testament Copyrighted
Covenant Press
e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x
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The first edition of the Literal Standard Version went live on February 2, 2020 and since then the LSV team has been seeking to make this groundbreaking translation available to more readers in more and various formats at as low a cost as possible, because God's word should be delivered without profit motive to those from every walk of life. “Freely you received, freely give.” You can learn more about the LSV Bible at
The Literal Standard Version of The Holy Bible is a registered copyright of Covenant Press and the Covenant Christian Coalition (© 2020), but has been subsequently released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license (CC BY-SA) per our desire to provide God’s word freely. Covenant Press requests that the text remain unaltered in the English language and that translations based on the LSV maintain the same spirit of faithfulness to the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek text. Attribution of minor citations for personal or non-commercial use can be provided as simply “LSV” or “Literal Standard Version.” Citations for commercial use, or distribution of the entire LSV Bible or entire book(s) of the LSV Bible, must be fully attributed and include both “Literal Standard Version (LSV)” and the name of our organization. Covenant Press is soliciting partnerships with Bible publishers that are interested in the LSV project. For queries about partnering with us, please email the translation team at To learn more, visit The purpose behind the LSV is to provide readers with a modern, easy-to-read, literal, and accurate translation of the Bible that is free to read, distribute, and translate from. We pray that God will use the LSV to illuminate the hearts and minds of multitudes with the good news that His Son Jesus Christ came in the flesh, died for our sins as a substitutionary sacrifice, rose bodily from the dead, and is coming back again.
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