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There have been 7 items by 2thePoint (Search limited from 24-May 23)

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#22277 The Gift New Testament

Posted by 2thePoint on 25 September 2014 - 07:01 PM in Modules In Progress

A few months ago I completed and uploaded an edition of the Maori Bible, of which a great deal of text, color, and paragraph formatting went into it. All of this work was done in SQLite Manager. Prior to this I had no idea of RTF coding, and so it was a real steep learning curve for me. What was (and still is) even worse was that my understanding of and ability to speak Te Reo Maori was and is extreme limited, and so checking if a word was correctly spelled and etc was quite a daunting task. So, then being dependent on a couple of Maori dictionaries which didn't have all the words and loan words even further exasperated the problems I was facing. However, I muddled my way through it, and put out an edition that, by the looks of it, all the typos, incorrect spelling was fixed. So in many respects I understand the frustrations you are facing.


Adding in text is not difficult to do, and as for footnotes and etc is also not difficult to do even working from a Database manager to do providing you know a bit of RTF code. For more information on RTF specification and code, just click on the link below to download it for your reference.




As for the Preface, and/or introduction of a work, usually this is placed in the Comments field of the Details table of the Database.


Well, I trust this has been helpful to you.


Oh yeah, before I forget, When I did the Maori Bible, I used an existing Bible database file as the template. All that was changed was the actual data. That meant I didn't have to create a database file from scratch.



Thanks, APsit190. I did finally figure out that the Preface could be in the Reference Library, and the commentary and footnotes go in the verses table of a .topx database. I also found some basic RTF info and was able to write php code to substitute it for any html.


Good to know I'm not the only one who has had to do a lot of searching and trial-and-error to get this done. I had hoped the manual or someplace on the website would have had schemas or other tech info rather than presuming everyone will use a word processor for their originals. But happily I was able to finally get this done. It didn't help that I was unfamiliar with e-Sword and had to install Wine and try to get enough understanding to test my data.


Thanks again and God bless.

#22272 The Gift New Testament

Posted by 2thePoint on 25 September 2014 - 02:06 PM in Modules In Progress

Well, what I've been able to figure out, I uploaded. I have no idea if I did the upload properly, but hopefully it works. :)

#22248 The Gift New Testament

Posted by 2thePoint on 23 September 2014 - 01:44 PM in Modules In Progress

Hi APsit190,


I do have a sqlite reader, which is how I learned what to set up for the Bible module itself. But I have no examples of non-inline footnotes or prefaces. And once I have all that, then all I'll need to know is how to upload it to the e-Sword site for other people to download.


It would just be so much easier to look at database schemas than to hunt all over for bits and pieces.

#22240 The Gift New Testament

Posted by 2thePoint on 23 September 2014 - 07:56 AM in Modules In Progress

I could figure it out if I knew what fields were required. I've looked everywhere for examples or specifications but haven't found any. Everything I've seen always assumes the use of ToolTip or similar software to produce the database. Is there someplace where he has this information available?

#22225 The Gift New Testament

Posted by 2thePoint on 22 September 2014 - 04:34 PM in Modules In Progress

Generally, footnotes are included as a separate commentary file.  At least one of the premium modules (NASB, I think) has the footnotes as pop-ups, but the formatting of them is something that Rick Myers hasn't made public (at least not to my knowledge).

Thanks, Bradley, good to know.


So, does Rick Myers not especially want people making modules from scratch then, since it would require divulging too much detail about database structure, encoding, etc? Since my original text is in html, I really don't want to deal with RTF or other text formats.

#22223 The Gift New Testament

Posted by 2thePoint on 22 September 2014 - 02:33 PM in Modules In Progress

I'm almost done making the module. Remaining questions:


  1. Are all footnotes inline, or is there a way to encode them to popup?
  2. Does the Preface require a separate module?
  3. How does one submit a module to e-Sword?


I'm creating this from a mySQL database using php scripts that I wrote, so if anyone can tell me what exactly goes in the sqli database, that would be great.

#22149 The Gift New Testament

Posted by 2thePoint on 15 September 2014 - 07:01 PM in Modules In Progress

I haven't heard anything more for a long time, so I started to learn how to make TGNT into a sqli database. I hope to have the verses marked in a couple weeks, and I think I know what tables and columns are required. If anyone tell me what else is needed for a module, I'd be most grateful.