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There have been 16 items by tengwer (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#20494 how to create a link to specific bible?

Posted by tengwer on 17 February 2014 - 07:03 PM in MySword

I got the answer from the MySword team and it works! :D   Here is their reply:

You can actually check the generated HTML of Journal entry with Bible link which can be created by Premium/Deluxe users using any SQLite manager/editor. Anyway the syntax is:

<a class='bible' href='#bRom 8:28/KJV'>Rom 8:28</a>

You can place the specific module abbreviation after a slash. You can also include the KJV before the </a> as it is just display text.

MySword Team

#20480 how to create a link to specific bible?

Posted by tengwer on 16 February 2014 - 12:30 PM in MySword

yes, I did try that and it did not work.

#20473 how to create a link to specific bible?

Posted by tengwer on 15 February 2014 - 09:16 PM in MySword

I know how to link to default bible as follows: <a class='bible' href='#bRom 8:28'>Rom 8:28\</a\>


But how do I create a link to a specific bible. I tried <a class='bible' href='KJV #bRom 8:28'>Rom 8:28\</a\> but this did not work.  Thanks for the help! :D





#17194 Utley, Bob - You Can Understand the Bible: Study Guide Commentary

Posted by tengwer on 27 May 2013 - 11:50 PM in MySword

I managed to convert the esword version after fixing a few parsing problems with the verse references.  I have not checked the mysword version thoroughly but it looks good on first appearence.  I used database2rtf to convert the esword file to rtf then fixed the problems then created the mysword file again using Tooltip then converted it to TheWord format using TheWord Importer utility and then converted it to MySword using the mysword conversion tools.

Attached Files

#17054 looking for concise intros to bible books

Posted by tengwer on 20 May 2013 - 12:27 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Hi, Tengwer,


Here's a couple of links:


**NT Intros and surveys: try out this link to my website. I'd recommend starting with Pearlman, but all of them are good.


**OT Intros and surveys: here's the OT link to my website. Again, Pearlman is good.


**Full Bible Intros and surveys: here's the link for surveys on both testaments (all the books of the Bible). The ones by Barrows and/or Tidwell are especially good (as is the one by Alice Hodgkins).


I hope this is helpful.

Thank you!  Pearlman is excellent.  I will also look at the others.

#17042 looking for concise intros to bible books

Posted by tengwer on 19 May 2013 - 03:12 PM in e-Sword Modules / Resources

Could anyone reccomend a good book that gives quick concise outlines and info on each bible book. 

#16282 link to current reference in strongs

Posted by tengwer on 18 March 2013 - 06:08 AM in MySword

What would the format of a link be that opens a strongs reference resource to the current strongs number being viewed in another reference.  For instance, let's say I have strong's ref #1 opened to H100.  How can I create a link in strong's ref #1 that does not use the H100 as a reference but when clicked on within strong's ref #1 will open to H100 (or whatever strong's number I am viewing) in ref #2?  In other words, at the top of ref#1 would be a link that says ref#2 but this link would not have H100 in its content.  I tried something like <a href='d-ref#2 %1'>ref#2</a>  where %1 would be a variable pointing to the current strong's reference being viewed.

#16146 Markup codes MySword

Posted by tengwer on 07 March 2013 - 11:57 AM in MySword

I have looked at the above and cannot figure out how to link from one resource to another.  I have a link in one of my resources that I want to point to the topic H1 in my Strongs concordance.  The file name for the strongs is strong.dct.mybible.  In my resource I tried creating the link <a class='dict' href='d-strong H1'>H1</a>  But it does not work (not sure what I am missing from the above instructions).  Could you please help me with this?  Thanks!

Ok I figured it out.  I changed the name of the resource abrev and forgot.  :wub:

#16125 Markup codes MySword

Posted by tengwer on 06 March 2013 - 09:04 PM in MySword

I have looked at the above and cannot figure out how to link from one resource to another.  I have a link in one of my resources that I want to point to the topic H1 in my Strongs concordance.  The file name for the strongs is strong.dct.mybible.  In my resource I tried creating the link <a class='dict' href='d-strong H1'>H1</a>  But it does not work (not sure what I am missing from the above instructions).  Could you please help me with this?  Thanks!

#16115 No sort option in converting TheWord to Mysword?

Posted by tengwer on 05 March 2013 - 11:55 PM in MySword

Sorry I didn't clarify.  I see this option in Journal/books..  You can switch between ID and Title.  But in dictionaries there is no such option that I can see and there are times I don't want my material in a table of contents I create to be sorted.  For instance,  there may be sections that I want in the order Salvation folowed by Growth in Christ but after converting from Esword to TheWord and having it in just the order you want when you convert it to MySword (dictionary module) it puts everything in alphabetical order.  Is there a way around this?  Thanks for your help! :D

#16102 No sort option in converting TheWord to Mysword?

Posted by tengwer on 04 March 2013 - 07:54 PM in MySword

When I convert a TheWord module to a MySword module it is automatically sorted alphabetically.  But there are times when I do not want it sorted alphabetically.  Even when I do not have it sorted this way in TheWord it still comes out alphabetical when I use the MySword conversion tools.  Is there any way to have the conversion process leave things unsorted?

#16008 Utility to convert doc to sqlite

Posted by tengwer on 28 February 2013 - 05:45 AM in MySword

Thank you so much!  I figured this out just now before reading this post.  Just a question:

At the top I see the following in Tooltip:

define description=DESC

#define abbreviation=CWS

#define comments=CMTS

#define version=3

#define strong=0

#define nosort=0


 but do not see #define prefix=PRE-#0

I can add this in and change the PRE-#0 To #1 as you said but what does this line tell the program to do?

#16001 Utility to convert doc to sqlite

Posted by tengwer on 27 February 2013 - 07:04 PM in MySword

I tried that out but I only saw a way to create a topic by hand -  nothing where you could paste a whole book in and have the program automatically turn it into a module.  Could you point me in the right direction in the program where this is possible?

#15992 Utility to convert doc to sqlite

Posted by tengwer on 26 February 2013 - 10:55 PM in MySword

On TheWord Import Utility there is a disk file conversion utility that allows you to put several files in a folder and then have them converted to a book with each file name being the topic name and each file content being the topic content.  If this can be done then isn't there a utility that can take a preformatted whole document with tags created to show each topic name and mark off the topic sections as below:


[Topic Name 1]

topic content


[Topic Name 2]

topic content


Is there a utility that could take the whole file and parse it and break it into its sections as above marked off by the tag lines to quicklly create a book or dictionary module in sqlite format?  I know this could be done from a programming perspective but is there a utility out there already created?   It sure would be immensley handy to use! :rolleyes:

#15991 greek font messed up

Posted by tengwer on 26 February 2013 - 10:47 PM in MySword

Thanks for the offer but I since did some research and figured out what I need to do and have created a macro to do some converting.