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There have been 3 items by James Rice (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#33813 Collections - Anderson, Sir Robert - The Works of Sir Robert Anderson

Posted by James Rice on 25 June 2018 - 05:05 PM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Anderson, Sir Robert - The Works of Sir Robert Anderson

File Submitter: James Rice

File Submitted: 25 Jun 2012

File Category: Collections

Author: Sir Robert Anderson
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x

Admin Note: Updated 6/25/2012 - This module has been painstakingly re-formatted. The old formatting was terrible.

Sir Robert Anderson was born in Dublin, Ireland on Mat 29, 1841 and was of Scottish descent.

His father was an elder in the Irish Presbyterian Church and he was raised in a religious home. Anderson's conversion took place after listening to a sermon delivered by John Hall. Anderson described the event:

"[Hall] boldly proclaimed forgiveness of sins, and eternal life as God's gift in grace, unreserved and unconditional, to be received by us as we sat in the pews. His sermon thrilled me, and yet I deemed his doctrine to be unscriptural. So I waylaid him as he left the vestry, and on our homeward walk I tackled him about his heresies ... At last he let go my arm, and, facing me as we stood upon the pavement, he repeated with great solemnity his gospel message and appeal. 'I tell you,' he said, 'as a minister of Christ, and in His name, that there is life for you here and now if you will accept Him. Will you accept Christ, or will you reject Him?' After a pause — how prolonged I know not — I exclaimed, 'In God's name I will accept Christ.' Not another word passed between us; but after another pause he wrung my hand and left me. And I turned homewards with the peace of God filling my heart."

Sir Robert Anderson graduated from Trinity College, Dublin, in 1862 and was called to the Irish Bar in 1863. He later became Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police and Chief of the Criminal Investigation Department at Scotland Yard. When he retired in 1901, he was made Knight Commander of the the Order of the Bath. W. H. Smith, on the floor of the House of Commons, said Sir Robert "had discharged his duties with great ability and perfect faithfulness to the public."

Sir Robert has been called a "secret service theologian," because in addition to fighting crime in London he wrote several books on Biblical doctrine. He was close to some of the most well-known teachers of his time, including James M. Gray, C. I. Scofield, A. C. Dixon, E. W. Bullinger, and he preached along with J. N. Darby. Sir Robert was a member of the Plymouth Brethren and later with the Open Brethren. Among his many theological accomplishments, Sir Robert defended the authenticity of the book of Daniel at a time when it was being vigorously attacked.

He wrote many books, some on political subjects but most teaching doctrine.
Sir Robert Anderson died on November 15, 1918.

Books by Sir Robert Anderson included in this module:
  • The Coming Prince
  • Forgotten Truths
  • The Gospel and its Ministry
  • The Lord from Heaven
  • Redemption Truths
  • The Silence of God
  • Types in Hebrews
  • A Doubter's Doubt
  • Christ and Criticism
  • "The Way"
  • Daniel in the Critics Den
  • Election and Lordship
  • Human Destiny
  • Misunderstood Texts of the Bible
  • Sin and Judgment to Come
  • Spirit Manifestation and the Gift of Tongues
  • The Bible or the Church
  • The Honour of His Name
  • The Lord From Heaven
  • The Resurrection
  • The Bible and Modern Criticism
  • The Entail Covenant
  • Unfulfilled Prophecies

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#33811 Reference Books (topx) - Berkhof, Louis - Introduction to N.T

Posted by James Rice on 25 June 2018 - 05:05 PM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Berkhof, Louis - Introduction to N.T

File Submitter: James Rice

File Submitted: 06 Apr 2012

File Category: Reference Books (topx)

Author: Berkhof, Louis
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
Suggest New Tag:: New Testament, Gospels, General Epistles, Pastoral Epistles

Updated: 4/6/12 by Cato - Removed horrible formatting and produced clean text.

In his book, Introduction to the New Testament, Louis Berkhof investigates the history and purpose of the Gospels and Epistles in the New Testament. Berkhof's sections begin with a brief outline followed by a comprehensive look at the characteristics, authorship, composition, and canonical significance of each New Testament book.

Preceding his discussion of the Gospels, Berkhof discusses the nature and inspiration of the Gospels in general, and introduces the Johannine problem, in which the first three Synoptic Gospels are set apart from the latter Gospel, John. Berkhof's Introduction relies on the findings of a wide range of New Testament scholars including the early Church Fathers.

Berkhof's references are very easy to navigate which makes Introduction to the New Testament a prime text for student study. In fact, Berkhof intended this work to be utilized in the classroom at Calvin Theological Seminary where he taught for nearly 30 years until becoming its president in 1944.

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#33809 Reference Books (topx) - Larkin, Clarence - The Book of Revelation

Posted by James Rice on 25 June 2018 - 05:03 PM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Larkin, Clarence - The Book of Revelation

File Submitter: James Rice

File Submitted: 16 May 2012

File Category: Reference Books (topx)

Author: Larkin, Clarence
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x

Updated 5-16-2012.  Added graphics and reformatted original also tool tipped existing scripture references.

This is the Rev. Clarence Larkin's guide to the Book of Revelation. Larkin, who published several books about biblical studies in the 1910s and 20s, was a 'Dispensationalist,' one of the threads of modern Evangelical Christianity. The predecessor of Larkin is J.N. Darby, the founder of Dispensationalism, and among his many successors are Hal Lindsay, and the Left Behind books. Unlike more recent authors, however, Larkin does not make any claims to know when or exactly how the prophecies will unfold. Rather he takes us on a grand tour of the Apocalypse of St. John, and guides us through its images, symbols and poetry. Larkin sorts out what could be a reference to an actual event or person, (without attempting any particular association) and what is pure symbolism. Larkin uses bold type extensively for emphasis, as well as some superb 'visual aids' in the form of intricate charts and maps. Contrasted with other prophetic books such as Nostradamus and the Sibylline Oracles, Revelation has a consistent narrative with a beginning, middle and end. It is also one of the essential sacred texts and required reading for anyone interested in religion. This book will be a welcome reference for anyone studying or trying to explain Revelation, whether or not they are Dispensationalists.

About the Author:
American Baptist pastor, Bible teacher, and writer, Clarence Larkin was born October 28, 1850, in Chester, Delaware County, Pennsylvania. He was converted to Christ at the age of 19 and then felt called to the Gospel ministry, but the doors of opportunity for study and ministry did not open immediately. He then got a job in a bank. When he was 21 years old, he left the bank and went to college, graduating as a mechanical engineer. He continued as a professional draftsman for a while, then he became a teacher of the blind. Later, failing health compelled him to give up his teaching career. After a prolonged rest, he became a manufacturer. When he was converted he had become a member of the Episcopal Church, but in 1882,he became a Baptist and was ordained as a Baptist minister two years later. He went directly from business into the ministry. His first charge was at Kennett Square, Pennsylvania; his second pastorate was at Fox Chase, Pennsylvania, where he remained for 20 years. He was not a premillennialist at the time of his ordination, but his study of the Scriptures, with the help of some books that fell into his hands, led him to adopt the premillennialist position. He began to make large wall charts, which he titled, ""Prophetic Truth,"" for use in the pulpit. These led to his being invited to teach, in connection with his pastoral work, in two Bible institutes. During this time he published a number of prophetical charts, which were widely circulated. When World War I broke out in 1914, he was called on for addresses on The War and Prophecy. Then God laid it on his heart to prepare a work on Dispensational Truth (or God's Plan and Purpose in the Ages), containing a number of charts with descriptive matter. He spent three years of his life designing and drawing the charts and preparing the text. The favorable reception it has had since it was first published in 1918 seems to indicate that the world was waiting for such a book. Because it had a large and wide circulation in this and other lands, the first edition was soon exhausted. It was followed by a second edition, and then, realizing that the book was of permanent value, Larkin revised it and expanded it, printing it in its present form. He went to be with the Lord on January 24, 1924."

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