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#28651 What's Still Broken As Of e-Sword 11.06?

Posted by yediydeyah on 19 August 2016 - 11:12 AM in e-Sword Questions & Answers

I am having issues downloading and installing bible modules.  (This problem has been present since 11.0.5)  When I initiate a download (say bible modules), the download proceeds as normal, however the installation process is interuppted with an error message that states:

Error encountered opening Bible file C:\Programs Files (x86)\e-Sword\name of module.bblx


After a little digging, I found the temp directory where the modules are being downloaded to (which for me is c:\Users\my user id\AppData\Local\Temp\DownloadXCtrl\name of temp directory (changes each time)


In this temp directory, the files are downloaded with a .bblx.tdx file extension.  To get the modules to load correctly into e-Sword, I copied the .bblx.tdx files over to the proper e-Sword directory and renamed them from .bblx.tdx to .bblx


It seems as though the logic to copy the .tdx files over to the proper e-Sword directory and rename them to .bblx is failing.


I have screen shots (I can't seem to attach them to this post...) detailing all of the above and hopefully can be addressed via a patch or updated release.  I thought this would have been fixed in 11.0.6 but that didn't seem to be the case.


In terms of the operating system, I am running Windows 10 Home Edition (without the anniversary update installed).