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There have been 6 items by kneubrander (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#31022 I'd like to delete a file from Biblesupport..... how?

Posted by kneubrander on 12 July 2017 - 05:26 PM in Tutorials

Thanks Josh.

I wrote this file.... I suppose that means I have the copyright.


#30939 I'd like to delete a file from Biblesupport..... how?

Posted by kneubrander on 26 June 2017 - 09:12 AM in Tutorials

  I'd like to delete a file from Biblesupport..... how?

#30636 how do you remove a module?

Posted by kneubrander on 08 May 2017 - 08:42 PM in Tutorials

I right clicked on the name of my file that I want to delete but no delete option came up....... I have 2 modules that are on Biblesupport.com and I want to remove them from Biblesupport.com

#30634 Reference Books (topx) - Neubrander, Ken - Jesus Identified in the New Testament

Posted by kneubrander on 08 May 2017 - 08:19 PM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Neubrander, Ken - Jesus Identified in the New Testament

File Submitter: kneubrander

File Submitted: 07 May 2017

File Category: Reference Books (topx)

Author: Ken Neubrander
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
Suggest New Tag:: Protestant,Jesus,Lamb,Christ, Messiah, Son of God, Shepherd,Nature of Christ,Love,

This is a searchable list of different facets of Jesus as given in the New Testament. Version 2a has corrected many of the broken links and errors that were in version 1. Also, a much more thorough listing of texts has been made. If you have version 1, you should replace it with version 2a !

It has sprung forth from the parable of the 10 Virgins (Mt 25) which makes a key point that we should go to the buyers and the sellers (while there is still time) and buy the "oil" necessary to light the lamps needed for entrance to the marriage feast. It is my firm belief that the "sellers" of this oil is primarily the Gospels and the writings found in the Bible. I have limited this file to the systematic review of the New Testament with pertinent Old Testament texts being included at times.

My suggestion would be to read as a "devotional" over the course of several weeks the listings (just use the arrow key to go down the list)........ then go back and pick a book of the Bible, and read the listings of just that book looking at the texts on the right side of the screen that support that concept........ then do the same thing for each book of the New Testament. (the "listing" is basically in order from Matthew to Revelation with some exceptions).

This tool is also very good to do a search with as it will bring up a pop-up box with all the "listings" that match your search criteria: (which you can just scroll through using the arrow keys)
some suggested searches are: "responsible", "changes the fate","children of disobedience", " 2nd coming"," judge", "blood", "power", "glory", "as God", "king", "worship", "word", "light","teacher", "righteous", "Saviour", "salvation", "Father", "right hand", "throne", "Lamb", "foundation" ,"Creator" ",truth", "believe", "Spirit", "resurrection", "life" ........... and many others.

May your relationship grow much deeper with Jesus if you already know Him, and

May you see and confess Jesus as YOUR PERSONAL Saviour if you have never given your heart and life to Him before ..... before Mt 25:10 (last 3 words) and Mt 7:23 (last 7 words) and Rev 22:11 take place.


Click here to download this file

#29880 Reference Books (topx) - Jesus as Identified in the New Testament

Posted by kneubrander on 23 January 2017 - 10:28 AM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Jesus as Identified in the New Testament

File Submitter: kneubrander

File Submitted: 23 Jan 2017

File Category: Reference Books (topx)

Author: Ken Neubrander
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
Suggest New Tag:: Protestant,Jesus,Lamb,Christ, Messiah, Son of God, Shepherd,Nature of Christ,Love,

This is a searchable list of different facets of Jesus as given in the New Testament.

It has sprung forth from the parable of the 10 Virgins (Mt 25) which makes a key point that we should go to the buyers and the sellers (while there is still time) and buy the "oil" necessary to light the lamps needed for entrance to the marriage feast. It is my firm belief that the "sellers" of this oil is primarily the Gospels and the writings found in the Bible. I have limited this file to the systematic review of the New Testament with pertinent Old Testament texts being included at times.

My suggestion would be to read as a "devotional" over the course of several weeks the listings (just use the arrow key to go down the list)........ then go back and pick a book of the Bible, and read the listings of just that book looking at the texts on the right side of the screen that support that concept........ then do the same thing for each book of the New Testament. (the "listing" is basically in order from Matthew to Revelation with some exceptions).

This tool is also very good to do a search with as it will bring up a pop-up box with all the "listings" that match your search criteria: (which you can just scroll through using the arrow keys)
some suggested searches are: "changes the fate","children of disobedience", " 2nd coming"," judge", "blood", "power", "glory", "as God", "king", "worship", "word", "light","teacher", "righteous", "Saviour", "salvation", "Father", "right hand", "throne", "Lamb", "foundation" ,"Creator" ",truth", "believe", "Spirit", "resurrection", "life" ........... and many others.

May your relationship grow much deeper with Jesus if you already know Him, and

May you see and confess Jesus as YOUR PERSONAL Saviour if you have never given your heart and life to Him before ..... before Mt 25:10 (last 3 words) and Mt 7:23 (last 7 words) and Rev 22:11 take place.


Click here to download this file

#29327 Reference Books (topx) - Neubrander, Ken - Tell me about Jesus from the Gospe...

Posted by kneubrander on 31 October 2016 - 09:24 AM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Neubrander, Ken - Tell me about Jesus from the Gospels, Acts and Romans

File Submitter: kneubrander

File Submitted: 31 Oct 2016

File Category: Reference Books (topx)

Author: Ken Neubrander
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
Suggest New Tag:: Jesus,Nature of Christ,Divinity of Christ,Gospels,Extra Oil,Holy Spirit,Faith, Prophecy


We need the Extra Oil in the parable of the wise and foolish virgins. That is the key thing in the parable.

We are counseled to go to the sellers and buy it.

I believe the best "sellers" is the Four Books of the Gospels (with support from other Bible books).

This module will give you a searchable tool to identify and become better acquainted with Jesus. If you use the arrow keys to scroll down the "chapter list" on the left of your screen, you will find it to be almost like a devotional reading. (also, this list follows along to a great degree with the order found in the Bible: first Matthew, then Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans). If you do word searches (for example: 2nd coming) you can use your arrow keys to scroll down that pop-up list..... you will find that it will find "concepts" rather than just words ("2nd coming" is listed as an actual word in the Bible that eSword would find exactly zero times....) thus making this a nifty tool in its own right !

Jesus prophesied of "false Christs" and 2Cor 11:14 tells us that "Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light". Government trains people to recognize the TRUE dollar bill and never trains them to look at counterfeit bills, knowing that whoever really knows the TRUE will correctly identify the false. That would apply to these end times as to the claims put forth by men or "angels". Study the TRUE and you will know what is false. This module is an attempt to help in your study of the True and Living Lord, Jesus Christ !

When you take the time to be in His Word, you have been to the "seller" and it is my firm belief that the EXTRA OIL will be yours !

Please consider downloading the other 2 modules by this author: "The Voice" and "Knowing God Better" (see bottom right side of this page)

Click here to download this file