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There have been 6 items by hpcolus (Search limited from 11-June 23)

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#30541 Handling references in Spanish (eg Gn 2, 1-4)

Posted by hpcolus on 24 April 2017 - 11:14 AM in Module Creation Tools

Thanks for the tip.  I did not know MS WORD handles regex.  That will be useful to "convert" spanish references to the american style (chapters separated by ":").


I wish tooltip tool (or eSword) handles the Spanish references in which chapters are separated by commas.    


For example in MS excel you can set up the thousand separator for USA as "," but for latinamerica as the "."  In a similar way, allowing the keep the Spanish format for bible references is ideal.  It looks like eSword at the moment cannot handle that.  For a "personal" project I certainly can convert to the american/English format.  But for a third party organization I am dealing with, that option is not possible.

#30516 Handling references in Spanish (eg Gn 2, 1-4)

Posted by hpcolus on 20 April 2017 - 07:03 PM in Module Creation Tools

As stated in the request


is out of the question as is prone to errors in a document with more than 10,000 references


not all commas followed by a number are = to a chapter only "known bible book abbreviations followed by a space followed by a number followed by a comma and followed by space and followed by a number is a valid full reference"


In addition, if e-sword is an open international tool, it should support different styles of biblical references.  People in Spain an Latin-American are used to a different style, why to force a change to an unfamiliar format for them?

#30509 Handling references in Spanish (eg Gn 2, 1-4)

Posted by hpcolus on 20 April 2017 - 09:45 AM in Module Creation Tools

In spanish bible comentaries commonly uses a format for bible reference different that in English

For example  Mt 1, 5 is equivalent to Mt 1: 5.  The tooltip for Mt 1, 5 converts it to Mat_1:1-25; Mat_5:1-48

 which is not right.


How to handle the spanish format for bible citations in creating commentary files?  Manual conversion of comas to ":" is out of the question as is prone to errors in a document with more than 10,000 references.





Thankw in advance




#30361 Computer Science: e-Sword and Databases. Part 2

Posted by hpcolus on 24 March 2017 - 05:04 PM in Tutorials

Since I have a custom XML, a converter will just convert to custom tags.  It will convert to csv, but the tags that are recognized internally by e-Sword on the sqlite will not appear on the file, requiring a manual process to complete in NTtooltip.  As a programmer I think I will most likely generate a HTML to be imported to NTtooltip and then from there I will export to sqlite format.  If I had an official documentation of the "tags" that e-Sword understand and the bookname list and all possiblle abbreviations since I will be converting from two different languages directly into sqlite.

#30342 Computer Science: e-Sword and Databases. Part 2

Posted by hpcolus on 23 March 2017 - 10:39 AM in Tutorials

Thanks for the information.  but having the information encrypted for this type of module do't you think that defeats the pupose of "openess" of eSword? I have bibles in custom xml format and I would like to automate a conversion to e-Sword without using manually NTtooltip.  Besides knowing the booknames, I also nned the information of basic html tags in order to identify the books, the chapters, and the verses.  Do you know where that information is available in bible support?  I need also the same for creating commentary files, again without using NTtooltips.

#30300 Computer Science: e-Sword and Databases. Part 2

Posted by hpcolus on 17 March 2017 - 09:59 PM in Tutorials

What database stores the booksnames in different languages?   I know the Books are numbered from 1 to 73, but I would like to get the books names.  Are those available in SQLite tables/database?