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There have been 169 items by Eliran Wong (Search limited from 07-June 23)

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Greek-English Bible (biblehub.com; Berean Interlinear; Strong's no.; morphology; transilteration) 2.3 in Bibles

Hi, Thanks for the great work. I'm running e-sword 11.0.6 and the BIBi...

GRVi 4.2 (corrected); Greek-English Interlinear NT (Interlinear; Variants + NA28 markers; Strong's no.; Parsing; English glossary [Mac/iPad/iPhone or PC v11] & [Android - MySword] 4.2 (corrected) in MySword Modules -> Bibles

Thanks for the great work. I'm new to e-sword (11.0.6) on PC...

corrections to e-Sword greekot+; Septuagint; LXX 1.0 in Bibles

Hi all, I errors found in official e-Sword greekot+ are more...

Greek-English Bible (biblehub.com; Berean Interlinear; Strong's no.; morphology; transilteration) 2.3 in Bibles

I noted a formatting issue in John 5:3 in original source file. I will update the files here.

SBL Greek New Testament (textual variants; visual comparison) 1.1 in Commentaries

added another commentary GNTvar.cmti to work with ancient Greek font ......

Greek-English Bible (biblehub.com; Berean Interlinear; Strong's no.; morphology; transilteration) 2.3 in Bibles

a link on working community behind the translation: http://berean.bible/committee.htm

Greek-English Bible (biblehub.com; Berean Interlinear; Strong's no.; morphology; transilteration) 2.3 in Bibles

Hi Rod,  Berean Emphasis Bible had not yet been available...

https://marvel.bible - Hebrew Bible; BHS (5th ed.); interlinear English; morphology; Strong's no.; Hebrew lexeme; analytical lexicon; ETCBC (version 4c); e-Sword (Mac / iOS / iPad / iPhone) 2.5 in Bibles

version 2.5- a commentary module ETCBC.cmti added

https://marvel.bible - Hebrew Bible; BHS (5th ed.); interlinear English; morphology; Strong's no.; Hebrew lexeme; analytical lexicon; ETCBC (version 4c); e-Sword (Mac / iOS / iPad / iPhone) 2.5 in Bibles

version 2.4- corrected missing clause and phrase markers in BHS5m.bbli- corrected...

https://marvel.bible - Hebrew Bible; BHS (5th ed.); interlinear English; morphology; Strong's no.; Hebrew lexeme; analytical lexicon; ETCBC (version 4c); e-Sword (Mac / iOS / iPad / iPhone) 2.5 in Bibles

"will work with forthcoming new files, does NOT work with old files" this apply only to numeral entries of morphological information

https://marvel.bible - Hebrew Bible; BHS (5th ed.); interlinear English; morphology; Strong's no.; Hebrew lexeme; analytical lexicon; ETCBC (version 4c); e-Sword (Mac / iOS / iPad / iPhone) 2.5 in Bibles

2.3- ETCBC.dcti updated, numerical entries for morphology now include pronominal suffix,...

https://marvel.bible - Hebrew Bible; BHS (5th ed.); interlinear English; morphology; Strong's no.; Hebrew lexeme; analytical lexicon; ETCBC (version 4c); e-Sword (Mac / iOS / iPad / iPhone) 2.5 in Bibles

remarks on transilteration displayed in BHS5i.bbli: Ketiv-qereWe base the phonetics on the...

https://marvel.bible - Hebrew Bible; BHS (5th ed.); interlinear English; morphology; Strong's no.; Hebrew lexeme; analytical lexicon; ETCBC (version 4c); e-Sword (Mac / iOS / iPad / iPhone) 2.5 in Bibles

version 2.2- BHS5i.bbli added; traditional interlinear view, this file for Apple users ONLY- ETCBC.bbli & ETCBC+_.bbli removed temporarily

https://marvel.bible - Hebrew Bible; BHS (5th ed.); interlinear English; morphology; Strong's no.; Hebrew lexeme; analytical lexicon; ETCBC (version 4c); e-Sword (Mac / iOS / iPad / iPhone) 2.5 in Bibles

update version 2.1- all Hebrew entries in dictionary module, ETCBC, revised,...

Greek-English Bible (biblehub.com; Berean Interlinear; Strong's no.; morphology; transilteration) 2.3 in Bibles

version 2.3 - Strong's numbers fixed for BIB+, BIB++ and BIBi