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  • Submitted: Aug 28 2019 07:57 AM
  • Last Updated: Aug 28 2019 09:12 AM
  • File Size: 3.65MB
  • Views: 2969
  • Downloads: 395
  • Author: David Lipscomb
  • e-Sword Version: Requires 10.1+
  • Tab Name: John--Lipscomb

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download Lipscomb, David - Commentary on the Gospel of John

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Scripture New Testament Church of Christ Biblical Studies Public Domain

David Lipscomb

e-Sword Version:
Requires 10.1+

Tab Name:

This is the complete commentary on the Gospel of
John as authored by David Lipscomb. David Lipscomb
was a prolific writer and wrote several commentaries,
including this one on the Book of John. This Commentary
was last ©1971 by the Gospel Advocate Co.

David Lipscomb was the founder of LIPSCOMB UNIVERSITY
located in Nashville, Tennessee.

This .cmti (HD) commentary module requires e-Sword
version 11.0 or greater. Works just fine on version 12.0+
This module is based somewhat on the Lipscomb
commentaries as posted on BibleSupport.com with some
minor differences as shown below:

1. The font size and formatting has been improved greatly
the current Lipscomb commentaries posted. Easier to
read, especially if one is older with diminished eye-sight.
2. Colorful color maps have been added to the end of the
chapter notes in the .cmti file.
3. The text in this file is also base on the .PDF file as was
provided by the Restoration Digital Library for churches
of Christ. You may CLICK HERE to View/Download this
.PDF File
from their website.

David Lipscomb was born in Franklin County, Tenn., on
January 21, 1831. His father, Granville Lipscomb, moved from
Virginia in 1826 and settled in Tennessee. His father first
belonged to the Primitive Baptist Church and served as a
deacon in that church. He was excluded from the Baptist
Church because he advocated the New Testament teaching
of undenominational Christianity and opposed all denominations
in religion. David's mother never belonged to any denomination,
but became a Christian in her early life. Both his parents had
very strong convictions and firmness of character. Brother
Lipscomb's father was opposed to the institution of slavery,
and in 1835, when David was four years old, he moved to the
State of Illinois and set his slaves free. He remained there one
year, during which time his wife and three children died. He then
moved back to Franklin County, Tenn., where he married again
and reared his family. His father was always interested in
religious subjects and taught his neighbors and servants the word
of God.

David Lipscomb grew to manhood on the farm. He received such
training and education as his community at that time furnished.
At the age of fourteen he went to Virginia and lived a year with
his maternal grandfather, who sent him to school while he was
there. He made the trip on horseback, as that was the only mode
of travel then between those points. In 1846 he entered Franklin
College, which was then under the presidency of Tolbert Fanning,
and was graduated from that institution in June, 1849. After his
graduation he went to Georgia and managed very successfully a
large plantation in that State. Next he moved back to Franklin
County, and took a contract to help construct the railroad from
Nashville to Chattanooga.

David Lipscomb became a Christian in early life. About this time
the eloquent Jesse B. Ferguson, who was a very popular preacher
and eloquent pulpit orator, lost his doctrinal bearings and made
shipwreck of the faith. Brother Lipscomb was a great admirer of
Mr. Ferguson. The churches throughout Middle Tennessee felt
the shock and were greatly discouraged, and many of them
were thrown into confusion, and quite a few Christians became
so discouraged that they cast their lots with the Baptists. Brother
Lipscomb himself entertained an idea of going into the Baptist
Church, and, with this idea in mind, he purchased the standard
book of the Baptist Church and made a close study of Baptist
doctrine, practice, and church polity. His investigation was made
in earnest, and it was thorough. He was convinced that the
ground which he occupied in being simply a Christian was
sufficient, and he determined to strengthen his brethren in the
faith of the Bible. This called upon him to make public speeches
and addresses, and soon he was rapidly developing into a
preacher of the gospel. He did not start out to be a preacher,
but he saw the need of such work, and the longer he remained
in it, the more he could see was needed to be done.

He was a successful businessman and farmer. He moved near
Nashville, Tenn. While farming he also preached, and, as a result
of his preaching, many churches were started. He continued to
preach and encourage the churches until many strong churches
were built up in and around Nashville. During the Civil War he
took the position that Christians should not go to war, and he
preached his conviction with boldness and clearness. This excited
much opposition to him. His life was threatened, and yet he did
not hesitate to preach against war, and especially against
Christians' taking part in it. A military officer was sent one Sunday
to hear him preach. He took a seat near the front and listened
attentively. At the conclusion he said: "I am not sure that the
sermon is loyal to the Southern Confederacy, but I am
profoundly convinced that it is loyal to the Christian religion."

Brother Lipscomb was a great admirer of Tolbert Fanning, and
after his death he raised an endowment fund equal to the value
of Tolbert Fanning's property and, with the help of Mrs. Fanning,
established the Fanning Orphan School, near Nashville. He was
president of the Board of Trustees of that institution from the
beginning to his death. In 1891, with the help of J. A. Harding,
he founded the Nashville Bible School, now known as David L
ipscomb College (now Lipscomb University). He taught daily
the Bible in the school. It was the writer's good fortune to sit at
his feet daily for seven years and study the Bible. Hundreds now
living will recall the rich blessing received through his teaching.
On January 1, 1866, he began his work as editor of the Gospel
Advocate, and continued his work as editor for a little more than
fifty years. He had associated with him the first year Tolbert
Fanning, who remained as an editor until 1868. During the years
of 1868 and 1869 he was the sole editor. At the beginning of the
year 1870, E. G. Sewell became associate editor with him, and
continued as one of the editors of the Advocate until his death.

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