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emilzalez's Content

There have been 20 items by emilzalez (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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e-Sword ToolTip Tool NT(only runs in Windows environment) 2020.04.11 in More Categories -> e-Sword Utilities

Never mind, I got it. Thank you for your work, is amazing. Blessings.

e-Sword ToolTip Tool NT(only runs in Windows environment) 2020.04.11 in More Categories -> e-Sword Utilities

I believe you, brother. But how to go around that problem?...

e-Sword ToolTip Tool NT(only runs in Windows environment) 2020.04.11 in More Categories -> e-Sword Utilities

Hello there. Traying to download tool tip but the browser finds it as dangerous. What can I do? I'm using Chrome.Blessings.

In The Word Study Bible (Commentary) 1.0 in Commentaries

Excellent work. Well planned and worked. I love it.

Biblia del Oso in Bibles -> Foreign Language

My question is based on the format, that is bibli; however it says that is for e-sword.

Biblia del Oso in Bibles -> Foreign Language

Es para Esword o Mysword?

Wide Margin (general) Notes.notx in More Categories -> Study Notes

Just curiosity but it has a difference from the official one?...

Wide Margin (general) Notes.notx in More Categories -> Study Notes

Saddly, the file dont appear in esword. I've tried but ir not opens.

Mauro, Philip - Speaking in Tongues 1.0 in Reference Library -> Reference Books (topx)

I speak in tongues, but my wife (and many others), who...

Proper Name Bible YLT 1.0 in Bibles

Sorry, what is the point. So confusing.

Patchworkid's Study Bible Set MySword 1.5 in MySword Modules -> Bibles

Is this for Mysword only?

Patchworkid Study Bible Set 1.1 in Bibles

But of course! notx files have to be in my documents / e-sword folder. Silly of me.

Patchworkid Study Bible Set 1.1 in Bibles

For me it doesn't work. And can;t find the refx either. No sure if something failed while installing.

Patchworkid Study Bible Set 1.1 in Bibles

For an unknown reason I can't see your notx file, it...

Hastings, James - Dictionary of the Bible (1909) 1.0 in Dictionaries

Has this version any illustration? I've found none yet and I use ve 10.1