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#38683 Bibles - Commonwealth of Israel Bible

Posted by ps144one on 23 August 2020 - 01:42 PM in New e-Sword Downloads

The Commonwealth of Israel Bible was started as a project to reflect the best-known Hebrew/Greek to English translation available without influence of Western Gentile thought or denomination. Removing from the English text the influence of the Catholic Church and the Protestant churches that unknowingly worship at the feet of the Catholic Pope.


This is not to be sold or reproduced for profit.


Every care is taken to not "add anything … or take anything away from.." the Holy and perfect word of God.


This is an ongoing work to reflect an accurate translation from the Hebrew and Greek text into English, using the latest Manuscript evidence. As in every translation, it is not perfect. We only do our best with the tools we have to reflect an accurate account of the original text. Not all books are completed as this is an ongoing project; we will try to upload updated versions as they are completed.


The following changes, though not exhaustive, have been made.

1. Changes to English words that are not common amongst translations have the STRONG/THAYER number associated. This will allow the reader to see why the change was made and to determine the translation for themselves.


"Old Testament" Changes

1. All references to "LORD" have been replaced with Yehovah.

2. All references to "GOD" (not God) have been replaced with Yehovah.

3. "Old Testament" references to "the Lord" replaced with Adonai when speaking of God and Adoni when speaking of man.

4. The Red Sea or Reed Sea is replaced with Yâm Sûph (Sea of the End H5486) using the Hebrew word Sûph as noted several times to be "the End" and not "Reed."

  1. See Patterns of Evidence documentary for more information. https://patternsofevidence.com

5. "Law" is changed to "Torah."


"New Testament" Changes

  1. Jesus is replaced with Yeshua
  2. Christ is replaced with Messiah
  3. Translation Issues from Hebrew and Greek into English based on lexicon.
    1. i.e., Galatians 3:10 – EK is not "of" but “out of, from, away from,” or by inference "outside of."
  4. "New Testament" references to the "Old Testament" in Bold and Italic letters. (Not all books completed yet)
    1. "Old Testament" references updated to match the actual verse of this translation rather than the Septuagint. Most scholars agree the translation used by new testament writers when referencing the scriptures was the Septuagint. (Not all books completed yet)
  1. John 6:4 removed, as the earliest known manuscripts show evidence that it did not exist and evidence from early and late biblical Historians and Scholars. This change is to correct the chronological order of the Gospels and substantiate the one-year ministry of Yeshua as proclaimed in scripture.
    1. It is a small but overlooked fact that one of the requirements for a sin offering is the sacrifice was a lamb. A lamb is defined as a sheep or goat, not more than one-year-old. Isaiah 61:2 to proclaim the year of Yehovah's favor.
    2. John 6:4 is an essential verse because the ministry of the Messiah was to be one year. Adding an extra feast would go against Prophesy and make it a 3-year ministry. Some may be okay with that and actually defend a 3-year ministry. However, the word of Yehovah is true and accurate.

i. CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA, STROMATA, I, 21, 145 "… And Jesus was coming to His baptism, being about thirty years old," and so on. And that it was necessary for Him to preach only a year, this also is written: "He hath sent Me to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord." This both the prophet spake, and the Gospel.

ii. ORIGEN, FIRST PRINCIPLES "DE PRINCIPIIS," BOOK IV, 5 … [Yeshua] taught only during a year and some months…

  1. (HOMILIES ON LUKE 4:19) Following the simple sense of the text, some say that the Savior preached the Gospel in Judea for only one year, and that this is what the passage "to preach an acceptable year of the Lord…" (Isaiah 61:2) means…

iii. "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!

  1. The testimony of the Scriptures testifies that 6:4 is wrong.

i. The bible says all Judean Men must travel to Jerusalem for the feast. We read in John that He is going in the wrong direction. Yeshua never missed a feast, nor would He. If He did, He could not be the Messiah.

ii. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM ARCHBISHOP OF CONSTANTINOPLE (ca 347 – 407 A.D.) "How then," saith some one, "doth He not go up unto the feast, but, when all are pressing to Jerusalem, goeth Himself into Galilee, and not Himself alone, but taketh His disciples with Him, and proceedeth thence to Capernaum?" Because henceforth He was quietly annulling the Law, taking occasion from the wickedness of. the Jews. - Homilies of Chrysostom

  1. Even though Chrysostom hated the Judeans, He recognizes that Yeshua was heading in the wrong direction.
  2. Gospel timeline omits the event.

i. All four Gospels record the feeding of the 5000.

  1. Mathew, Mark, and Luke record the Feast of Tabernacles after that event.
  2. Only John adds the Passover event.
    1. This adds a year of unrecorded events that do not align with the chronology recorded in the other Gospels.
  3. Yeshua is not in or going to Jerusalem as required by Torah.
  4. Historians

i. EUSEBIUS OF CAESAREA (ca 260 -- 340 A.D.) For it is evident that the three evangelists recorded only the deeds done by the Saviour for one year after the imprisonment of John the Baptist, and indicated this in the beginning of their account. - CHURCH HISTORY, BOOK III, CHAPTER XXIV: The Order of the Gospels (excerpts)

ii. ORIGEN ON JOHN 5 "But if this feast [in John 5] were that of the Pasch (for its aname is not added), the sequence of the account is cramped, and this is especially the case since a little later in John 7] it is added that 'the Jews' Feast of the Tabernacles was at hand."

  1. Does not account for 6:4. It was not in the manuscripts from which he is commenting.

iii. ZACHARY PEARCE (1777)  [Some] are of the opinion, that the word πάσχα is an interpolation; and I think, that the whole verse is so… It does not appear from the evangelist's account, that Jesus was present at a feast of the pass-over here mentioned; and yet it seems probable, that he, who fulfilled all righteousness [Matthew 3:15], would not have been absent from a feast of the pass-over which (as is here said) was then nigh at hand.

iv. Gerhard Vossius (Amsterdam 1643) … there is no need for us to say that John 6:4 was first written… "But the holy day of the Jews was approaching," and that the text had to do with the holy day Tabernacles… but the copyist, since he was not paying attention to it, wrote Pascha [Passover]… the ancients… seem not to have read the word Pascha at John 6, since they say that Christ predicted one year, or even a few months besides.

v. HENRY BROWNE (1844) The reading of the text [in] John VI:4… though it is found, I believe, in all the MSS and versions, could not have been found in the text of the two first centuries.

vi. IRANAEUS, ADVERSUS HAERESIES BOOK 2, CHAPTER 22, SECTION 3 "It is very surprising how [the Valentininas] claim o have found the depths of God and have not searched the Gospels to see how often after his baptism the Lord went up to Jerusalem… and there celebrate the feast of the Passover…" "…The first time he went up to the feast of the Passover wass after he had made wine out of water in Cana of Galilee [in John 2]… After that he went up to Jerusalem for the feast of Passover the second time. At that time he healed the paralytic who had been lying beside the pool for thirty-eight years [in John 5]…" "…Again he departed to the other side of Lake Tiberias [John 6:1], where, when a large crowd had followed him, he satisfied that entire multitude with five loaves of bread [John 6:2-14]…Then is is written that six days before the day of the Passover he came to Bethany [in John 12]. From Bethany he went up to Jerusalem and ate the pasch [in John 13] and suffered on the following day [in John 19]. Now, everyone will admit that these three times of the Passover do not make one year.

  1. Though Irenaeus believed in a 20-year ministry of Yeshua, the reason why he makes John 5 a Passover instead of Shavuot. We see that he counts all the Passovers in John and does not mention John 6:4 as one of them.
  2. HENRY BROWNE (1844) "…I think, incontestably, that S. Irenaeus did not read the words [the Passover] in S. John vi.4 If he was so anxious to find a Passover where none was (v.1.), he was not likely to overlook a passage where one was mentioned, especially as he notices the contents of that very passage…
  3. Manuscript Evidence

i. OMITTED1,2,3

  1. MS 163
  2. MS 742
  3. MS 850
  4. MS 1634
  5. MS 2206


  1. MS 156
  2. MS 178
  3. MS 187
  4. MS 472
  5. MS 748
  6. MS 2525
  7. MS 2684


1NESTLE-ALAND 27 9th PRINTING (2006) JOHN 6:4 o vs 1634 pc

2TEXT UND TEXTWERK (2005) OM VS4 163, 1634, 2206

3VON SODEN (1907) JOHN 6:4 om 4 I1386 (MS742-Lambeth place) K¡20 (MS850-Vatican, Barb.gr.504)

4TEXT UND TEXTWERK (2005) VS 4 CUM ASTERISCIS VEL OBELIS 156, 178, 187, 748, 2525, 2684

*The obelus (obelisk) is believed to have been invented by the Homeric scholar Zenodotus, as one of a system of editorial symbols. They marked questionable or corrupt words or passages in manuscripts of the Homeric epics.


2.0 Version Updates

  1. Changes to comments section
  2. Fixed remaining references of the word Jew to Judean.
  3. Added comments on 6:4 removal
  4. More translation updates from Hebrew/Greek into English to accurately reflect the original text and not the bias of the translators.
  5. Fixed Blue Letters for Apocrypha and included the missing verses in Esther.

2.1 Version Updates

  1. More translation updates from Hebrew/Greek into English to accurately reflect the original text and not the bias of the translators.


Words of Yeshua in Red

#38722 e-Sword ToolTip Tool NT

Posted by ps144one on 05 September 2020 - 12:47 PM in Module Creation Tools

I keep receiving this error. And when exporting to .bblx Revelation 22:21 never shows up after export.
Report the following:
⎕WI ERROR: Unexpected error
DBExec[11] ret←obj ⎕wi 'XExec>ds' sql
DBExec[11] *

#40163 Bibles - Commonwealth of Israel Bible

Posted by ps144one on 23 December 2020 - 09:29 PM in New e-Sword Downloads

So Where's the link to the module?

Commonwealth of Israel Bible - Bible Support