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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Apr 07 2018 07:25 AM
  • Last Updated: Dec 22 2021 09:13 AM
  • File Size: 6.13MB
  • Views: 3113
  • Downloads: 304
  • Author: Ray Geide
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: Breakthrough KJV - A More Accurate Bible

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Download New Testament: Breakthrough KJV 1.0

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New Testament Literal
Ray Geide

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:
Breakthrough KJV - A More Accurate Bible

This new Bible version brings together modern technology, higher translation standards, insight from the greatest Bible scholars, and guidance from the Holy Spirit to create a Bible with a higher level of accuracy and readability.

Blasting through the limitations of traditional translating, this Bible is more literal, more consistent, more precise, more contemporary, and more correct.

It is so accurate that it even translates hundreds of words in the original Greek text that other Bibles (including the KJV) do not.

Greek Text: Textus Receptus Scrivener 1894 (Scrivener 1894 is the Textus Receptus that is closest to the KJV)
For our translation of Nestle27/UBS4 (the Critical/Minority Text), please get the Breakthrough Version

This is a fresh literal translation from the Greek. It is not based on or a revision of an older English Bible version. It keeps the Greek sentence structures, the Greek parts of speech, the Greek tenses, and the Greek cases. It also translates all of the Greek words that it can (the Breakthrough KJV translates hundreds of Greek words that other Bibles do not).
The Breakthrough KJV is based on a better set of words. The words were carefully selected with the following goals in mind:

• The English translation of a Greek word should be a common everyday 2018 word, not a 1395 or 1611 word. Words like, grace, gospel, lord, and prophet are outdated words. They were common everyday words in 1395 or 1611. Back then they meant something different than what Christians think they mean today.

• The English translation of a Greek word should always be the same (in other words, a Greek word should not be translated one way in some verses, another way in other verses, and yet another way in other verses. This kind of inconsistent translation is a bad practice, yet it is common practice in most Bible versions). This is not always possible, but usually it is.

• The English translation of a Greek word should be unique (the Greek word is unique, its English translation should also be unique).

• The English translation of a Greek word should be a translation and not a transliteration (except for proper nouns). Words like, baptize, blaspheme, and deacon are transliterations whose true meanings are hid.

• The English translation should portray the Greek word's construction and meaning.

• The English translation's meaning should be understood by unchurched people, not just by people who have studied the Bible for years.

Because the Bible should be Correct

Because the Bible should be for Everyone

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

This (and the companion file) do not display properly in e-Sword!!!!!!!!!

According to the blurb, this is "A More Accurate Bible." It has "higher translation standards", and "a higher level of accuracy and readability". It is "more consistent, more precise, more contemporary and more correct".
I am sorry, but these claims are simply delusional. This work does NOT have higher standards; it is NOT more accurate or correct. It operates on translation principles which sometimes lead to absurdity. For example in Romans 8.8 it reads, "Now they that are in a physical body cannot please God." Really? Did not the Lord Jesus have a physical body? Did He not please God fully? But the "translator" is applying a seriously erroneous translation principle which fails to take account of the variety of ways in which the NT uses the term "flesh". 
Translating God's holy Word into any language is a serious responsibility. It is not for every Tom, **** & Harry to produce his own translation incorporating his own idiosyncrasies. I therefore find it quite impossible to understand why those responsible for 'E-Sword' allow their excellent program to be used for the propagation of this kind of "translation". Are there NO standards to be met before someone can set himself up as a Bible Translator? I mean no ill to the person responsible, but surely it is WRONG to encourage this kind of nonsense masquerading as serious Bible translation.  

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